Chapter three: Conflict

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I arrived home feeling tired and ready to call it a day already. Today had drained me entirely. I had expected that Sebastian wouldn't be too thrilled to see me, but his ice cold demeanor had shocked me.

''Y/N, how was your day, darling?'' Henry asked as he was prepairing food in the kitchen.

I shrugged. ''It was alright. The job itself is challenging and fun enough but-''

''But your partner wasn't very welcoming?'' Henry finished, as he stirred the pot above the fire.

''To put it lightly.'' I sighed.

''What did he do?'' Henry asked with a slightly frustrated tone.

I had already informed Henry that my instructor was to be someone that I used to know and that he and I didn't part on good terms, so he already knew today would be a trial for me.

''He didn't do anything. He just wasn't very friendly.''

''Maybe I should come with you the next time to have a convesation with the guy.''

''That's not necessary. We agreed that we would get along for the sake off our duty. '' I said as I dropped my cloak at a random chair in the corner.

''Hm, still if he gives you too much trouble...''

''Henry, stop worrying so much. It won't come to that. I'm sure he was just shocked to find out that I was too be his new charge.''

As long as this feud between the two of you doesn't affect your safety''

''Ofcourse it doesn't. Even though Sebastian and I aren't friends anymore. He wouldn't let me get hurt.'' I said whilst blocking out the memory of him doing just that back in our sixth year at Hogwarts.

The words from our argument at the end of the schoolyear had left it's scars. He had said awful things, but I hadn't been a saint either. We had argued and argued until we were both emotional and demaged. All the things we held each other accountable for were brought up. I will never forget how I cried myself to sleep that night or how I avoided him the rest of my schooldays.

It was such a pity too, because I really had thought that we had a connection. I even used to imagine that he liked me more than he would cared to admit. But that was all just a fantasy from my 16 year old self. I had romantized and miscalculated his gestures. In the end he was just using me. He never really cared about me, at least not like that.

My thoughts were abruptly stopped when Henry put the dinner plates on the table.

''What's on your mind?'' He asked as he took the seat opposite from me.


''You were zoning out completely just now. What were you thinking about?''

''Nothing much, just that I needed to brew a few more potions after dinner.'' I lied.

I usually tell Henry everything, but bringing up Sebastian again, would lead to more irritation. So I just decided to let it slide. What's in the past is in the past and beyond our control. So I faked my best smile and chit-chatted about the little things during dinner. Only in the middle of the night my mind wandered back to my time at Hogwarts.

The memories being bittersweet. There was good and bad one's. Nights filled with joy and laughter and morning full of sorrow and regret.

The next morning I was surprised to see that Sebastian was already present at the Auror office before me.

The weather today was very different from yesterday and Sebastian had dressed accordingly. He left his dark black cloak at home, so his outfit solemly existed of a pair of dark blue jeans and a forest green sweater. His sleeves were rolled up, showing off his bare arms, which were crossed as he casually leaned against a wall. His eyes spotted me and his timid smile changed into a scowl.

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