Chapter 14: The trial of life and death.

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Chapter 14: The trial of life and death.
Alvin saw the door being unlocked, the chains were removed and it changed to a broken door with holes and behind it is darkness that’s releasing black smokes. He approached the door without any hesitation and opened it, he saw four statues he immediately recognize them.

These were the warriors who tried to obtain the Phoenix Bane, but deemed unworthy of the sword. One of them is a demon called zel, one of them is a superhuman with wings and spikes in his arms, his eyes is also different it has scars from the black phoenix, his name is Bloodblade. The third warrior is an ancient necromancer with a sickle as its weapon, its bones are showing up, its face is now ruined showing its skull, his name is Bonebane, and last warrior he got the title of “Lord of Hunger” this specific warrior craves power and flesh, she is no normal beings like the rest.. she’s a women that can cause an extinction, she appears normal but those who saw her true form will fall in the hands of death.. her name is unknown.

These four warriors were rejected by the bane and turned to stone for their evil crimes, they were the one that scared anyone who tried to obtain the weapon.. alvin however isn’t afraid he approached one of the statue after recovering. He touched it then the room shook then the four statue started to change. They came back to life their eyes glowed green, they were controlled by something.

Alvin pulled out his saber and its aura started to change from aurora to a lightning white, the four warriors have begun to move, Bonebane started to summon ghouls that eats flesh, Zel started running towards alvin with his fist of darkness that can break anything. The room then suddenly turned to a hallway with obstacles that can kill, he was confused if he should avoid them or run away from them.

He have no choice but to run away from the four warriors, the ceiling is falling apart everything is falling apart, he saw a lava pit and some rocks above it , he jumped at one of the platforms. He made it over the pit and continued running, then a barrage of arrows, daggers, and spears were shot from a trap, alvin created a shield using the scrolls which protected him. A strange object was flying towards him which he luckily dodged it was the necromancer’s sickle, then a giant hand sprouted in the ground he then avoided it.

After all the running and avoiding alvin saw a giant door in the end of the hallway, then a key suddenly appeared in his hand, he then used it to open the door. The door slowly opened revealing the four warriors standing and waiting for him to enter.

Zel made a bow from his flesh, Bloodbane turned his hands into a strange sword, Bonebane summoned an army of undead using his sickle, and the nameless women sprouted tentacles and hands from her body, he upper half have change its now revealing her flesh and her skin is removed. The four of them charged against alvin.

Alvin ran around them and kept clashing blades and other weapons. The nameless women then created three crossbows from her back that made out of her bones, it then shot it bolts of darkness that penetrated through everything, she then extended her hair, she then manipulated then to attack alvin.

Alvin kept blocking the attacks from the four warriors, alvin then created a black hole which sucked the four warriors in he then used it as an opportunity to use the scroll of thera to strike them with lightning, he then used the scroll of power then stuck them with a red beam from the sky which hit the four warriors. They were furious then the nameless women broke her allies out from the black hole.

The nameless women then kept shooting alvin with her crossbows, she then lifted her hands then formed a ball of burning flesh and bones which smelled horrible and dropped it in the ground hitting alvin. The necromancer then summoned three headed giant undead and it started attacking alvin while he was wounded, alvin kept running and using the scroll to heal.

Zel then tried to cast an attack but failed, his hand was chopped off by alvin in the process which prevented its regeneration, alvin then kept hitting zel with his sword, he kept dealing wounds then he casted a red beam which exposed his bones, the nameless women then touched the ground and spikes made out of bones sprouted from the ground which impaled alvin’s foot leaving a hole on his foot.

Alvin dint have a chance to heal his wound he kept on dodging and dodging and healing his wounds, Zel then kept shooting at alvin which hit his body penetrating his armor. He then summoned another black hole which trapped the four warriors and  gave time for himself to heal. He was done healing his wound. He then lifted his hands then a strange red and black ball of energy formed then its started spitting lightning at the warriors which dealt damage to them.

His sword then changed color, it turn bright white  emitting light, his blade changed to a godly type of blade emitting  a yellow flame, strange markings from his body started appearing and glowing. The marks had strange symbols, and letters of an ancient language that never been discovered, the four warriors were shocked about his changes.

Blood bane then punched alvin which knocked him from a far direction breaking the wall. He then shot strange beams from his hand.

Blood Bane: Damn it you monster! I will not let you live !
Nameless Women: You got the ancient markings and the scroll of war yet you are still weak. Join me and we can be allies or possibly lovers!
Alvin: Not gonna join a freak like you. I will never be a husband to a criminal!
Nameless Women: If that’s what you want then fine!

Thee nameless women then shouted the words “The Flesh That Hates”, not too long later red circles started appearing them flesh fist started coming out of the circles and kept punching everything. Alvin jumped dodged the fist. He teleported himself to the source of it all the nameless women. He hit her with his godly blade which left a very painful wound that made her scream in agony, alvin then grabbed her hair and slammed her head on the ground, the nameless women then tried to grow some tentacles from her back but they were quickly severed by alvin, the other three tried to attack alvin but they were wounded by his sword.

Alvin then continued beating up the nameless women and eventually he cut the women’s head. But it was not over for him as  theres still three warriors left. Blood bane, Bone bane and Zel got furious and afraid at the same time. Bone bane summoned multiple sickles pointing at alvin he then lunched those sickles at him but alvin avoided them. Zel then raised  sword then big swords started appearing, the swords were released everywhere, four of them hit alvin, the Bone Bane then summoned a lot of undead that overwhelmed alvin.

He was nearing his death, he once again saw a vision. In his vision he saw five thrones that’s made out of Gold, Pearls, Silver, and other expensive materials. The other thrones area empty except the one on the middle one. In the middle throne there sits a man, the man was wearing White Robes, A crown, and other items with jewelry. The man’s face is covered with light and it cannot be seen.

Alvin: Where am i?
Eternal: This is heaven.. a place where the true good hearted goes.
Alvin: What am I doing here?
Eternal: Since you haven’t mastered your true potential, I will send one of my greatest fighter lumen to help you with your quest.. he will also train you how to master the Scrolls, The Ancient markings, and the Phoenix Bane.
Lumen: It is I lumen who will teach how to master your true potential.
Alvin: Its an honor to meet you Lord Lumen!
Lumen: Lord Eternity we will go now.
Eternity: You may go. Train him after this.

Lumen then nodded at eternity and alvin woke inside the temple, the four warriors were knocked away from him. Lumen then stood nearby alvin  with his mighty flaming sword. Zel tried to engage lumen but he was quickly disintegrated by lumen’s sword, Blood bane and Bone bane then combined their bodies and powers. They tried to hit lumen but he was faster on dodging and got disintegrated by Lumen’s sword.

Both were teleported at the lobby and the third door opened.

                       To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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