Chapter 20 - His Birthday

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International break was approaching fast, and I had been at Arsenal for nearly four months by now. I arrived in mid-January and it was mid-way through May. I was so glad that Noah had arrived earlier than planned because it meant he was here for Gabe's birthday. Gabe loved his birthday, always made a big deal about it and made sure that he advertised the fact that it was his birthday to everyone.

Noah agreed to be over early in the morning to wake him up which meant being at my apartment at 5.30 am. I genuinely thought he was kidding, but sure enough, he was there at 5.30 am ready to wake Gabe up at 6 am like he did every year. Noah had a massive box in his arms as he walked through the door, and I visibly gasped.

"Dude, what is that?" I asked him but he didn't answer me.

Instead, he set the present down on my kitchen bench and started making himself a coffee. He mustn't have had time to get himself one before heading over so I didn't expect him to talk until that, and potentially another cup, had been consumed. 

"Good morning," he mumbled after downing his first cup and returning for a second.

"Morning," I replied. "It's nearing 6, do you want to go wake him up?"

Noah nodded and headed into Gabe's room while I sent a message to Leah asking if she wanted to come back with us after training. I didn't wait for a response because a bundle of energy rolled out of his bedroom and into my arms.

"Happy birthday, Bubba," I told him squeezing him tight.

"Noah's here," he celebrated, which I found hilarious.

"Yes he is, and he brought a massive present for you," I said pointing to the present in the kitchen which he immediately ran to.

"I'm going to grab his other presents while he fusses over that one," I told Noah rushing upstairs.

By the time I got back down the box had been ripped open to reveal a skateboard. I was a little taken aback by Noah's choice of present but once I saw the smile on Gabe's face I knew it would all be okay.

"Since he can't surf every day while he's over here, I figured he could try to skateboard. I brought my board with me so I could teach him," Noah said looking over at me.

I suddenly realised that my presents weren't going to be anywhere near as exciting but would still give him a good laugh. "Here you go buddy," I said handing him the bag. Inside was an Arsenal jersey with 'MEAD' written on the back. He'd been talking about wanting 'Beffy's shirt' ever since he met her so I thought it would be the perfect birthday present. Gabe immediately pulled his new jersey over his head.

"I love it," he shouted.

"I thought you would. Here's your other present," I said handing it to him.

He ripped open the wrapping paper to reveal a massive LEGO set. His eyes lit up as he saw the massive Harry Potter set on the front.

He gasped, "I love it, Mumma," he yelled out. 

I took him into my arms and held him tight before whispering that he needed to go thank Noah for his present too. He turned to the blonde and lept into his arms. I could imagine us being a cute, loving family, but I knew that in no world would Noah and I ever be together - and of course there was Leah.

After all the action of the sixth birthday morning, it was time to drop Gabe off to school. He usually complains about going to school on his birthday, but he must have advertised it pretty well because apparently, Liam was getting him an amazing birthday present.  I ensured that he would say thank you no matter what the present was and then let Noah drop him off at school per our usual tradition. Noah also agreed to start picking him up from school like he used to in Australia so that I could finish my work hours.

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