One Clever Lady

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Hey All

Finally updating! :D 

Wattpad has been so annoying today and not uploading so hopefully it all uploads ok :) Hope this chapter is ok


*Paiges POV* 

"Harry, what did you miss most?" I asked him.

"Honestly... I miss calling you mine" He said

Wow, ok. I was expecting something like 'sleeping in my own bed' or 'friends and family', but wow. I don't even know how to reply to that. I miss being with him like crazy, but Granny says I can't change what is meant to happen. Unfortunately I think I already have.

"Really" Is the only thing I could think to say.

"Yes, I do Paige, I really do. I know that for some strange reason we can't be together while I'm on X Factor, so I wont push things, I promise. But as soon as we can be together properly again, I'm sure we will be" He says with his cute dimply smile.

Damn, that smile.

"I hope so too Harry because... I -" 

"Hurry up you two!" Gemma says

I think I'm thankful for that interuption. Thanks Gem!

Harry and I rush over and put his cases in the car and drive the short drive back to Holmes Chapel. 

*Harry's POV*

Dammit Gemma! I wanna know what Paige was gonna say. now I will probably never know. Maybe she feels the same way? Maybe she feels the total opposite? I can't even ask her now since Mum and Gemma are here too. 

I hope she feels the same way. It would makes things pretty awkward if she doesn't

*Hours Later*

I've just been sitting and talking to Paige for hours. I really missed this and will miss this when I have to leave again.I told her about the boys and it was very strange. She seemed to know everything I was saying already, its like she has already met them. Maybe she has, she does have a bracelet with our faces on it. Maybe I have just been overthinking things and its just like a friendship bracelet or something? I don't know, anyways...

I told her about judges houses, and how Simon needs us to work hard to show we deserve our place in the competition, but all the lads and I are prepared to put in all the work needed.

"Im really proud of you Harry" She says "I told you that you would make it"

"I know, thankyou, thankyou for believing in me and being here for me" I say

She just smiles in response. We then just sit in silence, but a comfortable silence. After awhile I look up at her and she is looking at me, it feels strange, not bad, just something I'm not exactly use to. I scoot closer to her, as we are both sitting on my bed. My heart begins to take over, and I lean towards her. Thankfully she does too. I lift up my hand and brush her hair behind her ear and cup her cheek. I feel so nervous and time seems to be going so slowly. I move closer to her and finally my lips meet hers. I kiss her softly, and she kisses back which I wasn't expecting. I brought my other hand up to cup her other cheek and deepen this passionate kiss. After a few minutes she all of a sudder pulled back, looking shocked. 

"I'm sorry Harry. I-I have to go, I'll text you later" She says 

"Paige whats wrong?" I asked

What did I do wrong? I fell terrible. Am I that bad at kissing, I know I haven't kissed someone ina while like that but I didnt relies I was that bad.

"Harry you did nothing wrong, I just, I have to go, I'm so sorry" She said and leaves my room as quickly as she possibly could.

What did I do wrong?

*Paige's POV*

What have I done? What was I thinking? I AM SUCH A BAD PERSON! Harry must hate me? How could I do this to someone, especially him. He is the sweetest, kindest, most caring guy I have ever layed eyes on. I AM SUCH A TERRIBLE PERSON!!! I don't know what to do. I really like Harry, like a lot, but I'm not meant to be with him, but I dont want to not be with him, but then I want there to be One Direction. Far out I have messed things up majorily.

I don't wanna tell Granny 'cause she will probably be not very happy with me. Maybe I should tell Leigh? But what if she tells Granny? Maybe I can tell Grandad, he probably wont tell Granny. Ok maybe he might I'm not sure, he'd probably just forget I told him after a day, who knows. Ok I think I'll just tell Leigh.

Luckily its everning here, 5pm to be exact, because that means its 9am there so Leigh should be awake now. I go dial her number into my phone, surpisingly I remember her number. 

"Paige why you calling, it's waaaaay to early" She says into the phone. 

"Leigh, it's 9, you will live" 

"Fine. Anyways hey!! How's things" 

"Well, I need to talk to you"

"Oh no Paige what did you do? Did you break the glass door again?" She asked

"NO! We agreed we would never speak of that again!!" I yelled into the phone. 

"Sorry.... so what's wrong? Everything ok?"

"Well, I may or may not have kissed Harry today"

"What? Granny's gonna be mad. She's gonna be real mad" Leigh says

"That's why we aren't going to tell her yet" 

"Paige she's gonna find out eventually, Granny finds out everything"

"I know that Leigh, she is my Granny, she's one clever lady" 

"You gotta tell her Paige"

"Not yet Leigh, promise me you won't tell her" I beg

"I promise"

A Wish That Actually Came True (One Direction Fanfic - Harry Styles)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now