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After spending a fulfilling and joyous day with her friends, Rooh called an Uber and arrived in front of her apartment within 35 minutes of the ride.

While sitting in the car she was constantly thinking about her years spent in Varanasi. She never expected to have made a family over here. Her neighbours, office, colleagues and most importantly the family she made over here with Archana and Siddharth. It was hard for her to leave this city.

All the memories and moments she made over here. She knew she would lock up all these sweet delicacies in her heart and cherish them forever.

The day Rooh arrived in Varanasi, and the Rooh that is leaving today, are not the same. And she is very much proud of it.

But, on the other hand, she was also excited to go back to Lucknow and live with her family. She was missing them a lot.

Everyone in the world works hard and reaches different levels of success in their lives. But at the end of the day, when the same people feel tired, low and exhausted, they seek shelter in the place they belong to, "family, roots".

Rooh wanted to step down from the heights of her tree to feel those roots again. To feel grounded again.

She stepped out of her cab and paid the driver his estimated amount. Stepping inside the apartment building she greeted the watchman and the receptionist. Entering into the lift she pressed the number to her floor. After a few seconds, the lift arrived in a long corridor. Exiting the lift Rooh walked down the corridor and unlocked the door to her apartment.

Locking the door behind Rooh entered her apartment. Freshening up and packing up half of her goods she went to her kitchen to make some dinner. While making the dinner she was constantly looking at her phone waiting for Drishti's call.

Drishti will call her today, while she will be talking to her family about Vihaan.

Serving herself lentil and rice in a plate Rooh sat on her kitchen table. Right when she was going to have her first spoon her cell phone rang loudly in her silent apartment.
Flipping the cell phone she received Drishti's call.

ROOH: What a timing Di, I was just about to have my dinner.🥲

DRISHTI: Rooh! Listen to me carefully. I am going to tell everyone about Vihaan at the dinner table.

ROOH: Di! You want everyone to choke on their food.🤦‍♀️

DRISHTI: I need to tell them today.

ROOH: Di! How many pep talks did you give yourself today to gather this 2% confidence right now??😂

DRISHTI: Stop roasting me Rooh and help me!😒

ROOH: Ok! Tell me what do I need to do?

DRISHTI: Nothing, just stay on the call and guide me! Okay?

ROOH: Okay! Go on Di. All the best!😌

Rooh heard Drishti's footsteps and then a halt in front of the dinner table. After a moment of silence, she heard Drishti taking a long breath and all of a sudden she blurted out in a high-pitched voice,

MERI ROOH🦋Where stories live. Discover now