You..... YOU?!

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"Its been three years,
And six whole months
Since I saw your face that night, Fourth." Gemini said, kneeling down on his knees to level down to Fourth's height, Who was sitting on the side of their bed, knees curled up in his arms, crying.

"And today, all I'm asking you, is for you to smile." He continued, in a cracky, teary voice, making Fourth look up at him.

"I'm the one crying Gem, why are you crying with me?" Fourth asked, in almost a whisper, to which Gemini simply smiled weakly.

"Because your tears are mine, Fourth. They don't suit you. You've got to give them to me, understand?" Gemini said in the softest tone, cupping Fourth's face in his warm veiny hands.

"Don't cry na, Gemgem." Fourth said with a cute pout, wiping Gemini's tears away with his thumb.

"I will. What you gonna do?" Gemini said, cry-smiling."

"It's okay, I'll cry with you then." Fourth said, laughing through his tears.

"You're not allowed to." Gemini said, in a hoarse voice.

Fourth smiled. He always manged to smile when he was around him.

Gemini chuckled.

"See, how much this smile suits you." Gemini said, caressing Fourth's cheek with his thumb.

"Bastard. What am I going to do without you?" Fourth chuckled now.

"Without me. Hmm. You might have to learn how to cook." Gemini said scratching his chin with his thumb and index.

"Awwh! What was that for?" Gemini cried as Fourth hit his elbow right into his stomach.

"Why were you crying anyways?" Gemini asked, organising his books on the desk.

"I just-"
"Ting!" A message popped up on Fourth's phone screen. Gemini knew why he had been crying. Societal judgements. He has known how tired Fourth is from all that, bit he waited for Fourth to open up. For now he had done something very risky only to lighten Fourth's mood... but...

Fourth took the phone in his hand and saw the post. He was tagged on it.

Fourth simply stared at it before leaving a deep sigh, which didn't go unnoticed by Gemini.

"What is it?" Gemini asked, leaning over to Fourths phone. Well, they had no secrets.

Gemini saw the screen and froze. He knew this moment would come, he just didn't know that the moment was now. Wrong planning. Danger alert. 
He looked at Fourth sheepishly. He knew he was dead meat.

"Where do you want your funeral, Hia Methun?" Fourth asked, taking a step towards Gemini with eyes sharper than the sharpest blade.

Gemini took a step backwards.

"Fot- I no I li.. listen to me I didn't- I didn't mean it I- I..  I can e-explain"
Gemini stuttered, before he fell down on the sofa after taking some 7 steps backward (fourth is scary rn)

Fourth aggressively turned the phone screen towards Gemini, showing him his deeds.

Gemini just hung his head low.

"You did not. You did not just post a picture of me stuffing my mouth with vegetables- that too a brinjal!"
Fourth blasted. He could've killed Gemini right now.

A brinjal?! That gives wrong meanings to those 3 million people out there you know!

Gemini looked at Fourth for a split second, smiled sheepishly and got back to hanging his head low.

"It's... cute." Gemini said softly, But it very obviously reached Fourth's ears.

"CUTE? Really Gem? Alright. Give me your phone." Fourth said, maintaining his composure.

Gemini hesitated, But did it anyways.

"There. Serves you right." Fourth gave the phone back to Gemini, after posting a picture of Gemini digging into his food like a pig.

"And don't you dare delete that post, Gem." Fourth said with sharp eyes, making Gemini groan in defeat.

He couldn't go against his kitten, even if it meant embarrassing himself infront of millions of people. He would. For Fourth.

"Brat." Gemini mumbled, only to get Fourth's anger filled glare in return.

"Brat? Really Gem? I'm gonna show you what it is to be bratty." Fourth said as he pounced upon Gemini.

"Ai'Fot!!" Gemini laughed as he felt Fourth's fingers tickling him on the belly.

"You deserve it. How dare you even post that shitty face of mine for the whole world to see hah?" Fourth laughed as he continued his revengeful action of tickling Gemini.

Fourth finally stopped in a while, gasping for air. The two of them lay down on the bed, next to each other.a

"So why were you crying?" Gemini sprang up suddenly, unable to maintain his curiosity.

Fourth, startled, was finding words to defend himself with. He opened his mouth, And closed it again, upon the failure of getting sufficient excuses to give to Gemini.

"I'm your boyfriend. Can't you tell me?!" Gemini exclaimed in frustration as he hit the bed with one hand that was parallel to Fourth's head. Fourth flinched.

"I..." Fourth didn't have the courage to tell Gemini that he was scared. Scared of people judging his for his relationship with Gemini.

"It's alright. Don't tell me. Maybe I'm not trustworthy enough." Gemini got off the bed with a pout and as soon as his back faced Fourth, his pout curled up into a smirk, knowing Fourth was going to follow him anyways. Tricks, you see.

"Gem! Gemmmmmm!" Fourth called out to Gemini, Who walked out of the room.


"Gem I'm sorry atleast look at me?" Fourth tried to turn Gemini to face him, the Gemini who was busy working in the kitchen.

"Gem- owwwwh" Fourth faked a groan as Gemini pushed him away.

"Aw! Fourth I'm sorry, Are you hurt??" Gemini turned around immediately, checking Fourth if he was hurt somewhere.

"Yes ow- its burning Gem don't touch it!" Fourth faked again, Just so he could have Gemini's attention all to himself again.

"I'm sorry na Fourth I didn't mean it- wait I just pushed you. Why is it hurting- FOURTH!" Gemini screamed in realisation. 4 years and he still cannot understand Fourth's tactics.

Fourth started giggling as Gemini simply gave a defeated but annoyed look.

He couldn't help let out a soft smile, realising how cute his Fotfot was.

"Sorry na, Gemgem. Sit here, I'll tell why your Fotfot was crying." Fourth said with a childish lisp, leading Gemini to the couch.


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