Chapter 7

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"Let me go you bitch," I scream as someone lifts me off the ground holding me so tight I'm choking. I can't see shit. I'm dragged away as my screams are lost in the wind.
I twist, kick, pinch, ooh someone's gonna pay.
My mask is ripped off and some bitch pushes me. Cold wind whips my face. We're on the Costaz tower rooftop. Shaking with rage I turn to see the ballsy captors.  There's Darwin, some fat shit from the Costaz Tower and I gasp.
" Cary, WTF??" I demand, my voice hoarse as I see my friend standing looking panicky. Two- faced little-
" Since we're not the devil Kirches, we'll try with mercy, leave the academy and never return peasant, " Darwin says nose still in plaster walking forward.
Amidst all the pain a shaky laugh slithers out of me," big mistake,  no one threatens me," I punch his face, " and lives to tell the tale." With that the fat guy advances at me and I move with ease only to hear Darwin the pig yell, " CARY!"
Two- face throws something at me. I cough. Whatever strength I had seeps away. Darwin grabs me by my neck. I'm now leaning against the low wall of the roof. Spots start filling my eyes. " Should've stayed in the dumps peasant, "  Darwin whispers as his fat fingers wrap around my neck. My vision blacks, memories flood in. This is it. Ma, Pa...K-
Darwin's yell echoes through my lobes. My death grip's released and I collapse to the grimy rooftop floors choking for air. I look up to see a figure knocking my three captors unconscious and then making it's way to me.
For final attempts I kick at it," hey, hey, meth head it's me," he says. Through tears I look up and see ," Jackas...?"
I lose conscious.

I wake up to the dim lighting in the infirmary. Ethane sits on the stool beside my bed looking down.
Oh god, they put me in hell, I was so young.
Upon my stirring he looks up.
"What-" I barely croak.
" You were attacked by the Costaz wimps," Ethane says. Everything floods back. So does my rage.
" I'll kill them," I say softly. " Don't waste your time, they're being suspended tomorrow, " he says.
"Cary...two faced son-," I say getting up only to be greeted with pain. Calm down Rei.
"Ok sit back, " he says gently pushing my shoulders back down as he adjusts my pillows.
" Thanks ," I finally manage after years of loathing the guy. 
" I was just saving the dorm's star pupil," he says. I'm too exhausted for this.
" How did you find me?"
" Was on patrol," he says," heard a damsel in distress, unfortunately, it was you."
"Amusing," I say grinning creeping in. Ok that's it.
"Why'd you do it?" I ask finally.
" What?" he asks ever so oblivious.
"Not save my brother," I ask.
At this he stares, bewildered. 
" Do you really not remember that night?" he asks.
" Oh good, you can pay your monthly rent now," Nurse Pottz says entering with perfect timing, " child will you ever learn. "
" Shockingly, they attacked her this time," Ethane says.
" Exactly Nurse Hottz, I was an attractive victim," my hoarse voice manages. She observes my throat and looks concerned. I don't blame her. It is me.
" Does Zandar know?" she asks.
" First person to," Ethane says.
" They could've killed you, if it wasn't for arrogant Hercules, I'll have a word with Zandar."
" I knew you cared," I say yawning.
" Oh get some sleep child," she says shooing Ethane. He glances at me almost hesitant before leaving. I sigh weakly. Thank God, weirdo.
  " That bitch did WHAT?" Fiore demands.
Its morning and Ethane to helps Fiora with her stuff and fills me in on the details of yesterday's surprise attack.
"Apparently that powder thingy she threw at you was Nightmorph." he says leaning against the bed rail.
" But that's illegal, right," Fiore asks looking my way. I nod. My voice has depleted. And Nurse Pottz banned me from talking the whole day. Woe is me.
" Cary's been in principal Zeldas office all morning. Your lucky it was  just a  splinch,  that crap could've had you in a coma," Ethane says looking at me.
I fake smile and roll my eyes.
" Listen, I gotta run for training but Lyra and I will be back to help you with your stuff later ok?" Fiore says pushing her curly hair back. I nod still in thought.
After they leave I drag myself to the hospital loo, wincing every step of the way. Upon entering I wash my face and stare hard at the hot chic behind the mirror. My hazel eyes stare back at me. I push my black hair out of my neck and wince as I see the bruises that shit Darwin left.
I lose it. I scream my frustration off my weak voice. They will pay. Messed with the wrong bitch. In the midst of all this frustration I pound my fist into the sink only to have purple flood my eyes. What the hell??
I look back up ,HOLY SHI-
" For heaven's sake child is it so hard to be silent," Nurse Pottz says opening the door with impeccable timing. I stare down at the sink and then glance back up at the mirror. My eyes look the same. For a split second they looked... purple.  Now nothing. Almost like I'd imagined this shit or something.
" You need rest child," Nurse Pottz says guiding me back to my bed. 
In a mere daze I head off and hit the pillow hard, sleep consuming me

