Chapter five: Revelation

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"Are you sure?" Sebastian asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

"I don't know for certain, maybe I dreamt of this place?" I answered softly as my eyes scanned the room.

"Y/N, how long has it been since you came back from your trip overseas?" Sebastian asked suddenly.

The question took me completely by surprise, because I had never told him anything about that. How did he know? And more importantly what did he know?

"H- how did you know about that? Who told you? And what did they-"

Sebastian sighed. "Y/N please just answer the question."

I bit the inside of my cheek. I didn't like this at all. Sebastian wasn't supposed to know all this. Those months had been hard on me, it had left me broken, but now I was climbing back up again and the last thing I needed was Sebastian taking pitty on me.

Sebastian sighed exasperated. "If you must know, Ominis mentioned that you had left the country, but he didn't say anything else. So stop worrying so much and answer the damn question." Sebastian complained.

I clenched my hand into fists. My jaw set by his irritated tone.

"Not that it concerns you, but we came back three weeks ago."

Sebastian raised his brows. "Three weeks." He repeated a frown visible on his forehead.

I turned away and started to pace around the room once more. My eyes were quicky drawn to a big metal door. An Ancient Magic symbol in it's center. I layed my hand on the cool surface. Something radiated behind those doors, my magic stirred. Like it was awakened.

"I bet my magic can open that door." I muttered to myself.

My curiosity and some strange urge, I couldn't explain, got the better of me. I closed my eyes and called on my Ancient Magic.

The power felt good, it always did. The magic tingled in my veins before it unleashed from my wand.

Blue light, lit the room and a loud clash hit the metal door. I shook from the event. Now that the magic had left my body I suddenly felt weak. My knees buckled, but I kept steady.

"Y/N! What in Merlin's name are you doing!" Sebastian yelled as he ran over.

At first I thought he was concerned, but when I looked up to meet his eyes, I almost gulped at the anger that was written all over his face.

"I wanted to-"

"I just can't with you." Sebastian said angrily. "Every fucking time I turn my back, you do something completely irrational and stupid."

I gritted my teeth.

"Whoa, that's rich coming from you, Sebastian Sallow. I recall all the responsible choices that you made."

"Don't you dare to bring that up again, Y/N. It's been years, we have grown up. Or at least I have."

I couldn't prevent the tears that welled up in my eyes. The audacity of this guy. He doesn't know me, he didn't know who I had to become.

I turned away quickly. As to hide my face.

"This door is important. I need to open it with Ancient Magic." I said completely ignoring our heated argument and trying to cover my emotions.

"Seems like it didn't work." Sebastian answered dryly as he casually walked to the door.

"You did some damage, but it didn't open, so congratulations on achieving nothing."

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