Chapter 11: Revan the mage of darkness.

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Chapter 11: Revan the mage of darkness.
After the war that took place in hell, the gates off hell have opened, the demons tried their best to escape the place but Void Empress’s spell was too powerful for demons not even the most destructive ones can get through.

Meanwhile outside the gates of deep hell the dead men were brought back to Thera to be buried while the injured ones were brought to the fountain of healing to be treated. Tyrant, Lyra, Mythus, and Alvin were teleported by Void impress to zennith isles  to gear up to eliminate another threat. 

The four fighters and void empress arrived at the mansion of monarch after they geared up the official and the five fighters including Void Empress sat down.

Tyrant: So Jancour I heard what happened to you and your son..
Jancour: I had to do what I have to I am really, really sorry for doing such crime… I cannot forgive myself for what I have done.
Tyrant: We cannot blame you Jancour your son was arrogant he deserved it.
Void Empress: Now lets focus ourselves to the main threat Revan or also known as Mage of Darkness, he is one of the children of diabolus rex.
Tyrant: What does this Revan do?
Void Empress: He is not the son of diabolus for no reason. He is deadly unlike the others with the exception of zecarus and ameron two of the strongest child of diabolus. What made him deadly is he can use potions and  can manipulate the air, he can turn it poisonous or venomous, there’s these black smoke that surrounds him it can hypnotize you or worse. He also have the power called “The Melting Death”
Alvin: The melting death? What does it do?
Void Empress: It’s one of the most powerful spells that a mage can have and when mastered properly it will become the most destructive. This ability is not only about poison its also about destruction.
Alvin: What must be done?
Void Empress: We will take care of everything.. I want to send you somewhere where you can get a powerful weapon, your sword wouldn’t cut the enemies so take this book it will contain every instruction for that weapon.
Alvin: Thank you Void Empress I must go fund this weapon.

Void Empress gave her void saber to alvin, it was a blue blade one if the rarest type of weapons, alvin headed out while the 4 got back to the meeting.

Tyrant: Void Empress may we know your name?
Void Empress: I will tell all of you my name and you should never let the world know. My name is Vizier Obsidian daughter of the ancient void emperor.
Lyra: No wonder why your strong. Who trained you?
Void Empress: I myself was trained by my father before he got killed by nephelis and there I developed this power or ability called “Ruler of the Abyss” which grants me power over the void, no wonder why you guys kept calling me Void Empress.
Lyra: Your father got killed? I am very sorry for your lost.. that explained a lot like how you save tyrant and gave him your void powers. Thank you for saving him other wise wouldn’t have a lover like him.
Vizier: Anytime lyra! Now lets discuss our plan against revan. Don’t worry about alvin, he’ll be back in 15 days.

The officials and the fighters nodded in agreement and started planning about the raid for revan.

Meanwhile in the island called sifron island a man was working on something, thee man put enchanted powder and other stuff on the cauldron it seems like his working in a potion.

Zenakia: Yo revan, what are you working big bro?
Revan: I am just working in a potion. I will use it, I’ll also study new ingredients and other types of potions.
Zenakia: Brother I have received bad news from the duke of hell.
Revan: What is it?
Zenakia: Nephelis got defeated this Tyrant Shadow Flame the enemy of our brothers.
Revan: How?! Nephelis is a God and tyrant is a purple demon.
Zenakia: The Gods have chosen him, he now has the three if the most powerful weapon. The Celestial Crusher, the pendant of the all seeing eye, and the Armor of Crastonia.
Revan: I will seek his alliance I now got the opportunity to betray my brothers and sisters…. Zenakia our brothers and sisters may have treated us like rats.
Zenakia: I will help you  with you plan Revan.
Revan: Meet me in the outer corner of the island, we leave in morning. Don’t show any suspicions.

Zenakia left the room and went to his room to pack up his important stuff. Revan packed his potions and other equipment and went to sleep. He thought of betraying his other siblings.

