To all of you with good taste...a word..

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Strap yourselves in for a deep, beautiful tapestry of a tale of magic, growth, love, hate and a deeper crave for vengeance...
Before we commence, do keep in mind;
💠All of the chapters so graciously written are DEFINITELY drafts...constantly evolving ofc
💠Do ignore the minor cussing, helps the words seep out of me. Not permanent for most parts.
💠There's a splinch of violence, it is a warrior academy, duh, nothing graphic , just wanted to add that cus I've seen other writers do it. Not your thang, bye boo...
💠Feel free to comment, open to CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, if you a hater, well we can't all have taste
💠If your also an author with a similar vibe, lmk, support one another.
💠Be a dear and vote, that stuff be looking fancy...

P.s if your wondering why I'm writing this prologue 8 chapters later...
Evolution, I'm new here

Honestly that's all for now...
Let the art unfold...
Xoxo, Moi

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