sick :(

378 21 11

"Fotfot, these are my last words na... I love you sooo much, and you mean the world to me. Please miss me when I'm gone na" Gemini said, clenching his chest with one of his hands dramatically.

"Gem. I'm gonna fucking slap you! You've literally got one tiny scratch on your finger that doesn't even hurt you asshole!" Fourth said, fed up with Gemini's constant ranting about how he was breathing his last.

"No, Fourth. No. You don't know what I'm going through. You don't know my pain. I'm breathing my last, love, please just hold me." Gemini said dramatically, again.

Fourth was going to go insane. Gemini had kept Fourth on his toes ever since he got a very tiny knife cut while trying to help Fourth out in the kitchen.

Fourth started off, like an ideal boyfriend, by giving first aid to Gemini and wrapping a bandage around that little cut that didn't even need that much of attention.

But Gemini started crying and wailing saying his scratch hurt. He literally called it a wound.
He didn't let Fourth do anything, and made him sit beside him all day, saying he needed someone to take care of him in his delirious and miserable state.

"Gem. Get up." Fourth said, finally losing it.

"But I'm sick." Gemini retorted.

"Get up." Fourth repeated, gritting his teeth, trying to control anything and everything he had managed to keep within him.

"I'm- I'm sick fotfot. Don't be so cruel." Gemini whined.

Fourth grabbed Gemini's wrist and forced him to stand upright, looking him in the eyes before pulling him away.

"Get out. Come back when Get your sanity back." Fourth scolded as he led Gemini out of the house.

"Aw. Fotfot are you really going to throw me out of the house when I'm practically sick?" Gemini cooed, showing his baby finger that he claimed was deeply wounded.

"No. Gem. I'm throwing you out simply because I don't want you to die especially through the hands of your own boyfriend." Fourth explained, trying his best to maintain his composure.

"No no no. Fotfot, don't you know that the deepest wounds can heal when you kiss your lover?" Gemini asked with a pouty smile plastered across his face, making Fourth even angrier.

He wanted one fucking kiss. He made me run behind him the whole day just for one fucking kiss. Fourth thought to himself as he gritted his teeth again.

"Norawit. You could have literally asked me." Fourth said, closing his eyes with sheer frustration.

"No, I couldn't. You said you'd leave me if I asked you for a kiss ever again. So... I had to ask you indirectly." Gemini said with his head hung low.

Fourth's heart softened for a bit. No, this is an excuse. It's a trap. Fourth thought and closed the door on Gemini.

Gemini pouted. He didn't want to be thrown out by the only one he loves.

"Fotfottt I'm sorry I won't bother you anymore please open the door naa" Gemini knocked on the door.

"You asshole! Keeping on my toes the entire day for what? A kiss? Stay the fuck out!" Fourth shouted.

"I have the keys Fourth. Its my house, Remember?" Gemini stated, and Fourth could practically imagine Gemini smirking from the other side of the door.

I'm dead. Fourth thought. He yelled meaninglessly at Gemini just for some drama.... but now Gemini's going to come in for revenge.


Gemini unlocked the door, ready to pounce upon Fourth for practically throwing him out of his own house.

But Fourth... he wasn't there.

"Coward. Hiding out there. It's my house you know! I'm familiar with every nook and corner of it. You have no way out." Gemini smirked, as he pushed the door behind it, closing it with a thud.

Fourth, hiding inside a cupboard prayed to all the gods to save him. Gemini would eat him up today, if he was found.

After a little hide and seek, Gemini.... yes. He found Fourth.

"Oh! There you were, little cupcake. Let's finally eat you now." Gemini said, taking a step towards Fourth, causing Fourth to bump into the nearest wall.

"Gem. Gem. Stay away. If you even touch me I'm going to make sure you regret it." Fourth said bravely, But internally, he was peeing his pants.

"Stay away? After you got an entire door between us? Ain't no way babe." Gemini said, locking Fourth between his arms.

"Gem...." Fourth was helpless. He knew he was gone for.

Gemini smirked. Triumph.

"Just give me my kiss darling, I'll leave you." Gemini said, looking into Fourth's eyes with a flirty look.

"Y-you want the kiss. Take it yourself." Fourth said, staring back into Gemini's eyes.

"I want a lot more. Can I take it?" Gemini questioned, with a very flirtatious smirk plastered on his lips.

Fourth reached out for something around him. A book. That's it. Fourth thought, And immediately placed it between their lips as Gemini leaned in for a kiss.

"Nice defence equipment Fourth, But it's not going to work every time." Gemini whispered, snatching the book from Fourth's hands and placing his lips on Fourth's.

They indulged in a passionate, loving kiss by the wall.

"So, can I take the rest too?" Gemini asked, making Fourth all flustered.

"Yes" Fourth said with a tiny voice, embarrassed by his own words.

"I was talking about the strawberry you took with the book in your hands." Gemini replied, with an amused smirk.

"Gem!" Fourth pushed Gemini, with reddened ears that were much adored by Gemini.

"Strawberry flavored Fourth please!" Gemini laughed. But he did mean what he said though.

"Huh?" Fourth couldn't make out what Gemini wanted to say.

Gemini took the strawberry from Fourth's hands and put it in Fourth's mouth, And Instantly placed his lips on Fourth's.

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