Chapter 21

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As I laid still and pretended to be in a deep sleep, Jungkook began to speak his heart out next to me. My usual emotional detachment failed, a crack appearing in the carefully constructed wall I'd built around myself. His words washed over me, each sentence painting a vivid picture of his emotions. The raw pain in his voice when he described feeling my pain echoed in my chest, an unfamiliar pang echoing within. He spoke of our first meeting, his voice mixed with a shy sweetness as he recounted the moment he felt an unknown connection to me. I couldn't help but recall that day, the way his gaze was fixed on me, sending a shiver down my spine despite my best efforts to remain solid.

His confession of how every interaction, every stolen glance, sent his heart racing, made a strange warmth bloom in my stomach. It was an unsettling sensation, this unfamiliar openness . The despair in his voice when I left, his fear of losing me, mirrored a flicker of something similar to regret within me. Maybe I had been too quick to ignore him, too focused on my mission to acknowledge the effect I had on him. The fierce protectiveness he expressed, the unwavering determination to shield me from harm, touched a soft spot I didn't know existed.

 His unwavering respect for my work, for the dangers I faced, surprised me. No one had ever seen me beyond the cold exterior, the trained agent. With his voice full of emotion and a soft kiss on my forehead, I let a single tear escape my tightly closed eyelids. It was a silent acceptance of the effect his words had on me.

His final request, his desperate wish for my safety, hung heavy in the air. For the first time, I truly understood the weight of my choices, the potential effects not just for myself, but for him.A soft corner, a flicker of warmth, an increasing sense of responsibility - these were new places for me. I truly understood the weight of choices and the fact that there are people who value my presence other than my world eventhough i kept them aside too...As I listened to his retreating footsteps, I was left dealing with these unfamiliar emotions, the carefully built walls of my heart beginning to break.





Tae POV:

As Taehyung lay on his bed, thoughts swirled in his mind like leaves caught in a blow of wind. We had been a family since we arrived, but things had changed in the last week, particularly with Y/N's health getting better. Everyone was happy because of Jungkook's increased energy, but I was more interested in Minnie. Thinking about our first encounter at the company, noticing how she observed me quietly much like I did her. There was something about her presence that soothed me, even in the chaos of our circumstances. When we parted ways that day, a strange longing feeling filled me, wishing she could stay by my side forever. Jimin's request for their contact details made my heart skip a beat, starting a flicker of happy in me.

Our reunion during the chase ,I was amazed by her skill for firing. Watching her handle the situation with a blend of skill and childlike charm left me awestruck. I felt like her behavior should be saved from this world and felt little happy as it only belongs to me. The way she tricked us with Aria and the kids I was amazed by her change of behavior in seconds and when she felt hurt as Jimin said they betrayed heart felt a pang by seeing tears brimming in her eyes. , wanting to shield her from any pain.

As days passed, I found myself drawn towards her in every situation, feeling a mutual connection growing between us. It was then that I realized that I'M IN LOVE WITH HER. But somewhere I felt whether she is feeling same or not. Finally, I decided that I have to propose to her and wanted to know her exact feelings. I know its not that easy to face her rejection, but i refused to let it stop me. I couldn't force her into a relationship, but I owed it to myself—and to her—to be honest about my emotions.

...............Taehyung went looking for her, desperate to see her, and asked her to his room  later that night. It was time to face his feelings and find out where their trip would take them.

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