Chapter fourteen: Void

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Third person POV

"We should be content with how much she already has given us. I don't think we will be able to get everything out of her."

"I just don't get it, why isn't she surrendering? She is holding on to something, but I don't know what."

"It doesn't matter, we have far more than what we had anticipated. I say we play it safe and let her go."

"Let her go? I'm not sure I follow."

"Henry we can't keep her. She's the only one who can stop us. Especially because she still has the power."

"What do you suggest then?" Henry asked as he looked down on the unconsious Y/N.

"We obliviate her. We erase all memories of magic and because she has hardly any left she would probably easily live out her days as a muggle."

Henry stroked her hair. Even though his intentions were always on her power, he couldn't deny that he also wanted her. He wanted her badly.

"We can obliviate her but I want to keep her here."

"No, we will send her away. She needs to be far away from the power and our secrets. I'm sorry Henry but that's final. You will find another pup to command."

Henry gritted his teeth. "She wasn't my pup. But she is my possession and I'm very passionate about what's mine."

He caressed her hair out off her face. Even in this state, all skinny and out cold, he still longed for her. He still wanted to be the one who showed her the robes. His obsession with her had grown so much. He needed to have her. He wouldn't rest until he had her underneath him at least once.

"Maybe there is a chance here." He muttered to himself.

"If I'm the one who takes her away and bring her to a safe house, I can randomly walk into her life one day and make her fall in love with me again. And without her memories off magic she will be easier pursuated into certain scenario's." Henry said as he stroked her face, his rough hands scraping over her soft and sensible skin.

"Whatever, I guess if you really can't let her go than let it be like that." The other man said.

"However I do think it's wise if you leave her alone to let the memorie charm do it's work for at least a month before you go looking for her. And only use her for your entertainment, no more experiments, because there's a chance you will unlock her magic if you do."

Henry nodded.

"So, it shall be done."


Even though the sea called my name, there was always that pull around my neck. A distant reminder that there was danger lurking in those depths and that I needed to stay put.

I was so cold and the rough sand had scraped my naked skin. I can't remember why I was without clothes or how I even got on this beach. The only thing I did know was that I wanted to escape. I wanted to be less alone.

A phantom wind caressed my cheek and blew wind in my hear. The wind carried grains of sand, which scraped over my cheek.

Mere seconds later I felt light headed and dizzy.

The ground underneath my feet dissapeared and with a blood curling scream I fell into a black gaping whole.

A strong grip settled on my arms, squeezing them when I blinked in disorientation.

"Y/N, it's alright. You are alright. Breathe, just breathe sweetheart."

I frantically moved my arms around and kicked my legs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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