Chapter 17 - The First Game

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I kind of forgot that part of my job was actually being a physiotherapist for games, which I was quickly reminded of when Jonas double-checked that I was prepared for the game against Tottenham on the weekend. Viv was too kind and offered to look after Gabe whilst I was at the game which I was so thankful for, and he seemed excited about.

I had told Leah she was playing, which I was pretty sure was the right call because all her testing and training indicated that she was perfectly capable. 

We were playing at home today, which was honestly really good for the first game. The starting lineup was announced before we left, and per her request, Leah had been left on the bench. I tried to explain to Jonas that Leah needed to get over her fear of playing by being started more often but he claimed that Leah knew what was best for her. Not wanting to argue I asked whether she would be subbed during the second half which he did agree to thankfully. 

Pulling up outside the Emirates was an unreal feeling. I'd never been to the Emirates before even in all my years of watching football and playing football. My parents weren't the kind of parents to do trips for fun, more just work and business trips that I was dragged along for. The stadium was so much larger than I expected it to be. 60,000 seats were predicted to be filled later that night and I couldn't fathom having that many people stare down at the grass where I was going to be standing.

"You ready?" asked Beth as we walked down the hall and into the stadium. Beth and I had agreed to drive together after I dropped Gabe with Viv meaning I had someone to walk in with and to calm my nerves. 

"Ready as I'll ever be," I replied. It was kind of a cliche response but it was the truth. I was absolutely terrified that so many people were going to be watching my players run around a pitch and I was responsible for their health and safety, but I was ready... to an extent.

I followed Beth into the locker room that was lined with everyone's jerseys and names. I scanned the room to see no one else had arrived yet, I probably couldn't ask for a better first look at the kits. We were wearing our home kit, the red and white jerseys casting a reflective glow on the walls. I was practically fangirling as I looked at each jersey so I didn't notice when some of the team started to filter into the room.

"It's pretty cool ain't it," announced an Irish voice as she slung an arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah, definitely," I breathed out coming back into reality.

Jonas burst into the room a moment later telling everyone to get their warm-up kits on and to get out to the pitch. Throughout all the commotion I noticed that one person hadn't made it into the locker room yet. I decided that if the team was heading out to the pitch I should probably check out the medical room and see if any players needed limbs strapped. 

Walking in I expected to see some of the other medical staff, but it was empty except for the one player I was looking for.

"Leah," I said to get her attention.

Her gaze shifted from her hands to my face as I stepped into the room. She was sitting on the physio bed swinging her legs like she always does and fiddling with her ring per usual. I didn't want to ask too many questions but knew I had to.

"What's up, Le?" I asked. "I wouldn't be putting you on that pitch unless I was confident your ACL can hold up. Unless there's something else that's in the back of your head you will be going on that pitch."

Leah assured me that it was only her knee causing her discomfort but it had severely eased since a few days earlier. "I'm fine, I was just hoping you could strap my knee to keep it out of my mind?" she asked.

I nodded grabbing a roll of pre-wrap and tape from my bag. She must have been in the locker room before Beth and I arrived because she was already in her warm-up kit. 

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