April Fool's Day

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"Fot. I wanted to talk to you." Gemini said, taking a seat next Fourth on the couch, with a slightly saddened face.

"What is it- hey are you ok? You seem... sick." Fourth said, placing the back of his hand to Gemini's forehead, checking for fever.

Gemini removed Fourth's hand from his forehead and held it tightly, squeezing it gently.

"Fot... listen to me na"
Gemini said with a tired voice, to the point where Fourth couldn't guess what indeed was wrong with him anymore.

"I'm all ears for you Gem, go on." Fourth said, cupping Gemini's face in his hand, as Gemini leaned into it.

"I.... think.. we... i... we should break up." Gemini blurted out.

Fourth froze at the spot. He looked into Gemini's eyes without saying a word.

"Fine. I wanted to tell you this too. Since a long time actually." Fourth said, with a firm, tasteless gaze.

"You're agreeing?" Gemini almost teared up.

"Of course Gemini. Why wouldn't I? I need a break too. How much, 5 years? That's a really long relationship. But I think everything has it's end, Gemini." Fourth said, emphasizing on the word 'Gemini'.

"Stop calling me that!" Gemini yelled.

"Isn't that your name?"

"No. I'm Gem. Your Gemgem. How can you do this?" Gemini got his first tear rolled down his cheek.

"We are breaking up, aren't we?" Fourth asked casually, Like it was no big deal.

Gemini grabbed Fourth's arm aggressively, making Fourth turn to him.

"I was fucking joking." Gemini said with red, swollen eyes.

"I'm aware. Happy April fools day to you too. BASTARD!" Fourth kicked Gemini in the stomach, making Gemini stumble back a bit.

"What, huh? Do you think I'm dumb enough to not notice the date you jackass!" Fourth yelled, with eyebrows knotted with anger.

"What?" Gemini was the stunned one now. Fourth had backfired Gemini's plan back to him.

"What? You're the one asking me that you bastard! Go sleep on the fucking couch! Don't you realise how my heart froze for the second you said that damn word!?" Fourth started crying aloud.

"Ai Fot don't cry I was genuinely joking na"

"My foot! Are these the kind of jokes you make Gem? If yes then fucking keep them to yourself!"

"I.. I'm sorry. I won't repeat this again. Am I forgiven?" Gemini asked with a soft tone, pacifying the cranky kitten.

"What do you think?" Fourth sniffled,  wiping out the tears off his face.

"Alright. I promise I won't pull such pranks again and upset you. Can I have a hug now?" Gemini spread his arms wide, inviting Fourth in.

Fourth peeked at Gemini, looking at him for a brief moment, and turning his back to him again, indicating that he was still sulking.

"Your loss then, I brought you ice-cream but since you don't want it -"

"Give that to me" Fourth tried to snatch the tub of ice cream from Gemini's hands, failing because Gemini wouldn't let him.

"Stop teasing me" Fourth pouted, attempting to steal the tub again, only to meet with the mischievous smirk played on Gemini's lips.

"First call me Gem. And learn to say please. Be polite." Gemini demanded, only making Fourth spring up from his place and stomp off upstairs.

Gemini chuckled as he followed his upstairs, with the ice-cream of course.

"Fotfot? Open up na" Gemini knocked on the bedroom door which was locked.

"Sleep on the couch." Fourth simply stated in a cutesy voice.

"Aow, But we have a guest over. It's Prim." Gemini played his final card. Prim was his ex, and every time he'd mention her, Fourth's ears would perk up.

The door swung open, and Fourth found a laughing Gemini standing before him.

Fourth's anger melted away in an instant. I could hear him laughing all day.

"Aw fotfot, you're smiling. You want ice-cream now?" Gemini poked hus boyfriend's cheek, as Fourth flushed red.

He pulled him in and snatched the ice-cream.

"Its all mine." Fourth said with a watering mouth.

"Fot... I now identify as ice-cream...
"Eat me common quick!"



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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