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Hey everyone :)

Sorry for not updating the past few days, from now on I will only update a few times a week, because of school and all.

And sorry the chapter is shorter, I really wanted to get a chapter up so shorter is better than none right?

Hope you like it

Read away :D


*Paige's POV*

*Next Day, Friday*

I woke up quite early today, 6am. I wanted to talk to Leigh about my first day at school. So as soon as I woke up I turned my new shiny laptop on and called Leigh.

“Hey Leigh”

“Hey Paige, I’m so glad you called” She say

“Is everything ok?” I ask

“I don’t know. I keep like remembering things, it’s weird. I don’t know if they actually happened.” She said

Wait, is she remembering the past/future… well before I made the wish?

“What do you remember?” I ask

“Well I remember you moving in with your grandparents, and us graduating together in Perth. I remember us being totally dedicated to a band called ‘One Direction’. It’s weird, because these things haven’t happened yet, so it must be a dream.” She says

I start crying from happiness. Someone else remember these things too!

“Uhh, Paige, are you ok?” She asked me

“Yes, I’m so happy! Someone else remembers too!!” I say

“Wait, you’re happy I am having weird dreams?” Leigh Asked curiously

“That’s the thing, THEY AREN’T DREAMS! IT ALL HAPPENED!” I yell into the microphone

“But that is impossible! Are you ok Paige?”

“But you remember all these things I have asked you about, how else would I know about these things if they didn’t happen?” I ask her

“I don’t know, I am so confused. How could have these things happened before?” She asked, sounding so confused and lost

“I’ll tell you what happened” I say

*Flashback* (Most of Chapter one, if you remember reading that chapter, you can probably skip this part)

You are probably wondering where my parents are, am I right? Well they moved to England a few years ago. I was meant to go with them but, silly me didn’t. I didn’t want to go because I only had two years left of school to go and I didn’t want to change school for the best years of schooling. I didn’t want to leave all the memories and friends behind. I have a best friend and lots of good friends. My parents moved for a ‘scenery change’. They were getting bored of Australia, so they just packed up everything and moved. I said I didn’t want to go and I told them my reasons. They completely understood, so my grandparents said I could move in with them. They lived right down the road from where I use to live so it was no drama moving and I love my grandparents so much so I loved that idea. I mean I love living with my grandparents and all but I feel stupid for not going with my parents to England, wanna know why?

If you answer was no, too bad I’m gonna tell you anyway. You see my parents moved to this village called Holmes Chapel in Cheshire. I would have gone to a school called Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School, and do you know who went there? The one and only, Harry Styles. Yes and also, he is my favourite out of all the boys. He is just simply amazing! His eyes, his hair, his voice, I could go on, but I think you get my drift. If I had of moved with my parents I could have maybe met him before the fame, maybe we might have even been friends, who knows. But all I know is I have missed out on meeting the best guy in the world. Even if I were to meet him now, I would been seen as a fan and nothing else. If I had of gone with my parents I could have at least said ‘I went to the same school as Harry Styles’ or ‘I was friends with Harry before One Direction even existed’. But I chose to stay in boring old Perth.

A Wish That Actually Came True (One Direction Fanfic - Harry Styles)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now