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It was 6:59 am. 🌄

Rooh was peacefully sleeping on the white colored sheets spread on her bed.

She had a beige-colored room with a ceiling to bottom windows near her bed.
The window was decorated with small potted plants and an artificial branch of leaves that surrounds the window.

A human-sized mirror on the other side of the bedroom with a small cushioned stool kept near the mirror.

A fan is attached just above her bed and, a family photo frame on the wall, attached to her bed.

One doormat was kept near her bed and one outside her bathroom door.
Other than that the room contained a closet and a cabinet beside her bed with a lamp.

Rooh's room represented her, simple, minimal, and yet, elegant.

As the clock struck at 7 am, her alarm started ringing to wake her up. She slowly opened her eyes, rubbing her eyes with one hand as she stretched the other hand to dismiss her alarm.

Sitting up she took hold of her phone and unlocked it. Nothing exciting was there just a few emails, and 3 missed calls from her sister Drishti.

Keeping the phone aside she stood up and walked into the bathroom.

Her schedule had been hectic for a month. Event managing was both mental and physical work. And arranging one of the grand weddings in Varanasi was a ton of work.

Manish Khurana, a well-known businessman of Varanasi finally wedded his youngest daughter Anamika Khurana to the top criminal lawyer in India, Saransh Mittal. Not gonna lie, that couple did look like they were seconds away from smashing each other's heads. I wonder what happened between them.😏

But good for Rooh she was finally free and done with all that drama. 😌

It was 7:45 am by the time she walked out of her bathroom all clean and freshly bathed. After applying lotion, she walked up to her closet and wore a red suit. As she was about to walk out of her bedroom her phone started ringing. She picked up her phone and received a call from her sister Drishti.

With a wide smile😄 on her face, she said.

Rooh: Hey di!!, Good Morning. Wassup?

A female voice came from the other side of the phone.

Drishti: Hey Rooh, Good Morning. So, what were you doing?

Rooh: I was just about to prepare my breakfast, what about you di? And how is Vihaan jiju?

Rooh asked with a mischievous smile on her face.

Drishti: Oh yeah, ummmm... I wanted to talk to you about something. It's about me and Vihaan.

To which Rooh replied.

Rooh: Haww di!!!! How can you do this? Couldn't you wait until marriage? Now how will you tell everyone that you are-

Drishti: Shut up Rooh! Be serious for once yarr!!!

To this, Rooh started giggling. Controlling her breath she asked again.

Rooh: OK ok. Tell me, when is the baby shower?

Drishti: Rooh seriously....if you don't stop this right now...I am not going to tell you anything I swear.

Her sister replied with annoyance.

Rooh: OK di, calm down....I am sorry... I was just thinking...

Rooh was about to say something to irritate Drishti again.

Drishti: Ok bye!

Rooh started pleading with a laugh.

Rooh: Di Di!!! Please please I am sorry.... don't go...Acha tell me now....what is it..??

After taking a pause Drishti replied.

Drishti: I and Vihaan will tell our families about our relationship today.

Rooh: Oh wow di! Congratulations!

Drishti: Congratulate me when everyone agrees to our relationship😒. I am so nervous right now. I can't even explain it. I have been up since 5 am in the morning, and i barely slept at night thinking about today. God Rooh, motivate me...🥹

Rooh: Don't worry di. Vihaan jiju is so good and financially stable. everyone will like his nature and attitude. And even if Tau Ji does not agree, then run away with him😂. That is so romantic, I can already imagine it.😁

Drishti: Oh Rooh, stop being so dramatic. Also, Rooh......I want you at my wedding. I know that you were just here in June. But I need both of my sisters at my wedding. Everyone misses you Rooh. And everything is stable at home now. Why don't you come back to Lucknow, permanently? I have missed so many years with my sister and I want them back. You, me, and Preesha together.

Rooh knew she could not run away from her family forever. Eventually, she had to go back to Lucknow. Even though her parents never said it to her forwardly, she knew they wanted her back with them too. Whatever she went through emotionally was in the past and, she has moved on from it.

Rooh replies,

Rooh: OK di, I'll see about it.

They chat for few more minutes and end the call.

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