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Becky's POV

Tears fell down as this vampire woman mom approached us bringing a birthday cake.

I wish my family were here too. They sing me a happy birthday song and then I blow the cake on the end of it.

After that everyone goes back to enjoy the party. The vampire woman had been busy talking to others so she didn't realize that I got my own way.

I found myself standing in the garden outside of the main mansion. I felt the breeze of wind. I look up to see that the moon has its full shape today. The full moon..

Suddenly I felt something on my shoulders. It's a black coat.

"It's getting colder Becky let's go in" she said yeah it was her.

I'm still confused about things I thought she will tell me everything?

"I know your confuse now Becky but this is all destined" she said

I looked back at her and our eyes met. Her eyes are pleading telling me to believe her.

But how can I? She's a killer.

"Just let me go please" I asked her

"No." She said firmly her emotions quickly changes.

And then I see her eyes becomes redder. And her fangs came out.

She slowly goes near me and grabbed my waist. I can feel her hot breath into my neck which makes me shivers.

I pushed her will she bite me?

"No please stop this!" I said

But she didn't listen. I just felt her fangs suck deep in to my neck. It was painful at first but as it goes by you can feel no more pain.

Until she stopped. She heard me sobbing. I hate her!

I pushed her since she's off her guard I had escaped from her then I ran upstairs in the room I woke up.

I cried in my room. Is this what destined? To be her food?
Until I felt my body weakens maybe because of her.


Freen's POV

I didn't want to do it but I can't control myself and anger earlier.

Since it's the full moon I can smell more her scent. I was stopping myself to claim her but then I had marked her.

Its the first time I had taste her blood and it's addicting. I followed her and I can hear her crying until everything become in silence.

I opened her door to find her sleeping. I go near her and cares her hair.

I'm sorry becky. This is destined. You're mine and no one will gonna hurt you.

I kissed her forehead and left her room. I need to or I may claim her right now. I know it's still new for her. I don't want to force her.

As I go down I see the party was over. Only left in the living room was the elders and mom.

"Freen, claim her soon. Marking her isn't enough remember the prophecy" uncle John said

"Yes uncle just give us time. She's still adjusting" I said

"We have news about her parents" mom said

"What did you find mom?" I asked

"The witches had her family and they prison them. They will let them go exchange of the antidote you're dad still working on" she said

"But where will they used that antidote?" I asked

"You know what that antidote can do freen. We all know" she said mysteriously

F*CK those witches. They keep messing on our lifes. I won't let them ruin our clan and of course touch Becky.

"So freen tell Becky about everything. Its better maybe she will understand. I hope her family are safe." Mom said again

I just nodded and then they all went out of the mansion.
Tomorrow Becky should know.

Thanks for reading this chapter ✨

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