Death is a part of life

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We ran out of the mall and went to the parking lot. It had been empty because it was late and the mall was about to close. I hopped into the passenger's seat and Sasuke sped by, almost running a red light. He could see how frantic I was. I called Temari and tenten. Tenten didn't pick up but Temari did. I told her about the phone call. She said she would tell tenten and they would be there as soon as possible. All of our families have always been close. I could never tell anybody besides them the real reason my parents died. It all happened on a dreadful night. They knew it was a dangerous favour to do but they just couldn't resist. It was a suicide mission, but they were the best in their field. They couldn't just let anybody do the deed. To this day no one except the head of the agency knows about their true disappearance and so-called " death". The day Sasuke came over I was truly sad. For some reason, their death came rushing back to me in waves of emotion. I wasn't lying but I wasn't telling the whole truth. The same thing goes for Temari and tenten. We were practically raised together as sisters. So the fact that something happened to Sasori is like coming after their blood. And something tells me that this wasn't an ordinary car crash. I could see Naruto's car tailing us from behind. Within ten minutes we were there, as the hospital was close by. I opened the door of Sasuke's car and felt the cold breeze brush over my burning cheeks. I got anxious to the point where I started overheating. The cold felt good, I could tell spring was coming. We rushed through the doors and looked for the nurse's station. " Hi, could you tell me where the patients under the names of Sasori Haruno and Usagi Haruno are ?". " sorry mam, that's private information". "I'm his sister, it's not private to me". " mam I can't just give you his room numb-". " we don't have all day, so give us the damn room number or we'll find another nurse who will". I turned to look at Sasuke. Did he just say that? " Yes sir, they are staying in the ER due to their critical condition. I'll lead you to them". And would you look at that, it worked. Naruto and Hinata stayed in the waiting room. We were led to the first floor of the hospital. It was loud and there was a lot of commotion due to the busy healthcare workers. I was used to it, seeing how I trained in a hospital. When the nurse opened the curtain I was awestruck. My brother looked the most vulnerable he had looked in years. He was completely covered in blood and injuries. I turned the other way and saw my older sister Usagi laying there. She looked like she took the hit worse than Sasori. I was crushed. Completely and utterly crushed. Before I knew it the tears were rolling down. It was getting harder to breathe. It felt like my throat was closing up. I was sweating and everything started to get dizzy. That's when I realised I was having a panic attack. I clenched my chest. " wow sakura are you ok?". " what's going on talk to me". '' move it ". I heard a familiar voice say. 'What's happening to her?' Sasuke asked. " she's having a panic attack, " Temari said. " how do you know". " She's had them before. She used to get them frequently when her parents died. It's best if you leave. Tell Hinata and naruto to go too. We got it from here"."but-". " don't worry, we will inform you as soon as possible". That was the last thing I heard before my vision went black.


