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Becky's POV

We were left at the dining table. I'm feeling guilty about the way I act towards Mrs. chankimha.

"Uhmm Mrs. Chankimha I'm very sorry about how I acted earlier" I said then bowed

"Oh Becky it's fine you're just upset." She said

I hugged her I hope we soon be together with my parents and her husband.

"Thank you aunt" I said

Yeah I decided to call her aunt since it was the one she preferred on.

After that I excuse myself and go to our room. I decided to change clothes and brush my hair when she came in.

"Why won't you go in? Mosquitoes may come in Freen. I don't want another one sucking my blood" I said and laughed. I tried to make a joke but she quickly go in the bath room. Really what's with her?

After minutes I felt her lay down in the bed. I didn't turn around to her but I had this feeling that I should thank her.

"Thank you.." I said then kiss her cheeks. I don't now where I got that strength to kiss her in her cheeks.

I can see her blush a little. Its so embarrassing so I quickly turned around.

Wtf Becky. You should not do that. Its so embarrassing! I battled with my own thoughts when I heard her laughing.

She is definitely Reading my mind again! I look at her with sharp eyes.

"Stop messing with my mind ms. Vampire" I said and rolled my eyes

"I'm sorry but I'm not a child to be kissed in cheeks" she said then grabbed me and then we kissed.

I was shocked as she kissed me. My heart pumps crazy. Will you come down heart?

Until I felt that I had slept....

2 weeks later..

I'm here in the training ground. Richard wants me to learn defending myself. Its the first day for me.

Now I'm more aware about things and why witches making this. They want something from us.

I'm still nervous about this things but Richard said that we are vampire hunter it's in our blood to bravely battle in war.

Day by day they keep receiving threats specially it's the full moon again. That day everyone is strong.

I was with the other girls in the training ground. The girls that are willing to learn is free to join the training.

And then someone came in which makes my eyes widen. Its my...

My professor in school.. ms. Nam.

She's looking serious as usual. She goes in front of us. Does it mean she's a?

"Good day I'm nam you all know me I'm the general of the down. Im the one who will train you specially you miss Armstrong, nice to see you again" she said

So I am right she's a vampire too. I nodded on what she said and then we all started.

She teaches us the basic techniques to defend ourselves. After that we take break.

"Miss Armstrong come in the middle and try defending yourself" she said and then some girl warrior came in.

"Don't hesitate girls think that she's not the chosen one" she said

Everyone nodded and then we started. I first Use the hard, pointy parts of my body to strike soft parts of the first attacker.

After that another attacker came in and I used my elbow to strike her back head putting more details on it I turned my body making her fall on her feet.

But I didn't see the other one who grabbed me in my neck making me choke. I struggle but she's strong. I almost fainted when someone screamed angrily.

In a swift move I found the other attacker on the floor.

"Are you okay?" She asks it was freen she looks angrily.

I'm still breathing fast trying to calm down.

"Wtf nam?! Do you want her to die?" She said

"She never learned if you treat her like that freen. Its for her" nam said

"I can defend her myself then" freen said

When I calm down I tried to speak between them.

"Freen it's okay I'm fine. I also want to Learn and not rely on you or the to all of them don't be Angry please" I said

Somehow I still feel fear everytime I see her angry.

After I said that I found her calm down and look at me.

"Okay babe if that's what you want but remember this nam I don't want Becky having bruise or I kill you" she said

"Chill alpha we need to train her." Nam said and then freen left when someone goes near her and whispered something.

"I will be going now. Good luck on your training babe" she said then kiss my forehead

As of now it's been normal for me that she called me babe and do some sweet gesture for me.

I can see her willingness now to protect and let me feel she loves me.

"Are you ready for another round?" Nam said

I just nodded and we started again. I hope I learn more before the war.


thanks for reading this chapter ✨

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