Chapter 66

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Y/n's blood ran cold as she recognized the voice. She tightened her grip on Hana and motioned for the group to halt.

"So you still recognize my voice, my darling?" the voice taunted through the speakers.

"Dr. Lee," Y/n muttered under her breath, her eyes narrowing. "How did he know we were here?"

"Keep moving," Namjoon urged, scanning the hallways for any signs of an ambush. "We can't stop now."

"Oh, come on now, Y/n," Dr. Lee's voice continued. "You didn't think you could just waltz in here and take her back without me noticing, did you? I've been expecting you."

Y/n glanced at Jungkook, who gave her a reassuring nod. "We need to get out of here, now," she said, her voice firm. "Don't let him get in your head."

As they resumed their pace, Dr. Lee's voice followed them. "You can run, but you can't hide. This facility is rigged to blow if you try to leave. And I'm not bluffing."

Hana's grip on Y/n tightened, fear evident in her eyes. "What do we do?" she whispered."We have to disable the explosives," Y/n said, her mind racing.

"Jackson, do you hear me? We need you to find the control panel for the explosives and disarm them."

Jackson's voice crackled through the transmitter. "Copy that, Y/n. I'm on it."

Dr. Lee laughed, the sound echoing ominously through the speakers. "You're playing a dangerous game, my dear. But then again, you always did love a challenge."

"We're getting out of here, Lee," Y/n said, determination lacing her words. "And there's nothing you can do to stop us."

"We'll see about that," Dr. Lee replied, his tone menacing. "I'll be watching."

As they pressed on, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. They had to move quickly, relying on Jackson to disable the explosives and ensure their safe escape. Their mission wasn't over yet, and they couldn't afford to let their guard down.

"You can't win, Y/n. This facility is my masterpiece. You can't find any way out. Even the little friend of yours who's so desperately trying to stop those explosives-I watch everything, Y/n," Dr. Lee said with a crooked smile.

Everyone was silent at the sound of his words. Jackson stopped in his tracks, hands suspended above the control panel. Jae, Jimin, Tae, who were about to move out from the control panel were tied up by the guards laced. Y/n remained standing in the middle of the hallway, shock and fear pumping her blood.

"Dr. Lee, why are you doing this?" Y/n finally managed to speak, her voice shaking but filled with defiance.

"Why? Because I can " He said, his voice cold. His eyes glinted with a mixture of malice and satisfaction as he walked around her, steps calculated for effect. "You've interfered enough in my business, Y/n. It's time you learned your place."

Y/n clenched her fists, frustration bubbling through them. "We were just trying to expose your experiments, your cruelty."

Dr. Lee chuckled darkly, his manners eerily collected. "Ah, but that's where you were wrong, Y/n. You see, in my world, there are no heroes. Only those who survive and those who die."

Jackson who was silent until then started talking while looking at the camera. "You can't hide the truth forever, Lee. The world will know what's happened here."

Dr. Lee laughed, the smile twisting into a sneer. "Oh, Jackson, my dear boy, the world will never know. I've constructed this facility far from prying eyes, far from the reach of justice. And now, you and your friends will become just another people who were remembered in the outside world."

Jae, Jimin, and Tae exchanged grim looks, but their faces set with determination as they grasped that they mustn't give up now.

"I'll give you 10 minutes. I need all of them in the Haunting Opera room," Dr. Lee commanded the guards, his voice laced with cold authority, before turning on his heel and striding away.

The guards exchanged quick, knowing glances before springing into action. They converged on Y/n and their friends with efficient ruthlessness, grabbing them roughly and herding them down the dimly lit corridors of the facility.

Y/n's heart raced as they were pushed forward, the urgency of Dr. Lee's command fueling their dread. The Haunting Opera room was famous among the facility's captives-a place where Dr. Lee conducted his most sinister experiments, surrounded by the echoes of tortured souls and haunting melodies that never seemed to end.

As they were headed farther in, frantic prayers for a miracle were running through Everyone's mind, though the cold reality then settled in that they were trapped and there was no way out or miracle that would come to save them. Their fear grew with the suffocating atmosphere of the room, so thick with chills , bringing forward the dark history of it all.

Haunting Opera Room.....

The guards pushed Y/n and her friends into the center of the room, where Dr. Lee was waiting, sadly beaming at them. His eyes sparkled with twisted glee as he viewed their terrified faces.

"Welcome," Dr. Lee's voice resounded in the vast space, his tone very vicious. "To my masterpiece."

Y/n's breath caught in her throat. "What do you want from us, Lee?" she managed to talk out, trying to still the quaver in their voice.

Dr. Lee circled them slow, his gaze predator-like. "Oh, Y/n. It's not what I want from you. It's what you will give to me. Your fear, your pain, your very essence-I shall squeeze it out."

Jackson's jaw clenched, balling his hands into fists. "You're insane."

Dr. Lee chuckled darkly, coming to a stop in front of Jackson. "Insanity is just another perspective, Jackson. What I do here, it is a form of art . A symphony of suffering and submission."

Jae, Jimin, and Tae exchanged glances; in the midst of their visible terror, their determination flickered. They knew they had to find a way to oppose this, to be defiant against Dr. Lee's cruel intentions.

But the tightening grip of the guards, coupled with the looming presence of Dr. Lee, had defeat surging to the fore of Y/n, mingled with her resignation. She was cornered at every turn by all-consuming darkness and evil incarnate. Yet deep inside-a spark that refused to die-a fire remained.

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