Take 15 - Knight of Order on Overdrive

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In Jame's back seat, Scarlet was saying prayers softly. "St. Anthony, perfect imitator of Jesus, who received from God the special power of restoring lost things, grant that we may find Lance Hardwood, who has been lost."

"Harwood, Miss Fever," said Derek.

"He knows who I'm talkin' about."

"Well, ask him to please have him returned to us with some common sense. All right, Pete, what do you suggest?" he asked, clearly exasperated.

I know what you're all thinking. He's going to fall apart. He's not emotionally prepared for this. He's going to call Disney and leave it in their hands. He's going to ask mommy and daddy for help. He's going to leave Lance in the hands of Fate and wash his hands of the whole affair. He's better off without him.

You'd be wrong on all counts. Remember that when I see Chaos, I have to impose Order. There is no way I'd want Disney involved – I'm still a wanted man, remember? Micky and Manny are probably out there, still looking for us. Mom and Dad are involved with something that requires some sort of subterfuge – although why a realtor and a businessman would be speaking in some weird code, I don't know.

Because I'm wrongfully on the wrong side of the law, I can't leave everything to Fate – not when Fate means possibly a trial and jail time. Don't ever leave something unfinished or unresolved. It'll come back to bite you. (Sounds like advice Nina would give, doesn't it?) Was I better off without him? Honestly, I wasn't sure. I knew that his chaotic behavior drew me to him like a magnet. It wasn't the kind of chaos that could be tamed or corralled. It was an adrenalin rush, mental and physical. Did I want us to be Elyot and Amanda from Private Lives, or George and Julia Gibbs from Our Town?

It was a moot question, anyway. I was in love - period. As soon as I saw Trina Steele's face in that helicopter, reason and logic took over. I knew that (1) Lance had set up his first kidnapping with The Extremes, (2) The Extremes had broken the agreement by using real weapons instead of fake, and (3) they'd been let go with minor convictions and fines.

But then they showed up at the Bellagio's Mud-wrestling event, and we escaped them again. The gun had been loaded with live ammo that time. And Derek had conveniently shown up in enough time to help get Lance out of there. Ok, line of inquiry established. Initiate recovery actions.

"James, are you tracking..." I began.

"Yes, Peter, I've been tracking them ever since Lance's line was compromised," the AI responded.

"Where does it seem that they're headed?"

"Their path is erratic, changing course and direction with no obvious destination. I can only guess that it's somewhere near San Francisco."

"Please, let it be San Francisco," prayed Scarlet, "Civilization at last! I have lots of contacts there that might prove useful. Derek, darling – did you have any idea that your sister would casually commit murder to get Lance?"

"I did warn you all in Amargosa. And the kid, thank God, didn't die."

"If those hikers and tourists below hadn't formed that net, he would have. She's unhinged," stated Scarlet, firmly. "Any idea where she might be taking him?"

 "Any idea where she might be taking him?"

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The Summer I Really Didn't Kidnap Lance HardwoodWhere stories live. Discover now