In the middle of the sea there was a ship that was sailing north, it was alvin’s ship, it was a stormy night it was hard for him to navigate as the waves are stronger. He have the idea to stop the weather so he used the scroll of thera to stop  the weather. The weather was stopped it was still night so he had to sleep inside the cabin.

The next day.
The sun have started to rise Revan and Zenakia have left the island and now headed towards zennith isles. Alvin’s boat in the other hand have arrived at the island called “Phoenix’s Nest” and island full of ancient secrets, legends, and the powerful weapon called “Phoenix Bane” a weapon forged from the heart of the black phoenix a mythical animal that kills for sports and said to bring death.

Alvin started exploring around the island, he went to the town of eagle’s burg, he arrived at the town and he saw a lot of people wearing clothes that’s made out of feather from a big bird of some sort, a new clothing he never seen before, everyone was doing their normal routine, children playing in the streets, people selling their goods but he was here to find a weapon that can defeat demons. He ignored everyone he saw and moved on.

The two brothers have arrived at zennith isles and docked their ship in a nearby shore and they pulled out a map of zennith isles and followed the map’s direction. The two encountered strange creatures while walking inside the forest and they were stunned how beautiful the atmosphere and the creatures but for now they got a mission to do, a spy was exploring in the area the spy saw them and it followed them, the spy was ready to shoot them but another spy appeared and stopped him.

The other spy that showed up told the lower ranked spy to not do it, he knew that it was revan base from the potion smells that came from, the two decided to return to the mansion of monarch to tell the officials about this.

The remaining 5 children of diabolus held a meeting regarding the defeat of nephelis and the betrayal of revan and zenakia. Zecarus, Ameron, and the other 4 sat down in a chair.

Zecarus: Were did Zenakia and Revan go?
Eider: They betrayed us.. last night I past by revan’s room I heard the two talking about tyrant, they talked about setting alliance with Tyrant Shadow Flame.
Zecarus: Why would they set an alliance with him? That enemy of our  father is smart if it sees us then he will strike us with his blade.
Eider: To eliminate the 5 of us, he then said this words “I will seek his alliance I now got the opportunity to betray my brothers and sisters…. Zenakia our brothers and sisters may have treated us like rats but in the end we will beat them.”
Zecarus: Let them be for now.. send a spy to zennith isles let see how their plan goes.

The 5 siblings decided their next move and continued to work on their weapons, they also sent a spy to zennith isles that will only watch revan.

The two siblings revan and zenakia have arrived at the mansion they found the entrance and opened it, strangely there’s no one inside they entered the place and the equipment’s were intact, he pulled out his spell book and looked out for enemies.

Then all of the sudden a purple lightning hit both of them electrocuting both if them, both were teleported outside of the mansion, then a barrage of black arrow came falling down in  them, Revan then casted a green shield made out of black liquid.
Tyrant: Trying to kill us? Revan the mage of darkness.
Revan: No tyrant you got us all wrong.. we aren’t here to kill you, I am here to settle an alliance.
Tyrant: Silence.

Tyrant teleported at revan and hit him with his hammer once which knocked off his head, revan was able to run away and regenerate his head, raven then took a potion of “Infernal Sickness and dropped it to the ground so high which released a smoke that turned the clouds orange, it started to rain ashes that smelled like burning sulfur thankfully the 4 fighters were immune to those effects.

Mythus then threw his spear at revan, the spear delivered excruciating pain internally and externally, the pain was too excruciating that it made him bled.

While tyrant and mythus kept fighting revan, Vizier kept shooting explosive and poisonous arrows at zenakia that stopped his regeneration, lyra then released a giant snake from her dagger that kept biting zenakia. She then threw her dagger at him which hit his stomach.

Vizier then held up her bow and charged it, it formed a gigantic arrow pointing at zenakia, she released it and it caused a giant explosion. Which destroyed the ground. Zenakia got knocked unconscious, he was tied to a chain.

