Chapter 3

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I stare with disgust.
"You could've died, " he says.
" Instead my family did," I say.
"I saved your life princess, you couldn't have saved him" he says.
I throw my water in his face.
Excessive but my minds racing to fast for me to give a shit.
"Go to hell," I say and slam my door.
Dammit I'm still thirsty.

Next day an alarm sounds across the dorms, I awake with a jolt.
Liza a prefect, walks in clapping her hands, " Assembly, downstairs NOW freshmen!"

"Listen up runts! " Candor, the head trainer calls, "There's talk of incoming war, the Kirches' leader declares violence on the kingdom, clearly they've they not destroyed enough. The king wants new warriors and he wants them NOW. You all should be done wetting your pants and be shiny, new warriors by the end of the year, or else, "he pauses and stares at the crowd,  stopping at me, " leave."

" You think they'll let us use the guns now," I ask in Combat class dodging a blow from Fiore.
The guns are weaponry that shoot a jet of magic that could disarm or worse, annihilate an individual. Depends on who's behind the gun. Used only by Arcane warriors.
" You a master of Arcane yet? " Fiore asks parrying my smooth technique. She was always unjustly better at weapon less combat. " I could be," I say ," surprise attack!"
I launch a blow only to get blocked and my arm twisted.
"OKAY YOU WIN," I say still locked. "Arcane's a gift, takes years of practice, misuse it," she says shoving me hard. Years of training kick in and I stick my landing.
" And you might as well be a Kirche," she finishes.
" Bitchy," I say. I still trust her more than a lot of people in the academy.
It had been 300years since the discovery of Arcane was made in the country.
Since, economies have gloriously flourishing, health issues  resolved, development of life  at its peak, many had started . A civilisation had grown. Citizens started practising using it, weapons were fashioned.
Then chaos reigned, the prince Kirche wanted more. Dark magic was practiced and no sooner, the child was banished. This lead to an army being built, battles raged between him and his father till eventually, his brother Arian defeated him. Land was divided. Arian so innovative, called his Aria, and Kirche did likewise. Since, every citizen was forbidden to ever practice magic, those who are born with it must-

I slam the history book shut. If it weren't for this war , I'd have a family.
The bell sounds. Its time. I take a deep breath.
Shoving the book back between the shelf. I begin sprinting towards the training sector for freshmen.

I enter. No ones here yet.The training hall in itself is very constructive, there's glass battle rings that float in the centre. And the rest of the space is packed with equipment from punching bags to knife chucking targets. I raise my fists and begin pounding the punching bag. Die bitch.
" You'll never make it ," Darwin says pushing me. " Your here cuz of luck, almost like you planned-
"BOOF!" The punching bag slides across the floor. My knuckles red. After the day of the attack, I had awoken in the academy an orphan. The council had held a meeting, Zandar agreed to take me in under her batch. Only hiccup was, I was two years behind and this academy was very exclusive and only the 'exceptional' got in. So ofcourse I'd had MANY friends. For most parts, I was left alone. Till I started becoming amazing at each subject, then the enemies came. Clarice's bullying was nothing, she amused me, but Darwin, he'll pay.

"REI!" I snap out of my thoughts. Lyra stands in front of me waving her huge hands. She then sees the punching bag. " Nervous?" she asks. " Estatic," I say picking it up.
" Relax they're aldready shit scared of you, easy match," she says helping me carry it, " win or lose dont matter."
I whip my head and glare, " I HAVE to win, finals start in a month, this fight will be my last chance at doing the finals..."
" Sure this not you getting revenge on that jackass Darwin," Cary asks joining us.
My mind races through all the taunting, pointing. I'd promised myself he'll pay. I always keep my promises, especially the ones to myself.
"If we're paired together, minor convenience," I say.

"Let the withdrawals begin!" A prefect calls as she and Ethane enter the stage.
" Simple rules, one don't kill, two no permanent injury this leads to reduction of points, three no substance or, bye bye academy, four judge's word's the final word."
" Finally, use of any form of Arcane," Ethane says, "leads to expulsion." And for an instance his gaze fixates at me before flicking his blue eyes on the students. Jackass. Across the stage I see Darwin, upon catching my eyes he winks at me. I flip him off.
" Let the dueling begin, " Zandar says firing a shot at the stage and it floats higher, illuminating blue.
" Elsa's in the house," I tell Lyra who's now wiping sweat off.
" Kick ass Ly," I say as we do our handshake.
" First contestant, Lyra Zegler from Tower Zandar and Theodore from Costaz." She steps on the arena, nothing unusual, till it tilts. Holy shi- .
" That's right folks, this is going to be slippery, " Costaz says. The battles begin.

To all of you with good taste, this is DEFINITELY a draft, just a mild history lesson so you guys know wth just happened, but now let the plot thicken. Yea, tell your friends and strap yourselves in.

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