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One thing about growing up is those bitches that think they can get away with anything. They comment on your appearance, weight, interests. All because it gives them a push. 

Makes them feel good. 

The trick is to show them you don't care, prove them wrong. 

Because once they know you care.. well.. your life will never be the same again. They'll constantly use and abuse you. 

Me though? I never show any emotion (well that's a lie I do but only to my close friends). That is why I became a cop, to prove to myself  but mostly them that I wasn't weak or pathetic. 

I went to the Academy as soon as I could, made my way through it and got to the station. I trained as a rookie before becoming a T.O. 

We don't need to talk about the rest of my past, that isn't important right now because today is the day we get the new rookies....

New Rookie day is fun, Me and Tim always go hard on our new rookies. We do it every time, many rookies have washed out on us in the past because of it.  


I walk into roll call and sit down in between Tim and Angela as I look to the rookies at the front. I lean to Tim and say "So who's gonna wash out first?" He looks at me and then back to the Rookies. "Probably the 40 year old" I snicker.

Just then Sargent Grey walks in and we all look over to him. "Right. Welcome in to our new rookies... we have: legacy Jackson West who beat all of his fathers records in the academy, Hot shot Lucy Chen who made her first arrest before clocking into work and John Nolan who was born before disco died". 

Everyone chuckled at this and Nolan just put his head down for a second before looking back up. "So" Grey started. "What T.O is getting who? Lopez you have the legacy, Bradford you have our hot shot and Smith you have Nolan." I nod. "Now rookies, forget what you learnt in the academy, listen to your T.Os.. now go help the people" 

I stand up and walk up to Nolan... "Right boot, go get out gear and meet me at the shop." 

Nolan looks at me and nods "yes ma'am" He replies as he walks off. I look at Bradford and roll my eyed before heading to the shop.


A little starter chapter! Sorry its so bad lol!

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