Chapter - 37

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As the night continued to unfold, the girls danced with renewed energy and enthusiasm, their previous encounter with the leering man all but forgotten in the euphoria of the moment. But just as they were starting to lose themselves in the music, they noticed the same man from earlier making his way towards them, a determined look in his eyes.

Shreya, sensing trouble, narrowed her eyes at the approaching figure. "Isn't that the same creep who was staring at Kashish earlier?" she whispered to the others, her voice tinged with concern.

Kashish tensed up, her body instinctively recoiling at the sight of the unwelcome intruder. "What's he doing here?" she muttered, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Before they could react, the man had reached them, his arms outstretched in an attempt to join their dance circle. "Hey ladies, mind if I join you?" he asked with a smirk, his tone dripping with arrogance.

Ritika stepped forward, her voice firm and unwavering. "Actually, we do mind. We're fine dancing by ourselves," she replied, her gaze steely as she blocked his path.

But the man seemed undeterred by their rejection, his smirk widening as he attempted to grab Kashish's hand. "Come on, sweetheart, don't be shy. Let's dance," he insisted, his persistence bordering on aggression.

Kashish recoiled at his touch, her instincts screaming at her to get away from him. "I said no," she spat, her voice laced with contempt as she pushed his hand away.

Divya stepped in, her voice firm and commanding. "You heard her, buddy. Back off," she warned, her stance protective as she positioned herself between Kashish and the unwanted suitor.

But the man refused to take the hint, his arrogance fueling his determination to dance with Kashish. "Oh, come on, don't be like that. Let's have some fun," he cajoled, his tone dripping with entitlement as he attempted to grab her hand once more.

As the man persisted in his unwanted advances, Kashish felt a rising sense of panic and frustration. Just as she was about to confront him once more, a commanding voice cut through the air, freezing everyone in their tracks.

"Touch her and you are dead."

Startled, Kashish turned towards the entrance of the club, her heart racing as she saw Abhishek, her boyfriend, standing there with his friends Tanmay, Harshit, and Rishab. Relief washed over her at the sight of him, but she couldn't help but wonder how he had found her here.

Abhishek strode forward, his presence commanding and protective as he approached the unwelcome intruder. With a menacing glare, he warned, "Don't you dare to touch her or I will break your hand from which you touch her. So, go."

The man, taken aback by Abhishek's sudden appearance and the ferocity in his voice, hesitated for a moment before attempting to assert his authority. "Do you know who I am?" he challenged, his tone brimming with arrogance.

Abhishek's response was swift and cutting. "I don't care who you think you are," he retorted, his voice laced with contempt. "Now go if you value your life."

With a defeated mutter, the man slunk away into the crowd, his bravado deflated by Abhishek's unwavering resolve. Kashish couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards her boyfriend, his protective instinct reassuring her and filling her with a sense of safety.

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