Chapter six: Caring

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I twirled and fell on my knees as soon as we landed on the wet grass.

My head was buzzing from apparating. I looked around trying to focus on my surroundings as the blur slowly left my vision.

Before I could take everything in however, Sebastian had placed his hands under my arms and had lifted me roughly to my feet.

"Come on, Y/N. We need to hurry." He said before walking away with big strides.

"Sebastian, wh- what happened?" I said still a little out of breath.

"I apparated us away, we are very close to a floo flame now. We will floo the rest of the way to the Ministry."

I furrowed my brows before I ran to catch up to him.

"Why didn't we apparate to the entrance to the Ministry then?"

Sebastian kept on walking, but he turned his head halfway and said:
"You were too weak to apparate such a long distance. We needed to get out of there so I apparated us to a nearby place that popped up in my head."

I wanted to say that I was stronger than that he gave me credit for, but I had to admit that he was somewhat right. The use of the Ancient Magic had drained me completely. I was tired, hungry and overwhelmed by dizziness.

Suddenly another realisation hit me. "What about the others?"

"They were taken."

"Taken?" I gasped. "Sebastian we need to-"

"No, Y/N. We will head to the Ministry there was nothing that we could have done and besides.... you needed to get out of there."

"Not only me."

"Specifically you."

I sighed. "Listen, I don't know why the place seemed familiar, but I'm sure it's nothing. I tend to have these dreams sometimes and usually they don't mean amything."

"Just hurry up please. We don't have any time to discuss this here and now." Sebastian nagged.

I rolled my eyes behind his back before hurrying after him.


When we arrived at the Ministry Sebastian slowed his pace so that he was walking next to me.

"Listen we have to go to my superior and tell him what happened to the others. I will do the talking, you just keep quiet, alright?" Sebastian demanded in a stern voice.

"Do you think, we get in trouble?" I asked.

Sebastian shook his head. "There's only one way to find out, but if we are, I will take care of it. Don't worry."

Even with everything going on Sebastian still radiated with confidence, it's a thing I always admired about him. No matter how dark situations might seem, Sebastian would never drop his shoulders or hang his head. He was going to face it head on.

The superior looked like I had imagined he would be. Old, grey and cranky, his grey eyes staring at us coldly as we arrived.

"Ah, finally. I began to wonder if you all would return at all." He complained.

"Sir. Sebastian said as he nodded. "We are here with terrible news."

The man instantly stood from his chair, his hands on his desk as he leaned forward.

"Spill it out, Mr. Sallow what happened?"

"We were caught off guard by a large number of dark wizards and witches, we tried to fight them off but-"

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