Chapter 10

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Nikki's pov:

It took a while for me to calm down, Harlows warm body against mine helping in the process. Adrenaline is a stubborn bastard.

When I did finally calm down enough to move.Harlow suggested we go to my car. A familiar environment. It didn't take long after we lay down together for me to fall asleep, my body exhausted from the days exertion.

Yet even in sleep I was plagued with what I saw, knowledge of a murderer not so far away. Someone I had grown to trust but now knowing how quickly he can turn on a living breathing human. It will never be the same. I will never be the same.

That poor man. He was just  doing what he thought was right. Right his wrongs


I woke up startled. A nightmare. I was drenched in sweat and a racing heart. My breathing fast I rub a hand across my face.

The image of Otis being devoured by a horde of walkers, fighting to get a bite. Not a nice way to go. It was burned into my brain.

Harlow's hand on my shoulder broke me out of my haze.

"You alright?" She says through her own sleep induced haze. Concern for me plastered all over her face.

"Yea, I'm alright. Just a bad dream." I give her a reassuring smile, hoping it's convincing.

Banging sounds of metal being hit by something interrupts our conversation.

"It's sounds like everyone else has started the day. We should too." I say. I want to avoid recounting the event is of last night for as long as possible. I'm not ready.


The banging sound turned out to be everyone collecting rocks. A wheel barrow almost completely full of rocks is positioned under a tree. People walk to and from it.

I shrug and walk of to help out. We are guests after all.

Before I can grab a rock though the rumble of motors breaks the silence of the quiet peaceful farm. I watch as the roof of Dales RV peaks over a small hill. Daryls bike turns the corner soon followed by another car and then finally Dales RV.

They stayed by the highway last night. In hopes of Sophia's return. Amongst all the chaos I had forgotten about the girl.

Our cars were parked out front of the houses front steps. Andrea, Daryl and Dale followed suite. We gathered by the front steps.

My skin crawled at being in the presence of Shane. The knowledge that he would kill me if he knew that I saw what he did. Forcing myself to act normal I gave him a small not before facing the rest of the group.

My chest tighting in fear when I see his new cut. Knowing the exact reason behind it.

In the corner of my eye I see Harlow shoot me a weird look. I don't blame her. Last night I was a mess about this and now I'm all normal-like towards him. I'll have to explain later.

"How is he?" Dale asks Rick once we have all gathered.

"He'll pull through." Lori tells him, happiness and relief evident, "thanks to Hershel and his people..."

"And Shane." Rick interjects, "we'd have lost Carl if it weren't for him."


It's like I don't exist.

I hear Harlow scoff next to me picking up on that too.

"How'd it happen?" Dale asks after giving Rick a hug.

"Hunting accident." Rick says as if he doesn't believe it himself, "that's all, just a stupid accident."

Once Dale and Rick's conversation was over and the majority of the groups attention diverted I walked towards Dale and wrapped him in an embrace.

He has become one of my close friends.  Both him and Harlow are held close to my heart.

"What's wrong?" He asks, his eyes wide and concerned.

Damnit he's good at reading me.

"Nothing why?" I tell him. All I recieve is a look, he doesn't believe me.

"Fine, but we should go somewhere private." I say with a sinking feeling. They both follow me as I walk of towards the back of the farm house. I look around before saying anything just to be safe.

Once I am sure noone is listening I continue.

"Shane murdered Otis." I say straight to the point, "When we got to the school it was over run. Shane found those red emergency flash sticks cops carry to distracte the walkers so we could sneak across the parking lot towards the medical place that was set up. When we got there we stuffed the bags with the medical supplies and when we were done we were going to exit and go back the same way." I say fast and hurriedly. I don't want anyone else to hear.

"When we were finished though, and Shane  opened the door again the squeaking of the hinges caught the attention of the horde. Otis and Shane ran and the walkers followed. Something told me to just close the door and wait. So that's what I did. Shane's smart he'll figure something out, is what I told myself. I was cowardly. After a while I creeked the door open. There were only a few walkers now. So I felt with them before heading towards the truck and putting my bags on the back. I thought that since Shane and Otis weren't there yet that I should go and see it the need help somewhere. That's when I heard the noise of gunshots and headed towards where they were coming from. It was then that I saw Shane shoot Otis in the leg, fight for his bag off his back and his stuff and leave Otis to be eaten alive. Otis put up a fight grabbing onto Shane's hair. I stayed in the shadows and ran back to the Ford. I don't know if he saw me." I blurt out, in a rush.

"That's why he shaved his hair out of the blue." Harlow says connecting the dots.

Dale stares and so does Harlow. The gravity of the situation setting in.

"I thought there was something wrong with him, ever since the quarry." Dale said.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"I caught him aiming his gun towards Rick, it looked like he was about to shoot. He glossed it over by saying he thought Rick was a walker. He's gone mad."

"We've gotta be really careful about this." I say, "he's dangerous."

Before any further conversation could be had or a plan hatched Jimmy interrupts us.

"We've been looking for you guys, the funeral is about to begin. Come on already." Jimmy says loudly.

"Oh, sorry about that." Harlow says sweetly to him. 

"Don't worry it's a big farm." Jim says giving her a flirtatious smile. My blood boils but I push it down. I have bigger things to worry about than some teenager flirting with my girl.

My girl?

I still shoot him a glare though, behind his back.

Receiving an elbow in the ribs from Harlow.


Sorry for the short chapter y'all. Twas difficult to do.


Thanks for reading.

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