" Gurl you sure your good for hospital leave, look a bit ..." Lyra says.
" Vampire attractive, " I say as I take my shit-drink from Nurse Pottz.
" Sure but like just the dead part," she says helping me with my bags.
" Thanks bestie," I say my eyes too exhausted for a 360. She's right though, ever since my breakdown, my veins have made quite an entrance. Kinda hot, not gonna lie.
" Same time tomorrow ?" Nurse asks me.
I choke a laugh.
After crossing the seven seas Fiore tears the dorm door open with her foot and everyone inside stares.
" I do make quite the entrance, " I say ignoring their stares as my dorm mates make their way to me.
" Almost missed that painful voice of yours," Nathen says as Fiore dumps my bags on him. " I'd say the same, but I never really noticed your voice," I say as he smirks only to stop midway.  I look up.
There's Cary with her bags.
" You bitch, you tried to kill me," I say shoving the skank.
"REI, leave it, let the authorities deal with her," Marke says holding my hand back.
" I had to!" she says ," my parents- "
I wiggle my wrist out of Marke's hand and push her and she attempts pushing me.
I'm hoisted off the ground.
" Leave bitch" Fiore snaps at Cary and the girl gets on her feet and smiles at me," at least I didn't use my whole stash..." the door opens,  the authorities, Arian police stand out.
Marke drops me as I push his hands. I walk upto her.
" Run, while you can...cus I will find you," I say as purple floods my eyes again.  Cary gasps and races out.
" Rei, you good?" Fiore asks after they leave.
I race out of the room. I run and run till I'm at the Zandar tower roof.

Heat races through my skin. Okay, breathe Reia...I'm so sick of this shit, I want out of this dump, I will avenge myself...Breathe.
I stare at a puddle of water and watch as the purple drain outs of my veins and my breathing slows.
I drop to the floor exhausted as the heat seeps off my head. The door opens and Lyra , Fiore, Marke and Nathen walk out.
" There's the drama queen," Nathen says joining me. Nathen was one of the first people I spoke to in the Academy, besides Fiore.
" Don't you'll have Karate class or some shit? " I ask.
" Girl it's a Saturday," Lyra says propping down next to me.
" Besides, I'd rather hang out with the star of the show," Marke says.
"Hey weren't you and Cary a thing once," I say.
" She was into Dad's money, not me," he says shrugging it off.
Plastic shit.
" I'm shocked," Fiore says sitting across us," Rei, what the hell was that?"
" What?"
" You taking for the hills?"
" Oh just needed a sprint, get the hospital stench off me," I say not looking at her.
She rolls her eyes but doesn't push it. And we just sit there, wind whipping around the academy, as the sun sets on this messed up kingdom , just random teenagers  training for a war that we didn't create. A war that'll  lift the veil off so many secrets.
A war that spill blood , sweat, more blood and tears.
I sigh, as I feel a growing flame within, torching my insides. I stare across the mountains.
I've come this far, I'm getting my vengeance.

Dearest fanbase,
Damn, this chapter took FOREVA...
But ooh is hot,

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