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"He's just a friend Gem leave me!"
Fourth said trying to escape Gemini's grip around his wrist.

"Yeah just a friend who fucking called you babe." Gemini said, Not halting.

"Where are you taking me Gem?" Fourth asked Gemini continued dragging him away from Fourth's 'friend'.

"Home." Gemini said coldly.

And that was when Fourth knew he was in trouble.

"Gem just listen to me for once. please!" Fourth shouted, before yeeting his hands from Gemini's grasp, only to get Gemini to grip his wrist with greater force.

"Gemini it's just dumb. Friends use that word in slang it's totally alright!" Fourth continued, making Gemini glance at him with those deadly eyes.

"What?" Fourth asked as Gemini continued to look at him.

"Just shut up." Gemini said.

"He fucking touched you." Gemini growled.

As they reached home, Gemini let go of Fourth's wrist and stood in front of him.

"Any defenses?" Gemini said, folding his hands across his chest.

"Ge- Gem I really don't like Satang. He's just an amazing friend and... my...." Fourth stopped talking thinking it would be the safest to keep the little secret to himself.

"Ex." Gemini completed Fourth's sentence as Fourth looked at him, agape.

"An ex who's still in love with you, am I right?" Gemini asked, still angry with what Fourth was doing.

Fourth sheepishly smiled and hung his head low.

"No go ahead Fourth. I want to hear you defending yourself. Let's see how creative you are." Gemini said coldly.

"I'm sorry." Fourth said with a tiny voice, on the verge of tears. Satang indeed was his ex, But Fourth never saw it in a way thinking that Satang still liked him.

He genuinely was under the impression that he and Satang we just great buddies.

But once Gemini actually confronted Fourth, telling him the truth, it somehow dawned upon him.

Satang still liked him.
And he failed to realise that.

Guilt got the best of him and a tear rolled down his cheeks as he stood there, with one wrist bound by Gemini's hand, head hung low- just- guilty.

While Gemini, being the Gemini he was, was fuming with rage from a part of him, while another part of him simply wanted to hug and comfort him, while yet another part of hum wanted to lock Fourth up in the walls of his heart, sealing the entrance.

"G-gem, I'm sorry. I couldn't understand anything. I'll do as you day in this matter." Fourth uttered, not looking up at Gemini still.

Gemini melted.

"Fotfot, I'm not trying to tell you what to do na, I was just- alright. It's my fault. I should be trusting you. I'm sorry, okay?"

"No Gem it's my fault I'm the problem I'm a fool I didn't know what he thought and let him be with me thinking it was a friendly relation but I was just messing things up and-"

"Shut up. Shut up or I'll kiss you." Gemini interrupted between Fourth's nonsense.

"Huh?" Fourth couldn't even register what Gemini was saying.

"I said, shut up or I'll kiss you." Gemini repeated himself.

Fourth looked at Gemini with a confused face as he took his index finger and placed it on his lips.

"Good. Now hear me out. I love you. And let's finish this off, okay?" Gemini said as he pulled Fourth into a hug.

"Sorry Gem." Fourth said, still buried between Gemini's arms.

Gemini instantly pulled Fourth's finger from his lips and replaced it with his own lips. He gave Fourth a peck, leaving Fourth flustered.

"I told you to shut up. Your fault nong." Gemini said as he ruffled Fourth's hair, earning a chuckle from the latter.

"Ok common, let's go get something to eat." Gemini said, trying to cheer Fourth up.

"Hm." Fourth hummed.

Sorryyyy it's not even a story
I'm out of ideas and this is all I could think of :')

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