the bois

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*DING DING DING* who in baby Jesus's name is messaging me. I'm trying to sleep. I opened my eyes to check my phone. It was the dobe messaging me. I'm gonna kill him one of these days. I checked the text messages. 


SASUKE: what do you want? This better be good because if not I'm gonna come to your house and drag your ramen loving ass all the way to ichiraku and you're gonna watch me buy all the ramen and then destroy it.

NARUTO: woah calm down there sasuke. No need to get hasty. Listen, we can talk about this.

SASUKE: you have exactly five seconds to tell me what you want before I come to your house

NARUTO: alright alright! Ino wanted all of us to go to the mall. We also wanted you to drive us there. So are u down?


NARUTO: come on please. If you don't go I'll tell itachi that you've been the one stealing his dango.

SASUKE: fine.

NARUTO: good. Come pick us up at 11 AM. Bye

Ugh now I have to have human contact. EW. I checked the time. 10AM. I have one hour to get ready. Wait if everyone is going does that mean Sakura is gonna be there. Wait what am I thinking. I got up and cleaned. Then I changed into some black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, a black leather jacket with the uchiha crest on it and some black yeezys. I left the house 30 minute early because I had to pick up everyone. I was gonna take my lambo but I thought it would be too flashy. You know rich kid problems. I just took my normal Porsche. I first picked up the dobe. Then I picked up hinata with her cousin neji. After the hyugas was sai. Then ino. Then shikamaru. Finally time to pick up Sakura temari and tenten. I drove to her house without help because I already knew where she lived from the assignment. The whole gang got out and we rang the doorbell. Sakura opened."Would you all like to explain why you're at my house?" she said, putting her arm on the door frame. "We want you to come to the mall with us, tell temari and tenten too" ino said. " umm ok give me a second" she said then closed the door. She ran up stairs. In ten minutes she was down with tenten and temari. She changes faster than i do. "What are you guys waiting for? Let's go" she said, hopping into the car. We all got in and drove to the mall. When we got out ino immediately dragged the girls away to go get dresses for the Valentine's Day bash. "You guys wanna go eat?" Shikamaru asked. We all agreed and headed to the food court. We sat down and started chatting. "Funny seeing you here uchiha. You never come to this. Is it because of Sakura?" neji said. "Shut it white eyes" I said. "Why so defensive? Is there something you're not telling us?" Neji said tauntingly. "What about you, Neji, are you only here because of tenten?" I said. "Don't switch it around uchiha," he said blushing. "Alright alright break it up you too" shikamaru said. "What about you shikamaru, got a thing for temari?" Naruto said. He blushed ever so slightly. "Wh-what no" he stuttered. We all stared him down. "Fine, yes, " he said. We all smirked. "Sasuke, you got a thing for Sakura and we all know it," Naruto said while drinking his soda. I looked away. "Aww is the ice cube finally melting. I never thought this day would come,"Neji said. "You shouldn't be talking neji, we all know u definitely got a thing for tenten I mean she's the only other girl you would let in your house besides hinata" naruto said. " Well at least I don't make it obvious by asking her to be my partner while everyone is around" he said looking at me. " Well that only means you weren't man enough to ask her in front of the whole class" I said. He scowled. "Why don't you just tell her how you feel?" Sai said looking at me. " because he has too much pride to admit it. Isn't that right uchiha?" Neji said. "Hyuga I swear one more time and I'll rip your head off" I said. "Don't be such a prick sasuke. I only speak the truth" he responded. " what are you guys talking about?" I heard a female say. I turned around and saw Sakura. Oh no. "Nothing," Neji said, smirking at me. that little purple eyed long haired mosquito will pay if he spill anything. We got up and headed for the exit of the mall. "Sakura?" A deep voice said. We turned and it was this kid with red hair , seafoam eyes and black eyeliner around his eye area. "GAARA" Sakura yelled. Then she ran and jumped on him. I felt my fist clench. "KANKURO" tenten screamed and did the same. This guy looked older than the first one. I saw neji get kinda mad. Who were these guys?

The gang and I we're walking towards the exit when I heard a familiar voice say my name. "Sakura?" The guy said. I turned around. "GAARA" I yelled with joy and ran to him and hugged him tightly. "When did you get here?" I said. " Last night, I was gonna surprise you today but I didn't get the chance," he said. "KANKURO" I heard tenten yell. I turned and saw kankuro. "How long are you staying?" I said. " just a couple of days. That's all I got because my dad said I need to be focused on being the "kazekage" he said. " hey Sakura, " kankuro said. " hey kankuro how are you doing?" I asked while hugging him. " good," he said. " umm I hate to interrupt your reunion but would you like to introduce them to us?" Ino said. " oh yes sorry forgot you were there. Um this is gaara and kankuro. They are the sons of the kazekage and temari's younger brothers" I said. "Wait your friends with the kazekages kids" naruto said. " She's not just a friend, she's practically family and so is tenten," kankuro said. "You're the kazekages daughter?" Shikamaru said, surprised. "Yeah" temari said. Everyone said hello to each other. "Alright we should probably go, it's getting late. "Temari don't forget dad wants to video chat in relation to the five kage summit. He wants you to be there," Gaara said. Then walked away. Everyone walked home. Tenten walked with neji. Ino walked with sai. Shikamaru walked with temari. Naruto walked with Hinata. Sasuke and I were the only ones left. I got a ride home with him. I was just sitting in the car, when I noticed Sasuke was off. "You're upset," I said." Hn" He responded.  "Cmon sasuke i'm gonna need a real response" I said. "I'm not upset," he said. "Yes you are" I responded. "No," he said. "Just tell me sasuke, I mean it's not like you're jealous or something" I said.  He didn't say anything. I looked over at him. "Wait are you jealous?" I said. He stayed quiet. "Oh so that's how it's gonna be, the silent treatment" I said. We got to my house. I opened the car door and asked him to come out. " now I'm very sorry that you feel jealous. But if it makes your fragile little heart feel better we're just friends. He's like a brother to me" I said. He looked me directly in the eye. I forced him to walk me to the door. I stopped at the door and watched the uchiha walk to his car. Before he could get too far away I got a mischievous idea. "Oh and sasuke," I said. Then I raced over and kissed him on the cheek. His face turned red from the surprise attack. "Good bye uchiha" I said in a sultry voice. Then I went inside. I don't know what took over my body but it felt good. That was definitely an impulsive decision but eh who cares.

A/N: hey y'all so what i've decided i'm gonna do is post 2 chapters every week until i run out of prewritten chapters. hopefully by then i'll be back in canada since im kinda stranded in a foreign country. if not then i'll try to continue writing more chapter but if that doesn't happen this story is probably gonna go on hiatus for a little while. i'm gonna try not to make that happen tho. i hope your enjoying the story and i really appreciate the reads they mean so much. i never thought anybody would find this story. now please please please leave a comment if you can it means the world - lots of luv author chan

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