Chapter 12

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I'm in a detainment cell...
Icy, metal chains dig into my wrists.
Fear eats up in me. The torches outside burn.
Chains....chains...WTF is happening.
I slam my hands on the bed rails.
" Let me out BASTARDS!"I shriek to the empty jail cell, fever weighing my eyeballs.
After an hour of losing my shit, I slam back into the pillow, unconscious.

" REI, this is your seventh detention," Mom says.
"I hate bullies," I say not meeting her eyes.
" I know love, " she says stopping the car and turning my face.
" But if there's anything, ANYTHING you want to tell us, pa and I are all ears..."

I awaken with a jolt, less feverish. I turn to my left there's an IV drip attached to my wrist right above the chains.

Keys jingle. Dazed I turn my head and see someone walk towards me.
Rage fuels from within.
"REI, calm down," Ethane says hands crossed.
" CALM DOWN?? I'M F***ING DETAINED IN THIS STINKYASS-" pain splits through my head.
I drop my face into my cold palms.
Focus Rei, deep breaths.

Something light touches my face.
I look up.
Ethane placed a warm cloth on my forehead.
I snatch the cloth.
" Piss off," I says burying my face into the cloth.
He sighs
" Rei, I'm trying to help here, the committee wants to hold a meeting to decide your fate, without you. I insisted they wait to hear your side of it, proof of your innocence. If you cooperate-," he says.
" Innocence? WTH-" I stop.
The maze. It all slams back into me.

" Did I kill..." I trail off.
" No, he's fine, but very bruised," Ethane says.
" They think I did this SHIT ON PURPOSE??" I ask, the pounding in my head rising.
"They want to bring you in for questioning, I was sent to see if you were stable for the meeting, you need to calm TF down," he says gesturing outside.
I see two guards staring at me from outside.
My mind is racing, I want to scream my ass off.
Focus Rei. Ignoring my shivers I suck in a breath.
" Fine," I say.
I need some answers.
Ethane nods approvingly, he then gestures the guards who walk in and simultaneously remove my shackles. They slide to the bedsides with a clang. My wrists have turned an ugly shade of blue.
I feel my stabbed arm, its healed for most parts but bandaged heavily but feels removed from the rest of me.
Slowly I lift myself off the bed and carefully place my feet on the stone floor.
My feet give way, scrambling, I quickly grab the bed rails and lean against it, hair covering my eyes.
I suck in a breath.
" Give us a second, " Ethane says ushering the guards out.
"Listen, these people are gonna fire all kinds of questions, stay focused, " he says.
I look him in the eyes.
Then leaning on my IV, I manage to walk out.

The sky is gloomy today. Exiting the cell, my skin feels glassy. I shiver and clutch my elbows .

We make our way across the Academy grounds. Students stare as I walk. I don't care.
I catch myself in the windows reflection and my exhausted eyes widen...I look like death on a stick.
My skin looks ghostly, my eyes lost and empty.
Veins just drawn crazy over my skin and yet still so fine.

We enter a chamber where I see all the heads in a round table. Principal Zelda sits at the highest seat looking menacing.
I still don't care, I'm trying to not fall face first.
Theres an empty chair at the other end of the table. The guard pushes me to seat myself.
I plop myself on the chair wincing at the stars that cover my eyes.
Using all my strength and will, I remain upright. I cower to nothing.
Hit me bitch.
I catch Zandar looking at me, face unreadable.
" Reia Aze, do you know why your here?" Candor asks getting up.
" Something happened in the maze," I say.
" Something? Child you destroyed a whole half legal property," Candor says.
A pictures passed to me, my eyes widen. The walls for the remaining third of the maze are obliterated.
Walls so huge the sky looked small all have human sized hole burnt through them.
I did that.

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