Chapter eleven: Lies

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During my sleep I had dreamt that I was being lifted, a firm and strong grip around my body. Looking up I couldn't deceipher a face under the shadow from the black hood. As I moved in the arms of the stranger, their grip tightend. The touch felt so real, that I began to wonder if I was sleeping at all. But something inside of me told me that I wasn't conscious and that this dream would soon end up being a nightmare. An eerie and unsettling feeling sank into my very soul. I told myself that I shouldn't panic, if this was truly a dream, I might be able to wake myself up,  but no matter how hard I tried the dream continued. 

After I was carried around by this hooded nameless figure, I was layed down on a soft bed of roses. Their stems and thorns prickling on my wrists and ankles. A sweet scent made it's way into my nose and relaxed me. The fear and anxiety were suddenly a distant memory and I almost laughed at my stupidity from before. 

My body was safe and sound in bed in our new home with Henry right besides me. This dream would be fleeting my thoughts as soon as I woke up. 

Feeling totally at ease, I surrendered, closing my eyes and let darkness take over. Even when the thorns at my wrists and ankles stung deeply into my skin. 

Sebastian's POV

The letter that I received kept me up all night. My first instinct was to go to her house and check on Y/N, but he would be there which meant that I was never going to get in. 

So I opted to contact Ominis to see if he could swing by their house. I had wrote him a letter before I went to bed, however due to the late hour, I didn't expect a response until the next morning. 

The first rays off the sun bathed my bedroom in an orange warm glow. I was tensed and on edge and waisted no time in getting ready and rushing downstairs. 

To my surprise Anne was already downstairs. My face relaxed a bit and softened by the image of her smiling and sipping her morning tea. 

''Anne, how do you feel?'' I inquired as I sat down at the table. 

''A lot better then yesterday. I'm sorry if I scared you, the bouts of pain came so suddenly. I went to bed and slept the whole night away.''

''No worries Anne, I'm just glad that you feel okay.''

''You know Seb, I would appreciate it if you would give me a heads up the next time you are home late.'' Anne said as she hugged the tea cup in her hands. 

''Anne, I am really sorry about that. Things got... intense at work and time just slipped through my fingers.''

''Things got intense?'' Anne asked raising one eyebrow. 

''It's a long story.'' I said as my gaze shot between the open window and Anne. 

''Okay, what's going on?'' Anne asked as she sighed. 

''There's noth-''

''Don't start. Your face looks like a thundercloud when you walked downstairs, you are dodging my questions, you're up way earlier then usual and you checked the window at least five times already.''

I sighed deeply. Nothing could get past Anne, but what did I expect? She was my twin after all. 

''I don't want to burden you with this.'' I said trying to avoid the topic. 

''Please, after all we have been through Sebastian? Come on, at least tell me why you are so uptight right now.''

''You won't let it go, will you?'' I clenched and unclenched my fists on my lap before I quickly ran a hand through my hair in frustration. 

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