Chapter 6 - Just Another Day at That One Coffee Shop

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Having soccer back in my life was amazing, it was like a breath of fresh air that flushed through my body. Feeling the base of my feet connect with the green grass below, the ball connecting with my toe as I punted it towards the goal over and over again. I felt like I was running through the wind with no need to look back, everything was in front of me now. I was in London making a life for myself. I'd made new friends, found a new career and was finding everything I needed in my life here.

Miles made a good point in suggesting that I research women's sports and ACL injuries for my dissertation, but I don't know how I'm possibly going to gather research on that. There has only been one that has come through the clinic and she wasn't at a professional level. The coffee shop that I'd used to study at last time was being used once again, I was sitting at one of the high benches staring out at the street, bright yellow taxis consistently driving past and foot traffic passing at a similar rate.

I'd ordered my iced chai when I entered and it was quickly delivered, but I rapidly finished it before I'd even started my work. My blank document had 'Women's ACL Injuries' written at the top of it and nothing else. How am I supposed to write this damn paper? I thought to myself.

"Your iced chai?" a voice spoke as another drink was placed down in front of me.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't order another drink," I replied trying not to sound rude.

"That girl over there ordered it for you," the waiter replied pointing to a girl standing a few paces away waiting for another drink.

Her head was turned away but her blonde hair was too familiar not to recognise her. My heartbeat raced as I realised that the girl who I'd seen, and Miles had utterly embarrassed me in front of, only a matter of days before just bought me a drink. I just ignored the fact that Leah Williamson had just sent me a drink and began to take a sip.

"Iced chai, hope you like it," spoke a voice from beside me as she took a seat next to me.

"How'd you know my drink?" I asked in response.

"I noticed from last time we were both here when that guy you were with yelled out 'Holy shit? She's the captain?' at the top of his lungs."

I mentally face palmed in that moment but chose to ignore Miles' antics, "Yeah he's a fool sometimes, does anything he can to embarrass me."

"Is he your boyfriend?" asked Leah.

"Oh definitely not, he's one of my good friends. I only moved to London a couple of weeks ago and I work with him."

"You just moved to London? What for?"

"Work. I got a job at a physiotherapist clinic here working with sports injuries. It's kind of my dream to work with athletes and stuff so getting an opportunity here was like amazing so I took it without thinking twice."

"Damn, that's amazing. I feel stupid but I just realised I missed your name?" Leah replied shyly.

"Peyton, Ackley. My friends call me PJ."


"Don't worry everyone has that reaction. Peyton Jade, I had some friends who started calling me PJ when I was sick of the name Peyton and it kind of stuck."

"Hmm, I like it," she replied. "I'm Leah by the way."

"Haha, nice to meet you. I did already know your name though," I whispered.

"I figured but I didn't want to assume. What are you working on?" she questioned as she dragged my laptop over.

"My dissertation. I don't know what to study. Miles, my friend you saw last time, is trying to convince me to do women's ACLs but I'm just not sure," I spoke.

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