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"Fourth! Are you ready yet?" Gemini called out to Fourth who was in the bedroom for the past hour, getting ready for their movie date.

Initially, it was Fourth who wanted to see some particular movie, and now he was the one using up all his beauty products, not to mention the high usage of time too.

"Ai'Fourth if you're not coming I'm gonna go!" Gemini shouted from the living room.

"I'm comingggg naaa just a minute!" Fourth shouted back like a whining baby.

"You've been saying that since the past half an hour." Gemini murmured to himself but he didn't go unheard.

"I heard that bastard!" Fourth yelled.

"Sorrryyyyy" Gemini said in a long whining manner.

Fourth came out of the bedroom, adjusting his outfit.
He tapped Gemini's shoulder from behind.

"Finally Fourth you're he-" Gemini's jaw dropped, before he could even complete his sentence.

His eyes were fixated on Fourth's face.

Big doe eyes with long lashes, plump, rosy cheeks with the perfect tint of red, and his soft plushy lips he could kiss all day. Gemini was frozen. Stunned. Lured. And God knows what else.

"GEM!" Fourth's sudden raise of voice snapped Gemini from his loveful trance.

"Uh yeah?" Gemini asked, still dazed by Fourth's cuteness.

"Should we go now? Let's go." Fourth said pulling Gemini outdoors.

"No." Gemini said as he pulled Fourth back in, in one swift move, causing Fourth to bump into Gemini's broad chest.

Gemini trapped him in his arms. No escape.

"Gemm what are you doing let me go!" Fourth said as he wriggled himself to get out of Gemini's strong grip, But he couldn't resist his strength anyways.

"Gemm please na we're getting late again." Fourth whined, finally giving up on trying to free himself from his man's grip.

"Fot." Gemini said in a dreamy manner. Simply taking his lover's name upon his lips.

"What." Fourth asked, annoyed by Gemini's antics.

Wasn't he the one who wanted to reach the theatre early?

"You're beautiful," Gemini whispered before leaning in closer, his breath warm against Fourth's skin.

"I know--" Fourth's response was cut off as Gemini's lips crashed into his, sending a jolt of electricity through his body.

Makeup ruined, Fourth thought, but he couldn't resist the overwhelming sensation of Gemini's lips against his own.

Gemini's hands gripped Fourth's waist, pulling him closer and pushing him onto the sofa with an undeniable intensity.

But Fourth really wanted to see the movie. And it was getting late.

Breaking away, Fourth furrowed his eyebrows in frustration and anger, though his heart raced with excitement beneath the surface.

"What is it, Gem? What's gotten into you?" Fourth's voice was laced with confusion and concern, but Gemini's gaze remained fixated on Fourth's lips.

"A beast." Gemini breathed before reclaiming Fourth's lips, as he pressed Fourth's back onto the sofa.

His lips danced against Fourth's, making Fourth whimper.

His mind was attached to the movie, he really wanted to go see it, But his heart and lips, both were glued to Gemini.

"Stop.." Fourth tried stopping Gemini from disrobing him from the outfit he spent hours on.

Gemini pulled off, annoyed.

"Fine. If you insist." Gemini said coldly as he left Fourth and walked out of the house, getting the car.

Fourth knew Gemini was mad. But what could he do? They were getting late for the movie.

Fourth followed Gemini outside and sat on the seat next to Gemini.

"Are... you sulking?" Fourth asked slowly.

"Hm." Gemini hummed, speeding up the car, causing Fourth to flinch at the sudden force.

"Gemm." Fourth whined.
This wasn't fair. He can't start sulking especially when he was the one at fault. They were late for the movie!

Gemini remained silent. He was actually sulking now.

"Are you mad at me?"

All attempts in vain. Gemini wouldn't faulter. He was very angry.
Gemini stopped the car and parked it near a bush.

Fourth got down and held Gemini's arm, stopping him from going further.

Gemini looked down at Fourths hand holding his arm and looked back up at Fourth.

"We're getting late Fourth let's go."
Gemini said as he yanked his hand from Fourth.

Fourth seized Gemini's arm again, and put on a pleading face.

"Kiss me first." Fourth said.

"I'm not kissing you ever again." Gemini said with a sullen face.

"Gem I'm sorry naa." Fourth said in a soft voice, hoping Gemini would give in. But he didn't.

Gemini ignored him, grabbed Fourth's wrist and led him to the theatre which was booked only and entirely for them.

Gemini threw Fourth on the seat and sat on the seat beside him.

The movie had already started long way back and there was no way they could make out what the story was.

Fourth had lost all interest from the movie. He wanted to pacify Gemini and make that pout of his straight.
It annoyed him. Sullen Gem Is cute. But scary too.

"Stop staring at me. See the movie."
Gemini said without looking at Fourth.

Fourth tried to reach out to Gemini's hands, But Gemini yanked Fourth's hand away.

Fourth didn't see a any other option.
He leaned in closer to Gemini and passionately kissed his lips deeply.

"I'm sorry naa." Fourth said. A smile slowly puckered across Gemini's lips as he saw Fourth's face all red due to what he had just done.

"Hmm." Gemini hummed to which Fourth giggled like a baby who had just got new toys.

He leaned in again and placed small kisses all over Gemini's face.

"But I'm still mad." Gemini said.

"I'll apologise again then." Fourth said as he went near the screen, holding his water bottle like a mic.

"Ai'Gem, you know I'm the stupid one between the two of us. I make mischief and you scold telling me to behave like an adult. I throw tantrums and you always choose to give in. I'm the one at fault, and you always choose to forgive me. So just like every other time, can you forgive me again? I promise to give you your morning hisses and good night kisses. Every single day. Give me this chance to compensate for my tiny little 'no' that has created such a sulky impact on you.
Once again, I'm sorry naa, Gemgem." Fourth said.

Gemini didn't even realise he was smiling ear to ear already. He ran down to Fourth and crashed him within his arms, that Fourth claimed to be his safe place.

 He ran down to Fourth and crashed him within his arms, that Fourth claimed to be his safe place

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