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Ok so it's thursday which sucks because u just wished it was friday already but anyways, let me give u a quick recap about the events of this week. Temari tenten and i have been here for a few days now. We have become familiar with the classes and figured out that there was a volleyball team. Since all three of us have had volleyball experience we tried out and made the team. So it was me, temari, tenten, ino, and hinata ( i know there supposed to be normally six players but lets pretend its five for now). Everything is going great actually. We're currently in volleyball practise which is normally held after school. Coach anko is making us run 4 miles for conditioning (idk if that's accurate but idc). I look around and notice someone isn't there. "Hey where's ino" I ask Temari who's running at the same pace as me . "Don't know maybe she forgot we had practice today" she responded. "Maybe" I said. "HARUNO GO FIND OUT WHERE THE HELL YAMANAKA IS '' coach Anko yelled as i finished my run. I sighed " ok" I responded. I ran inside the school since we were running on the football field outside. I checked everywhere. Classrooms , bathrooms , student lounge, even the janitors closet. No sign of ino. I ran all the way to the otherside of the school where most of the kids were still exiting school. . . . . . THERE i spot blonde hair. "INO'' I yell. I ran towards her and stopped right in front of her. I slouched down putting my hands on my knees and started panting trying to catch my breath. "Sakura, why are you panting?" ino said. " coach -pant- made us -pant- run -pant- 4 miles -pant-plus i had to -pant- run all the way -pant- from the other side of the school -pant- to find you -pant-'' i said in between breaths. I took a deep breath and stood up properly still breathing heavily. " Anyways coach needs you " I managed to say. "Well I'm kinda busy at the moment " she said. "Ino if u dont come with me right now-pant- i swear i'll drag your ass there" i said. I grabbed inos arm and dragged her away from her precious boyfriend knowing that if we took any longer anko would make us do drills until we dropped. 

I was walking out with the gang ( naruto, neji, shikamaru and sai) to the exit inorder to leave school since it's the end of the day."hey sai" i heard a high pitched  voice say. I  turned around and it was ino. I mean who else would it be but sai's girlfriend. We all stopped to wait for Sai because he was riding in my car and so were all the other guys. We stopped at a corner ."hey beautiful '' said sai. They hugged and did all that lovey dovey stuff. I almost puked. "So sai i was thinking maybe we could me-" ino was cut off by someone yelling her name. When I turned to see who it was I saw a flash of pink. It was sakura. She was wearing a skin tight long sleeve shirt with the number 18 on her back. It accentuated her slim figure and spandex shorts which showed off her butt. her hair was in a high ponytail. Is that a volleyball uniform? I didn't know she joined the team. Sakura and i havent talked that much. She does sit beside me but kakashi always lets us do whatever we want. So she always leaves to hang out with her friends and is usually reserved. she's not shy reserved though, more like i-don't-want-to-talk-to-you-unless-it's-absolutely-necessary reserved. "Sakura, why are you panting?" ino said. " Coach -pant- made us -pant- run -pant- 4 miles -pant-plus i had to -pant- run all the way -pant- from the other side of the school -pant- to find you -pant-" she said breathing heavily. I just kept staring at her for some odd reason. It was like some magnetic force urging me to look at her. " Anyways coach needs you" she said. "Well I'm kinda busy at the moment " she said. "Ino if u dont come with me right now -pant- i swear i'll drag your ass there". "Bye sai" ino yelled while getting dragged away by the pink haired girl.

I woke up this morning and the first thing that came to mind was FRIDAY FINALLY!!!!
I MEAN IT WAS ABOUT TIME. listen, school was getting very exhausting with volleyball and keeping my grades up. The fact that the weekend was very near was VERY comforting. Anyways I got up very slowly. I am NOT a morning person. Never have been and never will be. I got up and decided since it was friday i'd go with a chill outfit i mean i wasn't trying to impress anybody. I wore some black leggings, a burgundy harvard sweatshirt, a sports bra and my white air force ones. I braided my hair into two dutch braids and didn't bother putting on makeup. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. Usagi made some breakfast and since I had some time to waste I thought today would be a day I would eat properly. I DEVOURED that breakfast like it was no joke. When I finished tenten and temari came down. "What no breakfast for us" tenten said. " You snooze, you lose, " I said shrugging my shoulders. We got into the car and drove to school. When we got out the usual happened. Girls screaming bloody murder about the group of douche guys that arent even interested in them in the first place. Pshhh don't they ever get tired of that. They're persistent. I'll give them that. anyways time for hell.

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