2 days have passed since I received the phone call about the tragic news. I ended up blacking out from the scene of Sasori in critical condition. Temari and tenten took me home and brought me to my room. Since visiting the hospital I couldn't help but notice the injuries they acquired. Those injuries didn't look like the typical injuries you'd get from a car crash. It was so strange. On top of that, it was late at night. There shouldn't have been a lot of traffic or cars during that time. It was almost as if someone planned for it to happen. But who and why? In any case, this could all be my brain looking into it a little too much. I didn't go to school for the past couple of days. My siblings are in critical condition. That's reason enough. The others are probably extremely worried. I've ignored their calls and texts. Since I had nothing to do that day, I decided to follow my suspicions. Suddenly I got a phone call from Tsunade. "Hello?". " Hi sakura I need to tell you something". " what is it ?". " Your brother needs brain surgery". " WHAT- BRAIN SURGERY ??". " Yes, brain surgery. Your brother suffered severe head trauma during the car accident. He's got a brain haemorrhage and needs to be operated on as soon as possible". " how are you just finding out about this?". " it was sudden and we didn't catch it on the CT scans before but we are taking him to the OR room now". " ok ill be at the hospital soon". Now that is suspicious. The car crash shouldn't have caused a brain haemorrhage or at least it should have shown up in the first CT. Besides, it wasn't that big of a car crash. I don't know who did this but I'm gonna find out. I changed into some clothes and left. I first stopped at the hospital. Once I signed off on the surgery and asked one of Tsunade's coworkers if they could give me Sasori's patient chart. Normally I wouldn't be able to get my hands on something like this due to HIPPA but since they know about my connections with Tsunade and the task force they didn't hesitate to give it to me. I opened it and I read the contents. It said he had whiplash, a couple of broken ribs, a herniated disc, and knee trauma. These are all common injuries acquired in a car crash. Besides, the severity of this crash wasn't really big. Yet nowhere in the patient file did it say he had a brain haemorrhage. I asked the nurse I talked to before. " Hey Nancy, can I have access to the database?" . " sure". I sat down and logged into one of the computers. I typed "Ramirez" in the search bar. Nothing came up. There was nobody registered at this hospital under the name "Ramirez". What the actual fuck. I went into the security footage to see if I could try to see who was on call during the time my siblings were treated. I combed through twenty minutes of footage before I finally saw a resident attend my siblings. Goddammit, I can't get a good angle on their face. I tried zooming in but it looks like whoever this perpetrator was, knew that they were gonna have to be careful not to get caught on camera. That's a dead end. I couldn't even get a shot of their id card. I got up and grabbed my coat. After saying goodbye to Nancy and thanking her for getting me the files, I headed out. My next stop is the police station. I need to get the full report of the accident. After driving twenty minutes to the station I went in. My friend that works there led me into a private room. She gave the keycode to the computers and told me that all of the information they have is on that computer. Once logged in I decided to read the info they have of the accident. " the accident occurred during the xx of xx months. When we arrived at the scene it seemed that two cars had crashed into each other. The time was midnight when this incident occurred. Both Usagi Haruno and Sasori Haruno were severely injured. The driver of the other car was XXXX. He was severely intoxicated and also received multiple wounds. No other cars seemed to have been intertwined in the accident. The streets were empty" I read. Something about this doesn't sit right with me. If the street were empty then how come a random car just comes out of nowhere. It couldn't have been the driver. There must be something they did to the car. The car they were in was in the dealership for an oil change. . The car was pretty expensive too which means Usagi must have paid some good money for insurance. Usagi was the one driving. All of these signs are traits for the profile of a victim. I logged onto the footage of that night and saw the car. It came out of nowhere. The driver was drunk. Then I spotted something. The emission from the gas of the car was malfunctioning. It could just be a hunch but I think that's the true cause of the crash. The thought of someone tampering with the car is a long shot but it's the lead I'm willing to pursue. I left the room. My next stop? The dealership. When I entered the dealership where the car had been taken care of there were almost no people there. One dude was working on a car. I went up to him. " Hello, do you mind if I look at the Tesla over there?". " who are you?'. " oh I'm the owner of this car " . "sure". I walked over to the car. Before my dad suddenly disappeared he taught me a couple of things about cars. I honestly never thought it would come in hand until now. I opened the hood of the car to find the engine completely busted. Hmm, as expected. Usagi bought the car here to get an oil change. By the looks of it, it seems that's what they did but the engine seems completely off. On top of that, it seems they used the completely wrong level of engine oil. looks like due to the DPF the oil became diluted. The DPF regeneration didn't happen. I guessed this caused severe damage to the engine which made it malfunction. No trained professional would screw up such a crucial part in the car which means this must have been done on purpose. I asked the guy who worked on my car and he told me a guy named Drake worked on it, but he quit last week. Damn another loose end. I can't even go off the name because it's probably an alias. I felt something buzzing in my jacket. It's my phone. "hello? " . " he what?". I was not prepared for what she told me. I ran out of the dealership and drove as fast as I could to the hospital. When I got there I burst through the door and ran to where my brother was sanctioned. When I entered the room, Tsunade was standing there with the other doctors that were in the ER. " Sakura, I'm so sorry, we did everything we could but he didn't make it". I broke down. As I heard the news I couldn't stop the tears from running down my cheeks. This was it. E was brain dead. He was hooked on life support. I fell to my knees crying. Why does it have to be me? Why does it have to be me that always loses someone? First, my parents are now Sasori. I can't afford to have anyone else disappear on me. The doctors left. I was alone, there to contemplate my feelings. I walked to the side of his bed. He looked so colourless. Even though his organs were still pumping and were still working, it looked like his entire life force was trapped. I lay there lifeless. He was a huge part of my life. When my parents disappeared Sasori always made sure to check in on me. Even though most of the time it was who had been taking care of him. It reminded me of a nice memory I have of us. I was about 8 and didn't know how to ride a bike. Pretty stupid right. An 8-year-old didn't know how to ride a bike. My older brother Sasori knew how to ride a bike from the beginning. He was always a genius in everything he did. He was the pride of our family. Our parents never compared us to each other and always made sure to make all of us feel loved, it always felt like they were extremely proud of having a son like Sasori. He was the model son, student, and lover. Everyone enjoyed his presence and liked his company. Our mom had brought us to the park because I refused to learn how to ride a bike. I got into lots of trouble because my family wasn't known to be quitters so the fact that I had already quit before even started made my parents mad. They brought us to this secluded area in the park and my brother was teaching me the ropes. He told me not to be afraid and that everything was gonna be alright. I was still a crybaby and extremely stubborn through every step. But Sasori was patient. He spent extra time teaching me because he knew that I was scared. He assured me that nothing bad would happen because he was there. Finally at the last step of the way, when I had gotten my training wheels taken off he pushed me. I told him that he was pushing me but midway through he let go. Honestly, that was very jerkish of him. I couldn't trust him completely for a couple of days. But after he let go it felt like I had been liberated. like I could fly. It was the most amazing feeling. And Sasori was standing right behind me ready to catch me if I fell. Ready to tend to my wound if I got hurt. I truly couldn't have done many things without Sasori. He taught me a lot about his time here but now he's gone. All of the memories I shared with him were always good. He made an impact on my life while he was with me. And I will always have those memories as a reminder of him. He was one of the most memorable people in my life and I will never forget that.