Vizier and Lyra joined tyrant and mythus, tyrant then unleashed a powerful shockwave that shocked the skies, the ground and the seas, which made revan loose his ground and he got stuck between the rocks, tyrant then kept hitting him with his hammer on the shoulder, head, and his chest.

Revan told tyrant to stop but he just kept in hitting and hitting his whole body which cracked his beak, he was screaming in agony and he shouted the word enough which the ground around him exploded and the four fighters were knocked back. Revan got out of the crack and stood up.
Revan: Look I am not here to kill everyone but you wanted me to kill you. I am here to settle an alliance against my siblings yet you treat tried to kill me?
Tyrant: Your one of our enemies the son of diabolus.
Revan: I came out of my mother yes! But my father, my siblings. Never treated me like a part of the family! Not even once tyrant! They only used me for my ability to cause an entire plague. I have no plans in killing anyone, I have no plan to conquer the world. I just want to live in peace just like the rest of you..
Vizier: You have no plans? You even tried to kill the elder mage one of the most powerful being in this world, you may think it forgivable but in reality its not.. your power hungry just like your father.
Revan: Well I have changed for the good. I am no longer that mage of-

Before he could utter the words he got punched in the face and got knocked down to the ground he got up on his knees. He pull out his Venom Bane, the sword has dark green blade, the hilt looked like a snake head, the blade is also dripping poison, its also emitting green flames.

Revan rushed towards them and started to swing his deadly bane on them, revan was focused on tyrant, the two clashed against each other, revan kept slashing missing tyrant. Tyrant then hit his back with the hammer, he then used his hammer to summon spikes if ice which impaled revan’s foot, it spew blood everywhere.

Revan then raised his hand then acid rain occurred which killed the nearby creature living. Tyrant then used the hammer’s power to suck up the poison from the rain and turn it to normal one, tyrant then summoned a barrage of purple crystal that hit revan’s body.

Revan then drank a potion if healing but It dint do anything, he found out that tyrant’s flames got inti his body and prevented his regeneration, revan then shouted the words “Melting Death”. After he uttered those words the skies started to open up then potions of poison, hallucination, black blood, sickness, black death, and the potion of deep hell started dropping from the skies and it hit every single fighters.

Revan was watching in sadness, it was painful to watch the 4 fighters suffering. Tyrant then threw his hammer at revan’s beak which nearly broke it, he fell to the ground and ran around to avoid their attacks. Revan then pulled out his spell book, and then he uttered the words “Undead Witch: Cursed of the Undead”.  A giant figure carrying a book emerged then it summoned the undead witch androma, androma then casted a cursed soul orb that it the ground and summoned an undead.

Androma then summoned 30  cursed undead, the four fighters dealt with them easily they knew that it was a decoy of the dead witch. Tyrant then hit the decoy with his hammer vanishing it. Tyrant then uttered the words “Eternity’s Wrath”,  a loud explosion can be heard from the skies. It was followed by a solar storm which made a rain of liquid solar energy which hit the ground and revan himself, it dint stop there however. It was followed by a rain of eternal flames that burnt everything to dust. Black lightning started to strike everywhere, then a powerful gamma ray struck the ground the 4 fighters and revan were standing on.

The attacks of the hammer was beyond destructive thankfully the planet was able to withstand such a weapon. Revan got up to his knees struggling to drink a singular healing potion.

Mysterious Voice: Enough… the planet cant take it.
Revan: Too bad I was having fun. You see this is why I wanted to settle an alliance. You wanted to destroy evil but you  declined my help.
Tyrant: Why would we need your help?
Revan: My siblings are stronger than you combined, I am here to seek your alliance, lend you my knowledge and make you powerful than before.
Vizier: How do we know that this isn’t a trap?
Revan: You may kill me…
Mythus: Sounds like a deal for me.

Tyrant and Revan shacked hands with each other as a sign of temporary alliance against evil. Revan had one plan all along.. to eradicate evil and once his done he will kill himself, he sees himself as one evil creature.
                         To Be Continued

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