the sleepover

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The girls and I all arrived at the house at the same time. We received a text at like 5PM from ino telling us all not to bring a sleeping bag to the sleepover. Temari didn't arrive with us and barely made it. I guess she really did have a good chase by the look of her clothes and hair. Sakura and I drove here together in Sakura's Tesla. We knocked on the door and Ino opened. " OH YAY YOU'RE HERE" Ino practically yelled. "I was starting to think you weren't coming" she said. "Come in".  she gestured for us to enter. When we went inside we were greeted by everybody. Hmm guess we really were late. Oops.

We arrived at the yamanaka mansion.*cough* barley. Temari looked like she had almost been run over. When we entered everyone was there. You see tenten temari and I all have a habit of being late. Ino's house was huge. It was also so beautiful. It was decorated with gold and marble accents and was very spacious. Tenten temari and I also live in a mansion courtesy of haruno Corp in Paris. Yes my parents owned a multi million dollar company which is now run by my older brother Sasori. so I shouldn't be too surprised but I still couldn't help but be amazed. Probably because of the lack of socializing I had when I was younger due to studying. Anyways moving on. The girls and I put our stuff down next to the door and went to sit on inos couch where everyone else was just lounging around." ok so now that everyone's here we can get started" ino said. " as you all know I texted you guys earlier today saying not to bring sleeping bags. Well since I'm a great host , I'm not gonna let you sleep on the floor. We have five spare rooms but since there are ten of us you guys are gonna have to share. I have a list here of who will be sleeping with who. Naruto, you will be sleeping with hinata" ino said. " Fine by me, I love Hinata. She smells good" naruto said while kissing hinata on the forehead. Hinata blushed a light shade of red. " shikamaru you will be sleeping with temari, Neji you will be sleeping with tenten, sasuke you will be sleeping with Sakura and sai will be sleeping with me in my room" ino explained. Wait a minute! I have to sleep with SASUKE out of all people. God bless my soul. That ino. I see what you did there. Trying to play matchmaker. I actually don't have a huge problem with it because I've seen tenten and temari with neji and shikamaru and I'll admit , they would make pretty cute couples. You know what, it's fine. I'll just stay as far away as possible from him. I've slept with other guys before. SLEPT NOTHING ELSE. don't get the wrong idea you perverts. Everyone looked at who they would be sleeping with. Sasuke and I made eye contact for like 10 seconds. Memories of the run I had earlier came flushing back. Oh god I can't. I quickly looked away. Before I did I saw he had an amused face on. He knew it was me. That bastard knew it was me. And now he's toying with me. Two can play at that game. "What are we gonna do first?" Neji asked. " how about a game of spin the bottle truth or dare" ino said. Everyone debated about it quietly by themselves for a couple of seconds but then inevitably said yes. We all formed a circle in the living room and ino went to grab a glass bottle to use. "Who's gonna go first?" Shikamaru asked.  " I'll go" I said. I grabbed the bottle and spun. It landed on naruto. "Truth or dare?" I asked. "Dare" he answered. " I dare you to peel a banana with your feet" I said. " BET" naruto said and went to grab a banana from the kitchen. " I gotta see this" neji said. Then pulled out his cell phone to record. I grinned. Naruto came back with a banana. He took off his socks. Everyone started gagging and covering their noses. The smell of naruto feet reeked. He grabbed the banana and started peeling. NO FREAKIN WAY. he actually did it. Holy shit this kid actually did it. Pff wow ok. Everyone's face morphed into disbelief. Both amazed and disgusted. " My turn" naruto said. He spun. It landed on tenten. " truth or dare?" Naruto asked. "Dare" she said. " I