Chapter 4

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As we drove further and further into the city, more and more death surrounded us. Corpse after corpse, abandoned cars and litter.

The CDC told a tale, with corpses everywhere and millatary baracades. Not a single sign of life in sight as we parked and piled out of our vehicles. All the dead produced a foul oder with flies everywhere.

God it smells

I grabbed my stuff and pulled out my machete, tucking my gun in its holster, tying a rag around my nose and mouth to reduce the stench.

My job was to protect the rear of the group as we headed towards the big building through the scattered corpses of both the walkers and the once living millatary.

The sun was setting soon and so the light in the city was fading as we jog towards the big building.

We get to the entrance to the CDC and the shutters are closed.


"There's nobody here" T-dog says.

"Then why are the shutters down?" Rick retorts.

I look around and spot a few walkers.

"Hey guys, we've got a problem" I say as quiet as possible.

"Walkers!" Daryl shouts.


Lori and Carol gather their children together as they whimper in fear.

If we don't get out of here soon we're dead.

Panic sets in, I don't want to die like this. Kids crying as their mothers try and comfort them. Chaos, it isn't the way to go.

Daryl shoots the walker in the head and I take out another one that was getting to close. 

"You lead us into a graveyard" Daryl says angrily to Rick

"He made a call"

"It was the wrong damn call" Daryl retorts.

I zone out of the blame game and focus on the surroundings. I hope they come to a decision before we're dead. Hopefully as quietly as possible.

As if.

"The camera moved" Rick shouts desperately.

I snapped back to paying attention again as I looked up to the camera.

"You imagined it"

"It moved "He says again

I look up at the camera, it's not moveing anymore.

"Rick, it's dead, man it's gears man it winding down now come on we gotta go" Shane pleads pulling Rick back.

Rick breaks free and slams on the shutters.

"I know you're in there I know you can hear us." Rick says with the shutters "Please we're desperate. Please help us, we have women, children , no food hardly any gas left"

He looks a bit nuts right now.

I stop listening to his desperate pleading with the shutters and run up to another walker who was getting to close, sinking my machete through the top of its skull with a squelch. Pulling it out again blood splatting my face. I look around to see if there are anymore.

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