I was depressed. When Sasori was diagnosed as brain dead my whole world came crashing down. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't do anything. I only got ready when I went to the hospital to visit them. I honestly could care less about my appearance. I didn't go to school. I barely spoke to anyone. How could I? I also had another fear of losing Usagi. It had been 2 weeks and Usagi still hadn't woken up from the coma she was in. Today's Tuesday, which means I have to go to the hospital. I got out of bed and went to take a shower to freshen up. I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, put on some cosy sweatpants and a hoodie, and left. Tenten came with me for moral support. When I went there, I checked in with the nurse taking care of them both. Tsunade called me into a meeting a couple of days ago to talk about facilitation and organ donation. Today is the day I sign off on Sasori. To pull the plug. God, I never thought I'd be saying that. I know Sasori wouldn't want to be selfish. Deep down I know he wouldn't want to keep resources from other patients that could need it. He'd also want to donate his organs. Today is finally when I'm able to do this. Why may you ask? because today is the day I turn 18. Pretty shitty that I have to unplug my brother from life support on my birthday. Sometimes I think the world is against me with all the shit it puts me through. By now all the nurses and doctors know me, from how frequently I visit. I went into the conference room with Tsunade. When I walked in, the forms were on the table. I took a deep breath. My hands were shaky. She asked me if I was completely sure. I said yes. She proceeded to tell me all of the things I wanted to donate such as corneas, kidneys, heart, skin, etc. my eyes started to water but I held it together. Even though my hands were shaky I managed to sign the papers in legible handwriting. After that, we walked to Sasori's room. Why am I doing this? Why do I have to do this? Why is it always me? Why am I the only one who has to suffer? I lost all sense of reality as I stepped into that room. The atmosphere was morbid and dry. Everything looked grey. The world was playing in slow motion. All my senses dulled. I sat down on the chair. " Take all the time you need," Tsunade said. I looked at Sasori one last time. Grabbing his hand and squeezing it a couple of times, I looked up and nodded at the Tsunade. She took this as a sign to start the process. Again I started to cry. A couple of tears rolled down before it stopped. I made it stop. I had to be strong. I couldn't be weak. Sasori wouldn't want that. He'd want me to smile and be happy. even on his dying breaths. I didn't even get to say goodbye to him. I smiled widely. Even showing my teeth. Sasori always said he loved my teeth. It got me thinking. Goodbye is just a little word that often causes pain, to say goodbye to the one you love, and may never meet again. A parting kiss, a deep sign, no one knows how much it hurt, to say this little word goodbye. Which is why I'm not going to say it. I believe in what the future holds. I don't believe this is the end of Sasori. And it's not the end of his legacy. He will live on in our spirits and our hearts. Once Usagi wakes up she will hear about this. This is the last time I'm gonna get to see Sasori and feel his warmth before he's just a corpse in a coffin. I want to enjoy this. Which is why my last words aren't gonna be goodbye. "thank you " was the last thing I could utter before I heard him flatline

" Sasori Haruno time of death 17:35 March 28th

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