haunted [2]

170 10 2

same warnings as last time

harry yanked the front door open and stepped out of the house. making his way alongside the driveway on the grass until he reached the old wooden garden gate and leant against it, catching his breath. he hadn't realised until the cold air hit his face that his breathing had started wavering again.

john shut the door behind him and followed harry over to the gate. once he reached him he passed over a bottle of water. harry wasn't sure where he got it from but he was grateful.

'cheers.' harry spoke with a sad smile and let their eyes meet for a second before growing uncomfortable and looking away to take a drink. 'sorry about that.'

'what are you sorry for?' john seemed genuinely confused. harry had nothing to be sorry about. 'it's not your fault.'

'yeah, well.' harry took another swig of the water, keeping his eyes away from john's. 'i've apparently just ruined a perfectly good video.'

'don't say that. we both know they were out of line.' it was nice to hear someone say it. it made harry feel validated (even though he already knew they were in the wrong)

'well sorry anyway.' john considered telling him that he didn't need to apologise again but knew it would be a pointless battle so he left it, letting harry have the apology.

they stood quietly for a moment. john tried to think up a topic that would bring harry's mind away from the spirit box, away from the house, something he could do to help.

'that footage... it can't get out.' harry barely spoke above the wind and it took john by surprise. he sounded devastated, his voice gave away the fact he was on the verge of tears. john felt awful. he felt guilty for hearing him like that, for seeing him in the attic, for filming it (even though he'd turned the camera off the second he saw harry was really crying)

'it won't get out.' john assured him, he was willing to wipe each memory card himself. harry looked to him and nodded tearfully in a silent thanks, understanding that john would cover for him. it meant a lot.

the door of the house swung open and simon appeared from behind it. he slammed the door after he walked out and looked around until he spotted john and harry. his shoulders visibly settled when his eyes found harry's in the dark. he made his way towards them and they met him in the middle.

'you don't have to stay, harry. i'll drive us home right now, i don't care. we can leave.' simon rubbed harry's arm reassuringly and waited for him to say something.

they could leave, of course they could. no one was going to physically force them to stay, harry knew that, but it wasn't worth it. the arguments, the damage it would cause to the group (as if this night hadn't damaged it already) it was fine. it was like josh said, a coincidence. nothing really happened. all he had to do was go up to the room he was staying in with ethan and jj (seemed like a good idea when they were picking rooms) and go to sleep. he'd wake up in the morning and be able to go home drama free.

'it's fine, simon. it's just one night. barely even a few hours.' harry knew he wasn't convincing anyone, especially not simon. it really was a few hours though. he'd stayed in worse places for longer. 'i'll just go to bed and... and it'll be fine.'

'you're a terrible liar, harry.' simon shook his head and pulled harry into a hug. 'whatever you wanna, i'll do it with you.'

harry was beginning to think simon's arms around him could fix everything. his embrace could rival the softest blanket in the world. harry found himself wishing that he could stay in simon's forever. he wished that a lot.

'want me to ask tobi to switch rooms?' simon (regretfully) pulled away and let his hands fall to harry's wrists, holding them gently. harry shook his head 'he wouldn't mind.'

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