dare you to do a handstand for one minute" he said. " fine " tenten said. You see what naruto didn't know is that tenten is actually very good at gymnastics and acrobatics so this should be a easy dare. She got into position. Then did it. Naruto even timed her. When she finished everyone was impressed. " ok my turn" tenten said. She spun the bottle. It landed on neji. She grinned and you could see a tad bit of fear in his eyes. "Truth or dare?" She asked. " truth" he said. Ahh you opted for the safer option. Good choice. Tenten looked him directly in the eye for five seconds. Then out of the blue she says " what Color is your underwear?". We all burst out in laughter. I guess it wasn't the safest option. He blushed a slight shade of red which is more than anyone has ever gotten out of him. "Purple" he muttered under his breath. "Huh what was that I couldn't hear you " tenten said putting her hand on her ear. " purple" he said a little bit louder. " say it like you mean it!" She said, raising her voice. "PURPLE" he yelled. There was a slight pause where everyone was silent. Then laughter filled the room. Everyone was cracking up. no way.  Thee neji hyuga wears purple underwear. Who would've known. "Alright, alright my turn" Neji said. He spun the bottle. It landed on me. "Truth or dare?" He asked. "Dare me" I said. " I dare you to go to a random person's house and ask if you could borrow their underwear" he said.  Seriously. Then Everyone started chanting " do it do it do it do it do it". " fine" I said getting up. I went to the door. It was dark outside so the only thing lighting the street up was the lamppost. I ran to ino's neighbour across the street. The gang was looking at me. I knocked on the door and a nice lady opened. "Why hello there" the woman said. "Hi I know this is a weird question but do u mind if I borrow a pair of underwear?" I said. I thought she was gonna say no and slam the door in my face. But to my surprise she didn't . " oh sure hunny wait here while I grab a pair". I waited outside for ten minutes. Then she came back with a red pair of granny panties. "Thank you " I said trying to contain my laughter. I ran back to ino's house where everyone was waiting for me. As soon as I got there I bursted into laughter. I showed the granny panties and next thing i knew  everyone was on the ground laughing to death. " OMG I cant believe she actually gave it to you" temari said in between laughs. " I know," I said laughing. Once everyone had calmed down we went back to the living room and sat in a circle again. " my turn to spin " I said. I spun. It landed on sasuke. I smirked. Payback time. Temari and tenten noticed my smirk and immediately knew this wasn't gonna end well. "Truth or dare?" I said in a sweet yet  sickening voice. "Dare" he said. " I dare you to let the person to your right put duct tape on any part of your body they choose and rip it off" I said . His eyes widened with fear when he realized the person to his right was naruto. Naruto grinned. The whole room went silent. Everyone looked at sasuke with a your-so-screwed face. Ino went to grab duct tape. Sasuke looked me in the eye with a you-didn't-have-to-do-this look. Naruto placed the duct tape on sasuke's arm pits which were surprisingly hairy. If you didn't know the skin under your arms aka armpits are one of the most painful parts of your body to wax. Everyone was silent. "3 ... 2 ... 1 ..." naruto counted. Then he ripped it off. A grunt was heard. Sasuke's eyes were watery like he was about to cry. The area was red. And the duct tape was covered in hair.Everyone let out a sigh since they were holding their breath because of the suspense. You could tell sasuke wasn't happy about what just happened. Then we started laughing again. The whole thing was just really funny for some reason. When we calmed down sasuke spun the bottle. It landed on temari. "Truth or dare?" He asked in his deep velvety voice. "Dare," she said. " I dare you to put ice in your bra for 30 seconds" he said. She smirked. "Atlas a real challenge," she said. She got up and went to the kitchen. The girls followed her. We saw her put ice in her bra. A whole bunch of it actually. Then came back. Sasuke started the clock. Everyone was recording it. She lasted the whole 30 seconds without a wince of pain.  