Sight Seeing and the New House

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Hey there fellow readers!

So, do you think Leigh remebers/ knows about One Direction?

Read away :) Xx 


Journal Entry 1 - January 10th 2010, on the plane to London (9 something pm Perth Time)

Well, hi Journal. Wait, am I meant to say hi. I don’t even know. This is the first time I have done a Journal thing before. I just thought I might give it a try, you know so I remember stuff properly and all. Just to have all my thoughts and stuff.

Well, anyways. I have been on the blasted plane for about 4 hours now. It hasn’t been too bad I guess. I have the window seat, my mum is in the middle and my dad is on the other end. We have had one meal - Pasta, which was actually pretty good. I am actually a big fan of plane food, not entirely sure why. I am still extremely confused about what Leigh said, you know, about Harry. How does she know/remember who he is? I really want to know. I wish I could use my phone on the plane ‘cause I really wanna call her and ask about that.

O when I was packing all my stuff I found my iPod. I hadn’t listened to it until the plane ride and I hadn’t look through the music on it either. I guessed it would just be mainly Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars because they were the main people I listened to when I was- wait I am 16. See what I mean about how confusing it gets. I can’t tell people because they will probably think I am insane and lock me up in a mental institute and I will never see the sun again. And I really like the sun so that wouldn’t be very nice.

Ok back to what I was originally saying. Well the weird thing is that the iPod I found in my room was the one I had when I was 19, the latest one, which technically hasn’t come out yet. I have all the music I had on there when I was/am 16 except I have a few one direction songs. THEY DON’T EVEN EXSIST YET!! WHAT IS THIS! Well I really shouldn’t be complaining because they are AMAZA-, wait I mean amazing and all, but wouldn’t it be kinda weird if someone was going through my music and they see this band called One Direction and then in a few months time they see them on the TV on Xfactor? Yea I cannot let people go through my iPod at this school, ESPECIALLY if I become friends with Harry, which hopefully I will. I only have a few of there song though. I have ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ ‘One Thing’ ‘Live While we’re Young’ and ‘Forever Young’. At least I can still listen to the voices, even if I only have 4 of their songs. It’s better than nothing I guess.

I can’t wait to see them on the Xfactor! I can vote for them and watch their video Diaries as they come out and OH MY THIS IS GONNA BE SO AWESOME!! I’m hungry.

Well, I’m gonna go get some food now. Hey this Journal wasn’t such a bad idea. Nice one Paige!

Journal Entry 2 January 11th (Still on the plane, now 3am Perth time)

Well pretty much everyone is asleep now. I’m not tired so I thought I would write in the journal again. Should I say in the journal or ‘write in you’, wait nope, that doesn’t sound right. I think I’ll just stick with ‘writing in the journal’. Well I have had more food. I got some chocolate cake thing that was really nice, so I ate my mums too since she was asleep. Hehe. I really want this flight to be over, I’m sick of sitting down, I’m getting restless. I still have like 9 hours of the flight left. Argh!

I have been listening to one direction. It’s good to finally hear there voices again. I haven’t heard them in over a week. I wish I had more than 4 songs of theirs, I wonder why I got 4. I think they were my most played songs but why 4? Does this have any meaning? So many questions that I want answered, but I don’t think they will be.

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