the project

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Sakura woke up and did her normal routine. Wake up, get dressed, clean her room, eat breakfast etc. Today was like any normal day. Well as normal as being there to investigate an illegal sex ring can get. The girls drove to school and went to their normal classes. They went to their first class, home room. When they entered almost everyone was there. They went to sit down. Sasuke nor naruto nor neji were there. Hmmm, Sakura wondered where they could be. "Ohh well not my problem" she whispered. The bell rang and for the first time the pervert was there on time. Guess he took naruto's advice and bought an alarm clock. "Good morning class," kakashi said. Everyone was shocked. They all had a-wait-why-is-he-on-time-today? Face. "Why the shocked faces. Are we surprised to see me on time today?" Kakashi said. "Why exactly are you on time? Last time I checked when you're early it never ends well" one kid said. "Well that's because I have an assignment for you" he said. Groans and  "Ughhhhhh"s were heard. The class erupted into a fit because they thought kakashi was that one teacher that would never give them homework. "TRAITOR,'' one kid yelled. "Alright alright settle down class" Kakashi said. Nobody listened. "SHUT YOUR MOUTHS OR ILL GIVE YOUR ASS'S DETENTION FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR" kakashi yelled. The whole class went dead silent. "Wait! Can he do that?" One kid said. "Yes I can mr.mccall and if you guys don't want that then shut it and let me explain your assignment" kakashi said. "Alright class you will be doing this assignment with a partner which you will be allowed to pick. Don't make me regret it. The assignment is to- '' kakashi started but couldn't finish because he was interrupted by duck ass,whiskers and rapunzel. "Uzumaki, uchiha, hyuga you're late" kakashi said. " Oh looks like you're on time today kakashi" naruto said. "Is it really that hard to believe! Anyways I would like to know why you guys are late" kakashi demanded. "Oh come on kakashi can't you cut us some slack I mean you're always late and WE never scold you" naruto said. "Dobe shut your mouth you're making kakashi angrier" sasuke mumbled to the blond haired boy. "Detention all of you. Go sit down," Kakashi said coolly. Sasuke went to go sit next to Sakura. "What did I miss?" sasuke whispered to Sakura. "Kakashi was just telling us about an assignment," Sakura responded. "Can you believe the perverts on time today?" Sasuke said. "Don't get too comfortable. It's not like it's gonna last" Sakura said. Sasuke smirked. "Hey sasuke can I ask you something?" Sakura asked. "Hn" Sasuke said. "Do you think I'm annoying?" Sakura said. "Um ..... I guess" the uchiha responded. "Aww don't be like that. I think you're a jerk too" Sakura said. "Thanks annoying girl" sasuke responded smirking. "Alright your assignment is to write a short story. It can be about anything. It has to be at least 2 pages and it will be entered in a contest anonymously. The class will vote on who's the best and the winners will get free lunch for a month and will be able to hang out in the teachers lounge. You have one week to complete the assignment. As I said you will be doing this with partners. I prefer boy and girl pairs,"Kakashi explained. "Alright you can choose your partners now" he said. "HINATA WANNA BE PARTNERS" naruto yelled. Three ... two ... one Sakura counted down. "SASUKE-KUN WILL YOU BE MY PARTNER" Karin yelled. Perfect countdown Sakura thought to herself. "Go away Karin," Sasuke said. "But sasuke kun plea-" Karin said but was interrupted. "He said go away so back off," Sakura said collectedly. Karin rolled her eyes. "Hai Sakura," Karin said.  Then walked away. " Hey Sakura, do you wanna be partners ?" Sasuke asked. "Do you want me to be your partner?" Sakura said. "Yes," sasuke responded . " then there's your answer. Meet me at my house after school" Sakura said. "Wait, I don't know your address," sasuke said. " You'll figure it out," Sakura said mysteriously. Then the bell rang and she left. The next class Sakura had was music. Sakura had it with the whole gang. She was walking with ino and tenten. They arrived and all heard someone playing the guitar beautifully. Her voice sounded so familiar. They all stood at the door and saw it was hinata playing. They wanted to hear what she was singing so they didn't say anything or make any noise. Hinata tends to get shy when other people are around.
" you probably think that you are - hits guitar and then snaps- better now 🎶 better now. You only say that cause I'm not around 🎶 not around. You know I never meant to let you down🎶 let you down. Would've gave you anything 🎶 would've gave you everything " hinata sang. Then she noticed they were at the door. She started blushing madly. They were all so amazed. Her voice was so beautiful. Who knew she could sing. I guess she thought nobody would hear her since the classroom was empty. "Hinata that was AMAZING. when did you learn to sing and play the guitar ?" Naruto said. "O-oh that was no-nothing" hinata said. "Hinata that was great. I didn't know you could sing" ino said. Sakura hugged Hinata. "I'm so proud to be your friend Hinata" She said. "Sa-Sakura I can't be-breath" Hinata gasped. "Oh sorry Hinata" Sakura said. " she knows how to play the guitar beautifully doesn't she" said asuma. "AHHH" we all yelled. "Asuma you scared us" naruto said.

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