1- Graduation

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"It seems like yesterday that I was nothing. Then all of a sudden I'm a volcanic eruption. Then all of a sudden it's like spontaneous combustion. And I'm all up in your face, yelling "Bitch, you can't tell me nothing." Cause I came from the bottom,now everybody's watching. I said it was my time, now I'm who everybody's clocking." - Angel Haze


"I'm proud of you." my big sister, Jessica says, fixing my bow tie. A lot changed over the years. For one, all of us moved back to California after all the drama. Today's my graduation from high school, and tomorrow will be my eighteenth birthday.

"Thanks. Please, do not start crying." I say, growing annoyed. She has tears rolling down her face and everything. "I'm not crying... I'm just so proud of you." she mumbles. "My God, Jessica, you are twenty six years old and you still cry more than any three year old on earth." I say.

She pushes me. "Shut up. I hope you trip walking off the stage." she says. I laugh. "Whatever. I love you. Have you talked to Ant today? You know if he's coming to my graduation?" I ask. Ant is twenty seven and bitter as fuck now. He's still in his feelings about Jessica turning his proposal down again, then having sex with Montana when I was twelve.

She shrugs her shoulders. "You know he can't talk to me. Ms. Polly got him on a leash." she says, laughing, referring to his pornstar girlfriend, Polly Sanchez. I remember when I used to sneak and watch her videos on my iPod and Jessica would catch me. I also remember when I was in middle school, my friends and I would get in trouble for looking at her naked pictures and videos during lunch. That hoe is a hoe, period. Fine as hell, but a hoe with roast beef půssy.

I shake my head. Ant hardly even says two words to Jessica if it has nothing to do with the kids. She is single, but my brother be busting her ass when they think I'm sleep or something.

"I don't know what that nigga was thinking." I say, shaking my head. She giggles. "Me neither. He got with a famous pornstar of all people." she says. I stare at her for a second. "Let me find out you miss Ant." I say. It's not like her and my brother are together. They just fuck and chill like a couple. It works for them. She smacks her lips. "Please, I'm perfectly fine as a single woman." she says. "Whatever you say." I mumble, staring at myself in the mirror.

I put my diamond stud earrings in my ears, then comb through my short goatee using my fingers. "Ay, Jessica." I say. She looks up from her phone. "Yes? And hurry up, I don't want you to be late." she says. I nod my head. "I was about to ask, why did God make me so sexy? Look at me... dang I'm a fine ass nigga." I say, admiring myself in the mirror.

She laughs. "You so freaking cocky, Darius." she says. I shake my head. "I know I'm fine. I'm ready to go though, I'll go get the kids." I say, walking out of her bedroom.

I walk downstairs to my six year old nephews Noble and Majesty's bedroom. My five year old niece Reign is sitting on Majesty's bed playing with her toys. Long story short, Ant and Jessica some type of way ended up having a one night stand after her and Montana had a heated argument a year after the twins were born and she winded up pregnant with Reign. They claim they were drunk.

"Darius!" Reign screams, jumping in my arms. I kiss her cheek, then put her down. She is so cute, she looks just like Jessica but she has Ant's lips and nose. "Wassup? Yall ready to go to my graduation?" I ask. "Yes! I got dressed all by myself." Reign answers, smiling wide at me. "I'm ready. Will daddy be there?" Majesty asks. I shrug my shoulders. "Fuck daddy." Noble says under his breath, still laying in his bed.

"Ooooh! I'm telling mommy you said a bad word about daddy!" Reign says. I shake my head. I remember when Noble was born. He was a mean ass baby. He hardly ever smiled, all he did was punched on people and looked at people crazy. He didn't want anybody to hold him except Jessica and he'd only let Ant hold him every blue moon. Nothing really changed, he's still mean as hell for no reason. He just wakes up pissed off everyday.

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