Chapter 25 - Olympians

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Walking into the party I didn't know what to expect, because you know, never been to a footballing after party, but the lights were flashing and the music was blaring so I could tell it was going to be a good night. Caitlin and Steph were by my sides as we walked into the function. I was glad that the party was in the hotel because it gave us all a chance to change into some nicer, and for the players - less sweaty, clothes.

I was wearing a black mini-dress with long sleeves that hugged my body perfectly. Were heels the best shoe choice? Probably not, but I went with it anyway. Caitlin went to dance with Alanna and Mackenzie, but Steph stuck by my side as she wasn't a massive fan of the crowd either. There were so many people and I didn't even know where half of them came from. There were players, staff and families, but there seemed to be so many more people than that.

Sitting at one of the seats to the side of the room meant I got an incredible view of the entire party. Steph sat leaning into my side while I kept an arm wrapped around her shoulders. I watched as people had more and more to drink falling deeper and deeper into their tipsy state. People were dancing their hearts out on the dance floor and Steph must have picked up on how much I was watching them.

"Do you want to dance?" Steph asked.

"I thought you didn't like the crowds," I replied with a raise of my eyebrows.

"I don't, but I want to dance and you're watching the people dancing as if you want to join them, and if you're there with me the crowd won't be that bad."

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Come on," she yelled grabbing my hand and dragging me to the dance floor.

The music continued to pump through the room as we danced through the crowd of people on the floor towards the other Matildas. Kyra came up beside me and threw an arm around me just to tell me that Noah had been flirting with her. I was happy for both him and her, but did I need to be told while she was extremely drunk, probably not.

Seeing some of the other players with, or talking about, their significant others just made me miss Leah more. Everyone seemed to at least be in contact with their person, but mine still hadn't responded to my message from after the match. I was hoping to hear from her, for her to tell me congratulations or to get one of the loving messages we spoke about.

After a few more drinks I was loosening up, but thankfully I wasn't drunk. I really didn't want to be drunk in a room of people I didn't know, in a place I barely knew and with no people I'm really close with by my side. I continued to dance with the girls, Steph in particular because she was the one I felt most comfortable with. Ellie and Hayley drifted by occasionally as they danced between the numerous bodies around us ignoring the world beyond the walls of this party.

Bodies kept bumping into me as the dancing got more and more uncoordinated. But the thing that scared me was when a set of arms slowly slinked around my waist. I internally screamed at the sudden shock and quickly brushed the arms off because Leah was the only person who got to do that. Turning around I didn't know who to expect because the only person I wanted it to be was on the other side of the world.

Her face caught me off guard, her smile, her blonde hair that framed her face, her blue eyes, and the power suit she was wearing that perfectly displayed her abs beneath her white crop top. She was here, she was standing in front of me and I didn't know what to do. No wonder she hadn't been responding to my messages, she'd be flying around the world. I turned back to look at Steph but she had started walking away to the other side of the room sending me a subtle wave.

"Leah," I breathed out and threw my arms around her neck. Her arms wrapped around my waist holding me close to her chest, holding me close to her heart. I missed her, more than I first thought because how can you miss someone you've only kissed twice, and you've never been on an official date with?

"Hi, beautiful," she whispered into my ear as she held me close to her chest.

Pulling away to look her in the eye, I didn't think twice about what I did next. I kissed her, in a room full of people with their gazes looking our way. They definitely weren't looking at me, they were looking at her - Leah Williamson - but it was still just as stressful. I was so thankful that she actually kissed me back, I was scared that she wouldn't kiss me back because we were in public, but she did. Holding my waist tight to her body I moved by hands to hold the collar of her jacket.

"I'm proud of you," she said as we broke off the kiss.

"For what?" I asked.

"Everything." I must have still looked confused because she felt the need to elaborate. "I'm proud of the chances you've taken and the things you're doing. I'm proud of the way you're helping people and the way you are keeping a smile on you're face no matter what. I'm proud of the fact that you put everything on the line to make a difference, to make a change for women's sports, and you are doing it so damn well."

"Do you want to go get a drink?" I asked. She nodded and I intertwined my fingers with hers leading her away from the dancefloor and towards the bar. It was unusual having her in Australia, even though she's been before I didn't think we'd be here any time soon.

The night continued to grow before it died off. Eventually, we all made it to our hotel rooms with Leah joining me in mine. It turns out she had already gotten her bags delivered to the room, and that Steph had helped her plan to surprise me.

Laying in my bed her arms were wrapped around me, my head resting on her chest listening to her heartbeat. It was a constant thump thump reminding me of how calm I am when I'm with her. She drew shapes on my back with her fingernails and kissed my head every so often as if reminding me she was still there.

We were both about to drift off to sleep when I broke the silence. "Le, why'd you come all this way?" I asked her.

"To see you," she replied tilting my head up to look at her.

My world was lying in my bed, in my home country, looking at me and telling me that she flew around the world just to see me. I could wish for more, I could pray for more but there really wasn't any more, she was the best there is, the best there can be.

"You can't tell me that's the only reason," I wondered.

"Steph messaged me and I came here, that's all there is to it."

I pulled her towards me with my hand gripping her shirt and placed my lips on hers again. The slower, softer kisses were the ones that felt most loving, that felt most caring and most irreplaceable. She was the one, my one. She was the one I'd come back to over and over again. I'd move mountains for her, and I'd make history for her over and over again.

"Wait, Steph messaged you?" I asked shocked pulling away from her lips.

"Yeah, but it was just to say you missed me."

I facepalmed and made a mental note to remind Steph that what I tell her in confidence is not to be repeated to Leah. Either way, I was so very happy that she was here with me in that moment and was going to be with me every moment after if I had anything to do with it.

WORDS: 1373

a/n: hi, I haven't got much to say about this chapter, so hope you enjoyed it - only five more chapters to go :) - felt like giving you guys two chapters because they were a bit short

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