Everyone was kinda astonished at her pain tolerance level. "My turn" temari said as she spun the bottle. It landed on shikamaru. "Truth or dare?" Temari asked. "Dare" he said. " I dare you to go outside and pick exactly 40 blades of grass with tweezers'' she said. Shikamaru sighed and said "what a drag". He then got up and went outside. As you know shikamaru is the lazy type. He's a genius yes ,but he doesn't want to do anything he didn't have to do so this dare was perfect for him. The worst part was that it was dark outside. I handed him the tweezers. Then he started plucking blades of grass. Everyone was chuckling seeing him struggling. When he was done he went back. Temari asked to count the blades. "40 exactly". Shikamaru went to sit down and without even knowing it layed down on temari's lap. She didn't seem to mind. He spun the bottle. It landed on hinata. "Truth or dare?" He said. "Truth" she said in her sweet calming voice. I love hinata so much. She's like a sweet little dumpling. If naruto or anyone  breaks her heart I will come after their family. " ok how long have you liked naruto and why do you like him?" he said. "I've liked him since I met him. The reason I like him is because he always perseveres through difficult times. He believes in himself and other people. He's always there for his friends and brings out the best in people" hinata responded. We all had an aww moment. How cute. They're my OTP ( one true pair). I want to be as happy as her one day. They make a great couple. "My turn," Hinata said. She spun and it landed on ino. "Truth or dare ino?" Hinata asked. "truth" ino responded." What's the most embarrassing thing you've done?" Hinata asked. "I tried making the new kid fall in love with me by forcing him to hold my hand. It lasted about 12 days.  Looking back at it I was actually kinda harassing him by jumping on him , frequently asking him out and forcing myself on him. Buy hey it worked. He's my boyfriend, is he not!" Ino said while holding sai's hand. Everyone chuckled a bit. " alright my turn" ino said. She spun , it landed on sai. "Truth or dare?" Ino asked. "Dare," he answered. " I dare you to let me give you a makeover" she said. "Ok" sai said in his monotone voice. They went upstairs. After 15 minutes they finally came down. As soon as we saw him we all started dying. HE LOOKED HILARIOUS. it's like if pennywise and that clown you were scared of when you were younger that came to your birthday parties had a baby and it was right in front of you. I pulled out my phone and took a photo of him. " hey what's that for" sai asked. " blackmail" I said. Next thing I knew I was being chased all through ino's house by sai. "COME BACK HERE SAKURA" he yelled. "NOT A CHANCE" I yelled back. I can run FAST.  Not as fast as temari but all those times I chased crooks really pays off. I hid in Ino's closet in her room. I thought I was safe until bam. The doors were open and sai took my phone. " NO" I said. Too late. He had already deleted the pic. God dammit I almost had him. I then reluctantly went back to the circle. "Alright I'm kinda hungry" naruto said. "Me too " tenten said. " ok how about we order pizza and while we're waiting the guys can play video games and I can do the girls nails then after we eat we can watch a movie" ino suggested. A line of "fine by me" , "ok", "sounds good" and "alright" we're heard. Ino went to order the pizza and the guys set up the game console. When ino came back she
pulled out her nail kit. She did our nails. Ino painted Hinata's nails a lilac color to match her eyes. Temari's nails white. Tenten nails a dark green. My nails red and Hinata painted ino's nails a light blue to match the colour of her eyes. I went to sit on Ino's couch to let my nails dry. When I sat down I got a text from Gaara, one of my old guy friends from Suna and Temari's younger brother.

