Chapter 7-

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When I feel my senses come back. I slowly open my eyes. The first thing my eyes focus on is Tim stood against the door frame on his phone..

"Hey" I said to get his attention.

"..Hey" I hear from beside me. I turn my head to see Angela reading a magazine. She closes it and stands up walking to my side, Tim doing the same but to the end of the bed.

"Welcome back to the land of the living-" She said while smiling.

"Doc says you're pretty banged up but lucky for you no broken bones"

I laugh slightly "yeah well feels like everything's broken"

Tim smiles "they have meds for that"
I nod at him and then look at Angela. "We got him.."

She shakes her head "No. You got him"

"Yeah but first he got me" I say and look down at myself. Why do I always end up in the hospital?

I hear someone sigh from the door and I look up to see Nolan.

"Hey Nolan" I smile and wave at him.

"Hey- I'm glad you're okay" He says, smiling, as he goes back outside the door, picking something up and bringing it back into the room. My jaw drops. 

"Is this the support I can be looking forward to in the future?" I say. 

"Yes" "Of course" They all say at different times. I laugh. "Nice.. that's really nice"

I stop smiling when I realise I never found the girl. 

"What's wrong?" Tim asks me. 

"The girl, has she been found?" I state worriedly. 

Angela nods. "The information about Rufus you found before you got taken helped us find her." I sigh and look down, even though I got kidnapped and nearly killed I still managed to help find her. Yet I feel like I hardly did anything. 

"We all have to get back to work- will you be okay by yourself?" Tim asks me. I nod and tell them to go. They say bye and to call them if I need them. 

As they walk out I cant help but think about my past. How shit it was. And that I have people that actually care about me. Even though we aren't related by blood, they are still my family and I will be forever grateful for them. 

-4 weeks later- 

Walking into the office in uniform felt so surreal. I should be dead right now, yet here I am, about to go back out onto the streets to help the people that need it. There is no other reality where I made it out alive so how did I make it in this one?

Walking into the briefing room was an experience to say the least. Everyone immediately stood up and started clapping again, just like before, and as I walked to my seat I saw a bouquet of flowers on the table. 

"awh guys you didn't have to get me these" I say, picking them up and smelling them. Roses are my favourite. They have been ever since I was young. 

As I sit down Sargent Grey walks in. "Welcome back Officer Smith, again, lets try not to get injured this time. I need my officers back at the end of the day" He says while chuckling a little.

"No promises Sarge" I comment back, making a few people laugh. Grey just smiles before telling us what we all need to do today. "Nolan you will be back riding with Officer Smith today, and Officer Smith, you will need to evaluate Nolan, watch how much he's improved and then report back to me at the end of shift" 

"Yes sir." Me and Nolan both say at the same time. 

"Okay then, onto what happened last night, there was a break in at a bank down town, I need a pair to go check it out" 

"We will do it" I say, looking at Nolan and smiling. He looks at me and half smiles back before turning round to the front again. I look at Tim and poke his side just to annoy him. He looks at me seriously and I stop.

"Right that's it everyone, be careful" Grey finishes, everyone gets up and heads out, I tell Nolan to go get the gear while I talk to Grey. He agrees and walks out, leaving just me and Grey in the briefing room. 

I stand up and walk up to him. "Nice to have you back Ava" He tells me. I tell him that its nice to be back. "I need you to promise me two things Ava" Grey starts. I look at him confused. "I need you to promise that if you ever get a call like that again you tell one of us and not lie- and I need you to promise me that if you get too tired or feel sick at all today you let me know and I can put Nolan back with someone else- what you went through was horrible and it can effect you for a while, even if you don't think it" 

I nod. I let Grey know that I will tell him if I'm struggling at all. He thanks me and dismisses me. I smile at him and walk out, heading towards the shop where I see Nolan sat in there waiting for me. I get in and sit down.

"Well Nolan- lets get going shall we?" I say, smiling. 


Shorter chapter I guess! Hope you all enjoyed!

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