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Everyone's hands stopped in the air as they heard Drishti's confession and were looking at her with shock on their faces, except her father who just blankly stared at his plate, with both hands resting on either side of his plate.

Drishti's mother who was bringing more food to the table, stopped in her tracks and was just staring at her daughter in surprise and shock.

Preesha who was in the process of drinking water, choked on her water as she heard Drishti's confession and looked at her with a face that screamed 'Seriously Di😶! Right now😶? At the dining table😶? While eating😶?' with water leaking out of her mouth and nose.

Rooh could hear the trail of chokes followed by a dead silence from the other end of the call. Rooh slammed her head on her hand in disappointment🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ and said,

"UGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! don't deserve to be called a big sissy, I swearrrrr. Couldn't you say it in a more softer, and approachable way? Don't attack them with your "LOVE MARRIAGE BOMB" like that!!!!🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️"

Hearing Rooh say this, Drishti nervously rearranged her sentence and said while rubbing her nose (which she always does when she is nervous),

"I..I-..mean that, t-there is a boy that ummm.. So could we all meet h-his family, PLEASE!!"

Rooh started laughing on the other end of the call.😂

ROOH: God!!! I wish I was there to see everyone's face. Dii!! could you send me a picture of the expressions you cooked there😆?? And especially Taya Ji's expression. Has his face turned red like a red chilli yet😂? But he looks cute in that expression, all red plump cheeks. Don't you think di? 😆

DRISHTI: (Forgetting that she was in front of everyone at the dinner table Drishti replied.) How can you be so bad to me?

Listening to her reply Rooh once again banged her head on her hand on her big sister's nervousness🤦‍♀️. Drishti bit her tongue over her mindless reply to Rooh.

SAMEEKSHA (drishti's mother)- But beta(child). We didn't even say a word..!!?? ( She said and completed her distance to the dining table)

DRISHTI: Yee...eeaahh maa...It's J..just that I am a nervous.

RADHA(rooh's mother)- Are you okay Drishti?? Sit here on a chair and take this glass of water baccha (child).

Drishti walked over to Radha and sat beside her. Taking the glass of water in her hand, Drishti took a big gulp of water at once and choked herself.

RADHA: Areyy Beta(child) drink slowly and calm your nerves, Okay? Take a deep breath and then tell us about the boy.

Drishti shook her head in a yes and then looked over to her father she took a small gulp of her water.

Drishti was nervous because her father had stopped eating his food since he heard her and was continuously staring at his plate.

She was really worried about how her father would react.

Everyone was silent and digesting the recent news that Drishti had spilt a few minutes ago.

DRISHTI(In Her Mind): Why isn't Papa saying anything? His face isn't even red like Rooh said. Is even angry or not? Has my confession traumatized him to this limit? No Drishti calm down everything will be fine. Okay? And where has Rooh gone? Why isn't she speaking anything?

ROOH: Di why is everyone so silent there? Just give me a light cough if everything is fine till now and if not give me a light sneeze. Okay?

Following what Rooh said Drishti gives her a light cough to tell her that everything is fine till now. Listening to her light cough Rooh releases a sigh of relief.

Arjun (rooh's father) was silently focusing on how Drishti had a scared expression on her face mixed with nervousness and anticipation of what would be her father's reply.

Releasing a long sigh he was about to say something when he got interrupted by a call coming on Preesha's cell phone.

Sameeksha looked over to the caller ID and saw the name Ansh. Before Preesha could silence the call Sameeksha said,

SAMEEKSHA: Who is this Preesha🤨? If you also have someone tell it right now🤨.

Rooh who was silent on the other end of the call laughed and asked Drishti,

ROOH: What happened Di? Preesha also got caught? What a day! Everyone's lover are being revealed today. 😂

PREESHA: A..aarreeyy N..noo Tai Ji. H..he is just a friend.😥😅


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