Chapter 18 - Leah and Gabe

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As Leah is out of training for two weeks she has been pestering me in my office for many hours each day. I figured she'd at least want to do some gym work or like enjoy her free time but no, she was constantly in my room while I was trying to work - even when I had other players in. 

I got used to her company and honestly didn't mind the extra voice critiquing everything I did. Until she started to try and do my work for me, then I was nearing kicking her out. Leah's first week of no training was dragging on for what felt like forever. She just couldn't think of anything to do so as soon as I needed to do something she would offer to do so.

We were sitting in my office like usual when my phone rang with an unfamiliar number. I hesitated when answering it but decided I should, just to be safe, it could be an emergency for all I know. The person greeted me with my name and then my son's making me realise it was the school. They needed me to come pick up Gabe, something had happened at school and he needed to be collected.

I agreed that I would be there as soon as I could, which I don't think they realised would be around an hour. Leah noticed the change in my face as I realised I would have to ask Jonas if I could leave even earlier than usual.

"What's wrong?" she asked me.

"Gabe did something at school and now I need to go pick him up," I told her with a shrug.

"I'll go get him," she interjected.


"I'll go get him for you," she repeated. "I injured my left ankle so I can still easily drive with my right one and my car is just outside. I don't see any reason why I shouldn't," she said through a closed mouth smile.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, why not? Gabe knows me and I need something to do. It's the least I can do for all the shit I've put you through here."

"No swearing in front of him," I scolded.

"Fine, but I can go get him?"

I nodded and she began to prance out of the room. "Your ankle seems to be fine," I called after her to which she immediately began to limp. "That girl is something else," I said under my breath to ensure she didn't hear.

* * *

At the school, Leah was walking through the hallway trying to find the principal's office. When she finally found the right door she politely stepped towards the receptionist's desk.

"I'm here to pick up Gabe Ackley," Leah said.

"You're his mother?" the receptionist asked.

"No, his mum's friend," Leah replied hoping that would be all good.

"We were told that his mum was on the way," she continued.

"Well, I'm here in her place. Get Gabe and you'll see that I am in fact his mum's friend," Leah attempted to reason.

The receptionist went and got Gabe and as soon as he saw Leah he ran across the room hugging her. Leah was taken aback a bit by his quick actions but held him tight until he pulled away. If that didn't solidify to the receptionist that Gabe knew who Leah was then nothing would.

"I see that you two definitely know each other," the receptionist spoke.

"Yes, am I able to take him to his mother now?" Leah asked.

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