15- Eye For An Eye (Prt. 2)

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"Baby girl more cutthroat than a razor." - Juicy J


"Yes, yes! I'll be more than your bitch and be your wife! Yes!" Polly exclaims, holding her finger out for me to put the ring on it. I slide it on her finger, then kiss her hand.

"I'm so happy!" Polly exclaims, jumping on me to give me a hug. "Yeah." I dryly say, pushing her off of me a little. I'm just not in the best mood and the proposal don't even feel all that special.

"I want our wedding to be larger than life, Ant! I want the doves... oh, and I want to throw hundreds to the guests as a thank you for coming! Yes, it'll be just like my old days when I was strippin!" Polly says, jumping around staring at the ring on her finger.

I shake my head, trying not to look at Jessica. I'm really surprised she even still sitting over there. I just can't bring myself to look her in her eyes right now.

I finally look at her. She's leaned back in the chair with a distant look on her face. She shifts in the chair a little, then forces a fake smile on her face as her lips tremble. "I... I uh... well, congratulations, Ant. I wish you the best, I hope you don't get aids from your fiance." she dryly says, putting emphasis on fiance as she stands up.

I don't really know what to say. I notice two tears roll down her face. She chuckles. "You like your ring?" she asks Polly. "Do I? Bitch, duh! This had to cost a few millions but my baby is balling!" Polly exclaims, twirling around staring at it. Jessica laughs a little. "Girl, his money only grew because of me, ask his ass how. And I'm glad you like the ring because it's not my taste. I didn't like it enough when he proposed to me with it, that's why I said no. But every girl's trash is another pornstar's treasure." Jessica says, innocently smiling.

I face palm myself. Polly slowly turns and looks at me. "Did you propose to that washed up bitch with this same ring?" she growls. "No, don't listen to her. She just being messy, she envy what we got, that's all." I lie, making her smile.

Jessica slams her fist down on the table then shakes her head, completely breaking down, crying. I would hug her, but knowing her, that hug would turn into her murdering my ass so imma stay clear.

"Fuck you, Ant! Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! I hate you!" Jessica screams, then flips the whole table over on me. She starts going crazy, screaming and throwing chairs all over my shit.

"Calm down." I demand. She starts breathing heavily, then punches a hole in my wall. "Don't tell me to calm down you low down dirty ass dog! Why the fuck everybody against me? Why, Ant! Everybody wanna see me down and unhappy! Fuck you, fuck Montana, fuck her, man, fuck everybody! Fuck the gotdamn world! Fuck my life, man, just fuck it all!" she screams, pacing the floor with her fists balled up.

Polly picks up the salt shaker that fell on the floor when Jessica flipped the table over on me, then launches that shit at the back of Jessica's head. My mouth drops as glass and salt go all over the place, mainly in her head. "You mad, bitch? Shit, you can come to the wedding, ian trippin." Polly says, dying laughing.

Jessica quickly turns around with her gun with the extended clip then lets off a whole damn round. Polly immediately falls, screaming as Jessica starts flipping the fuck out, shooting and any and everyhting as she screams. "Damnit." I groan, feeling the burn in my shoulder. I'm so familiar with the feeling of being shot. "I'm sick of mothafuckas fuckin with me! Hoe, if you lucky enough to not die with that hole in ya body, tell the police! I don't care, shit, let em come get me!" Jessica snaps, putting her gun back in her purse. She turns around then walks out, leaving my house looking like a war zone.

I glance over at Polly as she struggles to breathe. She got a fat ass graze on her neck. "Calm down. It's just a graze, you lucky." I say, picking her up, ignoring the pain in my shoulder. "Will I die?" Polly panics, crying. "If you keep on panicking, yo ass gone die from a heart attack. It's only a graze, calm down, bruh." I say, dragging her towards the front door by her weave instead. She too heavy.

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