Chapter 3-

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I've always hated the hospital. I think its the fact that you go there when you're at your worst so it becomes a place you fear. A place that no one ever wants to end up in. 

Unfortunately for me, I have to stay here until I can fully walk again. The bullet hit a nerve, causing me to loose feeling in my lower half for the time being. 

I was laying on the hospital bed, reading a book, just trying to distract myself from the pain in my abdomen and the fact I'm stuck in here, alone most of the time. Nolan comes in after shift every day to make sure I'm okay, same with Tim and Angela. 

I loom up from my book when I see someone walk in. "Tim" I smile. 

"Hey quaver" Tim replies, smiling. That's his nickname for me, I don't know why or how it came about but its been my nickname for years. 

"I need your help with a case, if you're well enough to do so?" He questions. 

I put my book down immediately and nod. "Yes I'm in" I state enthusiastically. Tim chuckles and says "well slow down- it will only be running background checks on people and tacking them, we have put a tracker on their vehicle and I need you to keep an eye on it and let me know if they go anywhere, and you're not leaving this bed until the doctors sign you off, understand?" 

I sigh and agree. I know its so I can heal but I feel useless just laying here doing nothing. "Got it, now fill me in on who these people are and why I need to track them. Tim smiles and nods, pulling up a chair next to to the hospital bed. 

"There names are Damian Rodrigues, Benjamin Ford and Harrison Sanders. They have each served time in prison for drug trafficking and assaulting police officers. They are out on probation but each of them broke their rules, they were last seen heading to a storage unit where they are supposedly storing a lot of drugs. Lopez and Jackson followed them there and placed a tracker on their vehicle.  They wanted someone else to keep an eye on it but I knew you would want to help." 

I nod, taking everything in. They seem like pretty messed up people. "So- all I have to do is watch the tracker on the laptop I hope you're going to provide me and if they go anywhere I deem suspicious call you?" 

Tim agrees and pulls a laptop out of a bag he brought in with him. "Okie dokie got it." I say as he passes me the laptop. I open it and sign in, instantly seeing a tracking system and a map. 

"I have to go now- Officer Chen is waiting in the car and I need to help get back to the main part of the investigation" I nod and say bye to him. He says bye and walks out while smiling. 

I sigh and look at the laptop, apparently the vehicle is parked at an apartment complex a few miles away. 


When the laptop pinged I was half asleep, having a gun shot wound really takes it out of you. The ping is what woke me up, I looked at the laptop to see the dot moving, I watched where it was going when I noticed it was going to an abandoned air field, known for transporting narcotics. 

I picked up my phone and called Tim. 

"Hey everything okay?" He said as soon as he picked up. 

"No- they're headed to the abandoned air field outside of the city- you know the one-" I reply

"Sargent they're headed east to the abandoned air field" Tim says to Grey. "Thank you Ava- Ill come see you later" Tim says "And good job" He continues before hanging up. 

I smiled, knowing I had helped out in possibly busting a huge drug deal. But- Tim's going and it might not be safe. No.. I cant think like that. He is the best cop I've ever met, he'll be fine. 

Even though I knew the cops are headed to the air field I keep an eye on the tracker just in case. After a while I see the dot on the tracker turn off. They got them. I smile and close my eyes. That's the most I have done since getting shot- 

I let myself fall asleep, I helped...

My eyes flutter open again. I look to the side to see Tim and Angela talking to each other. 

"Hey guys" I smile. They look at me and smile back "we got them, great job on tracking" Angela states. I do a small bow but stop when my abdomen sends a shooting pain. Not healed yet..

"Thank you for letting me help- I feel so useless just laying in here when I could be out there helping you guys.."

Tim rolls his eyes "We know but you helped stop a hugs drug trade today and that's something to be proud of." I nod, he's not lying, I did help stop something that could have turned worse very quickly. 

"Nolan told me to tell you he says hi and sorry he cant be here- he's got something going on tonight." Angela tells me. I nod. 

"Its late, we are gonna head home but call if you need us yeah?" Tim says. "Of course ill call you, go get some rest" I reply, smiling. 

"Bye Ava" Angela says. Tim salutes as they walk out. 

I smile again. 

I'm so lucky to have them..


Woah another part?! No way am I actually uploading. Hope you enjoyed!!

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