Chapter four: Tension

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Unlike the first day, I actually felt great returning from work that evening. The awkward tension between Sebastian and I was still there, but the air around us didn't feel that heavy anymore. 

Humming to myself I opened the front door. I still needed time to call this house my new home. But I guess it will take time, like with everything else in my life. 

''Someone is in a good mood today.'' Henry remarked upon my arrival. 

''Today went well.'' I beamed. 

''I'm glad to hear that. So I guess that means that Sallow stayed true to his word?''

''I think Sebastian and I are warming up to each other.''

Henry turned around and raised his eyebrows at my statement. ''As long as he doesn't get to cozy with you.''

I almost choked on my glass of water. I never knew Henry to be jealous. It felt weird seeing this side of him. Sometimes I wondered if we weren't moving too fast. There is only so much you can learn about a person within the span of a few months. 

''Y/N? Is there something I should know?'' Henry asked as he gestured to my spilled water. 

''I was just taken aback by your reaction. I told you about the things that transpired between Sebastian and I, so I am genuinely surprised that you would even think that.''

''I'm sorry sweetheart, I am just trying to protect what is mine. You surely understand that I don't like the guy after what he put you through. All I want to say is to be careful around him, don't let your guard down.''

I gulped. Ofcourse he was right. Sebastian didn't care about me, he had made that very clear a few years ago. But then again, he did burn himself as he pushed me aside. I convinced myself that it was probably his insticts that had kicked in or that he didn't want trouble at work for letting the reqruit get hurt. 

''You are right. We are just working together for the upcoming weeks after that he's out my life again. I have no interest in Sebastian other then what is obligatory for work.''

Henry nodded. ''That's my clever witch, now what do you say about a warm bath? You look like you need it.''

''Hm, you know me so well.''

''Not as well as I would like.'' He remarked in a serious tone. 

Shivers went down my spine as I processed what he was saying. Henry wasn't exactly subtle in his needs and wants. He and I have been together for 3 months, but he seemed a lot more serious than I was. 

Don't get me wrong, Henry had pulled me through some really though patches and he and I truly shared a connection, but he was already planning so far ahead. Talking about marriage and starting a family.. 

I knew I wanted that life too, but it felt too soon, the cuts in my heart too fresh. I was still healing myself from the trauma I went through the past few months, so starting a family wasn't exactly on the front of my mind now. 

''I will prepair the bath for you.'' Henry said before walking upstairs, leaving me with my thoughts. 


As I lay in the warm scented water, my mind kept wandering to the events of today. 

I began wondering how Sebastian's life was like. Was he seeing someone? Ofcourse, he was. I might have grown out of my feelings for him, but you must be blind to not notice his handsomeness. He had aged fine, his already beautiful face had matured and he grew even more tall and broad. 

I shook my head to get the image of his bare back and chest out of my mind. His body was so muscular I would have never had guessed that he looked so defined. My face grew hot. What was I even doing? I shoudln't be thinking about him at all. 

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