Chapter 11

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This is it...this is my glorious end...

I heard snarls. The ground was moist from my blood.
Only, HELL NO. Take a planet to defeat my amazing ass
The grichle was very slowly advancing. I didn't get this far to be stopped by this shit.
I look around, groggy and then the wheels around my brains spin.

Barely lifting my staff, I throw it at the creatures face, hard.
It howls and launches at me, I tuck and roll.
The grichle hits the hedge as I launch excruciatingly to my feet, in a haze I limp blindly and see it.
The red box.
With my hands bloody from my wound I scramble to tear it open just as the beast races towards me.
My legs gives out and I fall on my back. The beast leaps towards me and I smirk.
" Die fugly, " I say.
Loading the flare gun I shoot right through it's open mouth.
The beast pauses and then gets flung back screeching a grotesque sound as it implodes.
Holy shit.

I lay on the grimy soil staring at the sky as the sun BARELY brings light.
I feel like shit.
Crying aloud I use my other hand to push me to a sitting position.
I wince as I turn to look at my injury.
A small cry escapes me.
Above my elbow theres three gaping lines now oozing blood.
I wanna scream, cry and puke at the same time. My gorgeous slender arm.
I start leaning back my eyes shutting, trying to ignore this shit trap and just sleep.
NO, we've got to keep it moving.
Taking a deep breath, I start slowly removing my jacket.
Its leather so after three attempts of tearing it with my hands I curse and shoot a hole right through the end of the sleeve.
Tugging the hole, I rip till I have a good chunk of fabric.
I need a tourniquet.
Holding my breath I take the fabric and-
" F***!" I scream as I tighten it around my arm.
I take another piece of fabric and construct a tourniquet with ONE hand. Talented, I know.
The bleeding soaks up the cloth but doesn't leak it. I hastily put my jacket back on. I'm losing time here.
Wincing, I crawl towards my staff and gently use it as a crutch to lift myself. I look around and find my dagger in a pile of ashes.
Slowly bending I reach, wipe it and place it in my belt along with my gun. I don't bother trying to fix my hair. I do look appealing regardless.
Turning forward to my path. I suck in a breath. That the best you got...

Biting my lips I proceed limping through this shithole.

After what feels like years I find a pattern in the mazes structure. Every right turn leads to a new pathway, however on the fourth turn, it's a dead end.
Ever so often in the distance I hear screams. There's a reason this shit was called the hell games.
After three gongs I enter a pathway where after years of training, a buzzing sound halts me. Booby trap.
Throwing a pebble forward I slightly jump back as fire burns it to a crisp.
Taking a step back I do a running jump with my staff and launch myself to the edge of the path.
I land in my usual badass pose only to cry out loud.
My arm feels like hell and all its fore fathers. I don't need to look, I know its infected. FML.
Determination fuels me.
I get moving.
Another gong sounds... It's been 7 hours.
I still haven't  made it to the mfggbhshbd middle.
I have 5 hours and 45 mins till sunset.
My head feels so dizzy.
I begin sprinting through the rough, soily ground. Digging hard into it with my staff in every step.
I see an opening.
I walk through and nearly collapse.

Its the middle of the maze.

It's a big open space with something metallic in the centre. I rush to it.
It's a map. Carving the full structure of the maze...I release a sigh.
" About time," I say out loud. I know their watching.
" Reia?"
I turn. Its Marke.

" Oh Markey ," I say as he laughs and joins me followed by Caleb and Fiore.

"Secret club? no one invited me," I say as they join me.
"We met at a cross section, by the way you look AWFUL, you okay?"
"Oh just those bad hair days," I say attempting to throw my hair back but wincing so hard, my eyes tear. OUCH.
"Woah... hang on we got bandages," he says as Caleb opens a bag and throws me some.
"That looks deadly," Caleb says as I unravel my makeshift drenched bandage.
"No shit, it was a Grichle," I say ," badass I know."
" A Grichle??" Marke asks in shock.
" Perfect, they got my colour right," I say as I remove the fabric. My skins turned a dark shade of purple.
" Oh my god, its infected" Fiore says as I unravel the bandage and try wrapping it around my arm and it keeps slipping.
"Oh for the love of God, let me," Fiore says coming forward.
"Don't, " I hiss, managing to wrap it around my arm.

"Guys, enough," Marke says helping me.
" REI, I shouldn't have talked about your past like that," Fiore says," I-"

" Guys if we follow through that path and keep heading right THRICE and then constant lefts we'll be out in no time, " I say pointing straight and then make my way to the entryway.

" Real mature," Fiore says. Oooh this beech.
"Listen bitch, I'm bleeding to death here, I don't have time for your shit, it's bad enough having so many people trying to drag you down, I didn't need it from you, we're done here," I say and stab my staff into the soil, walking off.
" Rei wait, its safer if we all go together..." I hear Marke say but I just dim it out.
I feel my face heat up, I hate confrontation, I hate pettyass drama.
I hadn't realized how pissed I was at Fiore till today.
I was so sick of-

I stop in my tracks.
I blink and look up, I was so lost in thought, I'd hit a dead end.
A FRICKING dead end.

Another gong sounds.
I curse.
"Hush peasant," someone's filthy ass voice says.
I turn gritting my teeth.
It's the filth Darwin.

"So its true, they do throw garbage waste in here," I say looking him right in the eye.
" Oh my father paid me a way back into the tournament, " he says, " two things, you'll never have."
I smirk," fuglys a nepo baby, I'm shocked."
He throws a punch that I dodge and then return one to his face.
He falls back for a split second and then pounces back.
He throws a shot, I dodge.
Fighting a component's against the rules but I doubt the judges care.
I throw, he dodges.
He throws his fist and I grab and twist it.
He yells and then throws a punch to my broken arm.
I fall back and he pushes me to the ground.
Taking his sword he stabs right into my bandaged arm.
SON OF A BITCH. I see a hundred stars all imploding in my vision.
Pain rips through me.
Tears cover my vision.
I try to kick his face away only to have him press his finger harder on my wound as he drags me to my fallen gun.
I scream as I feel the pain drowning me.
I'm slowly blacking out.

I hear him yell.
The force on my hand is gone and I fall to the ground. Every part of me hurts like shit.
Tears sweeping out of my eyes I turn my head in a mere daze.
I see Fiore kicking Darwin.
" Don't mess with my friends, " I hear her say.
They both spar. I hear a thud.
Hands grab my shoulders.
I turn to see Fiore shaking me

" Rei hang in there, we're almost out."
Its hurts to breathe.
I just stare, my vision leaving and  coming back.
She tries helping me up when I hear her yelp.
Darwin's grabbed her foot. He slams her to the ground and then chokes her.

Something ignites in me.
Flames consume me.
Ignoring my bleeding, I get to my feet, hair flying wild around my face. 
Purple blinds my eyes.
I feel uncontrollable power from within.

" See you in hell bitch," I barely hiss.

Screaming my pain, I slam my fist into the soil and and see purple electrify the ground.
Everything explodes...


" REIA!" he screams as the Kirches drag him.
" KAEL!" I cry. Purple, SO much purple.
I awaken with a start, my heart pounding. Uugh my head.
Its pitch black...
Where the hell am I?
I feel around, there's a mattress beneath me.
I try lifting my hand to push the hair out of my face. It jerks back. Wtf. Something icy clings my wrists.
I look at my hands.

They're chained to the bed frame.

Dearest fanbase, 
This will be an update till quite a while as  I have examinations to endeavour. Enjoy. Do try and ignore the cussing, assists with effects...
Till next time.
Xoxo, moi

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