GAARA: hey how's it going at your new school?

SAKURA: fine. I've made some friends. They're nice.

GAARA: good. If anyone ever hurts you just call me. I will come across the world in two seconds k.

SAKURA: lmao yes gaara I promise.

GAARA: guess what


GAARA: I'm coming to visit you next wednesday


GARRA: yes

SAKURA: k I gotta go bc I'm at a sleepover but just for you info i'm really happy about you coming 😃

GAARA: k have fun bye

Now I'm really in a good mood. I look up and see Naruto getting destroyed by Sasuke in COD. "  ha you suck at this game naruto" I said. " You think you can do better," he said. "One hundred percent" I respond. I switch places with naruto. " I bet 20 bucks sasukes gonna win," Naruto says. " I bet 50 Sakura is gonna win," Tenten said. We start the round.  Sasukes and I made eye contact.
" I doubt you can beat me, princess," Sasuke says. " don't get too cocky mr. cool you just might lose to this "princess"i say.  *30 minutes later* "WHAT NO FUCKING WAY. SASUKE YOU LOST" naruto screamed. Sasuke just stood there looking at his side of the screen in disbelief. " pay up buddy " tenten said. Naruto pouted. "Cough up the money" tenten said tauntingly. Naruto slowly pulled out the money and gave it to tenten. " don't play games with a girl that can play em better" I said. " smart ass" sasuke said. I smirked cockily. "PIZZAS READY" ino yelled. We all ran to the kitchen. Tenten and naruto fought over the first slice but eventually we all got one. "What movie are we gonna watch?" Sai asked. "HORROR!" Temari tenten I screamed. Everyone looked at us weirdly. "What?" I asked. "Nothing, we've just never seen girls interested in horror movies" Neji said. "All in favour  of horror" ino Said. Sasukes, neji, sai, Tenten, temari and I raised our hand. "That's more than half so horror it is" Ino said. When we finished eating the pizza we all sat on the couch. Tenten went with Naruto to grab a snack and make popcorn. The order on the couch was ino-sai-tenten-neji-temari-shikamaru-Hinata-naruto-Sakura-sasuke. We decided to watch "the conjuring". the movie was really good but something really funny happened while we were watching. So there was this jump scare and ino being the dramatic person she is, caused a domino effect to say the least. When the scare came on ino jumped up causing sai to spill the drink he had on tenten. Causing tenten to throw the popcorn that she had on neji. Causing neji to hit temari in the stomach. Causing temari to throw the m&m's she had on Shikamaru. Causing shikamaru to throw the blanket he had on hinata. Causing hinata to accidentally shove naruto to the side. Causing naruto to spill the water he had on me. Causing me to throw the chips I had on sasuke. See domino effect. Ino then realized what she caused. "Oops" ino said. "INO" we all yelled. We all got up to get cleaned . Tenten and I went up to the bathroom since we were the only ones that had drinks spilt on us . Ino lent us some pj's and we changed. We came back and the movie was over. shikamaru and i started yawning. I checked the time. 2 AM. "We should go to sleep," shikamaru said."ya" ino agreed. Ahh the dreaded time where I have to sleep with duck butt uchiha. Ino called the girls and told us no baby making. Hah as if. We all headed to our respected rooms. When we entered an awkward silence filled the room. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I got out sasuke entered to brush his teeth. I silently got into the left side of the bed. I wanted to stay as far away as possible from him while on the bed. I heard the door open and fake slept. "I know you're awake," sasuke said. " whoops I guess you caught me" I said a little sarcastically. i extended my arm to get my phone on the night stand to check if i got any messages from tsunade. I'm pretty sure if you kissed him right now his breath would be so minty. What, stop thinking that inner.  " By the way I knew it was you running next to me earlier today at the park" he said. Fuck he did know. "And?" I said. "And I found it a little offensive you didn't say hi to me" he responded in a playful voice. " you looked like you didn't want to be disturbed. Besides I think your fan girls were already doing a pretty great job at saying hi" I said. He scoffed. I looked up from my phone and noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt. Just sweat pants. Seriously again. " You're gonna sleep like that ?" I said. " you have a problem with it" he said. " no I just- ok you do that" I said. " is this your first time sleeping with a guy?" He said. " what no, I've slept with plenty of guys" I said. " Ohh I see" he said in a judgy voice. " not like that- don't get the wrong idea- I mean I don't do that I just- I'll stop talking now" I said. I heard him chuckle a little bit. This guy. I swear he's playing with me. " Good night," he said. " good night" I replied back. That's the last thing I said before knocking out cold.

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