Ice cream?

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"Ai'Gem, get up and switch off the lights naa, I'm already snuggled in the blanket." Fourth said drowsily, all snuggled up in bed next to Gemini.

"Fot, I'm literally snuggled up right next to you. Besides you're closer to the switches. Just go shut it off." Gemini said in the same tone.

"Please naa Gemgem, go switch off the lights." Fourth said, whining. He was too tired and had absolutely no energy to get out of bed.

"I came on bed first, you were supposed to switch the lights first. It's your fault Fourth now go pay for it." Gemini said, fake-snoring.

"You don't snore Gem. Stop faking." Fourth rolled his eyes, which instantly reminded him of an idea.

"Gem if you go switch the lights off today I promise to switch the lights off tomorrow and give you your favourite dessert." Fourth said innocently, battering his eyes like a puppy.

Gemini smirked, as he instantly made his way to the switches and ran back to the bed, snuggling and cuddling with Fourth under one thick blanket.



Fourth tip toed out of the bed, trying his best not to wake Gemini up.

He needed something. No, he craved for it so bad, that it woke him up at 2am in the morning.

Fourth made his way to the kitchen, with a blanket around him. Gemini cannot see this. Gemini cannot see him doing this- or he will be sued, that's what Gemini told him.

Fourth opened the refrigerator, taking the big tub of black-current ice-cream he was told to be away from.

Fourth smirked in pride as he had successfully managed to have the black heaven literally in his hands.

Fourth closed the refrigerator with his leg, as he walked to the sofa with a satisfied smile gazing at the ice cream.

And just as he took the first step towards the sofa, he bumped into a tall figure. Fourth looked upward in terror not knowing what a giant would be doing at their place at 2am.

Oh. The one standing in front of him was perhaps worse than a burglar- it was Gemini.

"So this is where all my ice creams keep disappearing." Gemini said as he folded his arms against his chest.

Fourth was in trouble and he knew that.

"I...uh...." Fourth pursed his lips, having nothing to say.

Gemini leaned a step closer to Fourth, making Fourth back off.

"Gem we can eat it together you know? Y-you don't have to be mad for such a small thing." Fourth said. As much as he was afraid that Gemini was going to sue him, he still wanted to eat the ice cream.

"Its mine, Fourth." Gemini said.

"Am I not yours too? So technically me and the ice cream become brothers.... if that makes sense." Fourth toned down.

"It doesn't. " Gemini rolled his eyes.

"Its alright. Here you go. Your ice cream. I won't touch it again and I'm sorry. Happy?" Fourth gave up, he didn't want an earful from Gemini at this hour.

"What are you talking about?" Gemini asked, confused with what Fourth was apologising for.

"You... don't want me to touch your ice cream... right?" Fourth said, still holding the ice cream tub in his hands, which were now shivering due to it being stored in the freezer.

"That's not what i meant- gimme that! You're shivering Fourth!" Gemini raised his voice a bit.

As soon as the tub was taken away by Gemini, Fourth's hands instantly felt that relief of warmth.

"Can we just go to sleep Gem? I was just craving for ice cream all of a sudden so I tried stealing it. You know that I wouldn't do it otherwise right?" Fourth pouted, earning a quick peck on his lips by Gemini.

"Idiot. I was mad because you've been having ice cream without me all these days- that too late at night. You can get sick you know?" Gemini scolded playfully.

"Oh." Fourth was hit with realisation. That was why Gem was mad? Because I didn't share the ice cream with him? Aww.

"Mind a bite?" Gemini asked, as he took out a spoon and scooped some ice cream out.

Fourth nodded in tiny like a kid, as Gemini fed the ice cream to him.

"More." Fourth pouted. A spoonful of ice cream was not enough to satisfy him.

"No more. It's 2am in the morning. I'll have to take care of you if you fall Sick." Gemini said, putting the ice cream tub back in the refrigerator.

"Gemmm" Fourth whined. Gemini was cruel. Very cruel.

"Stop whining Fourth. A no is a no." Gemini said.

Gemini suddenly carried Fourth in his arms in a bridal style, catching Fourth off guard.

"What are you doing!" Fourth exclaimed, only to get a giggling Gemini.

"Taking you inside because if I leave you to come alone, I'll be seeing you gobbling up the entire tub." Gemini explained, making Fourth lightly hit his chest.

"But I want ice cream!" Fourth said.

"You've never wanted me this bad. I'm jealous." Gemini said, as Fourth tried to control that red tint on his cheeks and ears.

"I want you too." Fourth said in a tiny voice, not meeting his lover's eyes.

Gemini giggled as he scooped Fourth into a hug.

"Its illegal to be that cute." Gemini said as he squeezed Fourth tighter in his embrace.

"Arrest me then." Fourth said, still burried into Gemini's chest.

"Fine. You are under arrest. You will be locked up in the room for a night. I will personally punish you. Let's go." Gemini said, pointing two fingers at Fourth's forehead, indicating a gun.

"Gemmmm" Fourth whined.

"Don't sulk don't sulk I was just teasing you." Gemini said as he ruffled Fourth's hair.


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