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Becky's POV

I ran to Richard and hugged him. No.. this can't happen..

I tried to put pressure on his wound. When that woman talks.

"Oh look how the sister cares for her brother?! You shouldn't pity him!" She said

"Stop!" I said

"Why won't you tell her that you betrayed her mate? That you really don't want that vampire for your sister so you fake being abducted!" She said which makes me lost for words

"Bec .kyy. .I'm ..sorry.." he said. I know he has an explanation for everything but then Richard closes his eyes and stops breathing.


"Richard?! Wake up please just tell me it was just a prank!" I said and cried.

I kept tapping him but he didn't wake up. No Richard don't leave us!

I cried as Richard died in my arms. It was my fault if I didn't go here and just stay home nothing like this will happen.

I just heard that freen shouted my name and stopped the woman who was about to stab me too.

I was frozen on my spot She kept calling my name that we need to go but how can I leave Richard here? The floor is too cold but then freen carried me. I keep resisting her so she can't carry me but then she's stronger.

She carries me until we reach the van that they used earlier. Inside the van I immediately seen my parents. I hugged mom and cried in her arms.

"Mom.. Richard.. we can't leave him here" I said then cried

"Shss.. calm down princess.. I know it hurts but we need to accept it.. Richard is gone" mom said

I cried even harder. How can I accept that my brother is gone? We can't even give him a proper burial.

I cried until I felt asleep...


Freen's POV

I didn't expect that Richard will die in this encounter. That's why he keep on mentioning about Becky's safety.

I carried Becky from that spot. I know it really hurts. It was her brother. I see Becky has fallen asleep crying about her brother's death.

I wish I can get all the pain and just endure it myself. I'm sorry becky but I can't help you this time.

As we reached the mansion everyone is sad. The wounded guards are being healed by the healing vampires.

I carried Becky into our room. She's sleeping soundly but still her eyes are sore cause of crying hard.

I wipe off some tears present in her eyes. Even in sleeping she's crying. I left her for a while and let her rest.

I go down to see my parents and her parents having a reunion.

As I go near them i hugged mom. Still even if I'm the alpha I need to cry.

I cried thinking that there had been vampires who died from the encounter and what worst is that my mate's brother has died too.

"I'm sorry, I should have been more aware of things. I'm sorry Mr and Mrs Armstrong. I failed you.. I failed the pack" I said and cried

Mom just hugged me and then dad speak

"Don't cry freen. In a battlefield it's normal to lose lifes. Everyone has been prepared before going in the battle. They already knew that their life is at stake before entering the battle" dad said then tap my shoulders

"Yeah freen your dad is right. Everything happens for a reason. We all lose someone. Let's just arrange things and make some ceremonial for them" Becky dad said

"Oh my poor Richard.. I never expected that he will team up with the witches just to not let Becky meet her mate" Becky's mom said

Yeah I already knew about it. Richard told me everything but then I understand him. He just want to protect Becky.

I called some of the men and instructed them to held the ceremony.


Thanks for reading this chapter ✨

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